fifty eight

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Niall and Liam both stayed downstairs on the couch, just making out, totally enjoying the time they had alone. They both knew that if they would go upstairs now, Niall wouldn't go home tonight. So they didn't go that far.

"I really should go home soon Li, my mom already called twice-"

"I know, I know. You're just too beautiful to let go." Liam mumbled, pressing his lips once again against Nialls swollen ones. The younger one rolled his eyes, but had to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling.

"I love you."

"I love you to darling." The father replied quietly, but with a sad sigh. "Okay let's bring you h-home." He murmured, definitely not happy with the words that just left his mouth.

He wanted his boy to stay. He wanted this to be Nialls home.

"What's with Aiden?" Niall asked confused. "You can't just leave him alone at home."  He confessed, lifting up an eyebrow.

"I will be back in 10 minutes and I also take the baby phone with me. I'll see and hear everything he does while sleeping, don't worry."

Niall looked at Liam, clearly not sure about what to do. "I- I can just walk home...?" He asked.

"No, no! It's dark and scary outside and everyone could kidnap you, I will never let that happen. Trust me it'll be okay. Nothing will happen in the short time I'm gone. I promise, angel." Liam explained and Niall gave in and nodded.

"Okay, but hurry up. I don't want him to be alone for too long." Niall mumbled, checking if he had all of his things.

"Well we wouldn't have that problem if you would live with us." Liam murmured under his breath.

"What?" Niall turned around.

"Nothing." Liam answered quickly. "Ya got all your stuff?"

"I- what did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything babe, you're probably just way too tired."

The younger one rolls his eyes. "Pff."
"C'mon drive me home now Daddy." He added and went to put on his shoes.

"Hey don't leave me like that!" Liam yell- whisper after him before he quickly followed his boyfriend.

The drive home, was filled with some quiet music and little talks about random things. "So babysitting tomorrow from 3 till 7?" Niall asked but those words felt so weird coming out of his mouth now.

"Yeah... but I think we should stop using the word "babysitting", I mean- I will keep paying you-"

"No!" Niall interrupted him.
"You can't keep paying me. That's just weird, now- now that we- we're together. I don't want to babysit now that I'm also kind of Aiden's parent- okay obviously not officially or even ever his real one but-"

Liam stopped him, with squeezing his thigh softly.
"Don't say that. You're his mommy. It doesn't matter if he's genetically yours or not. You are his parent. You love him with all of your heart just like I do and that's the important part of being a parent, don't ever think less of you, okay? We are a family now. And I know babysitting sounds pretty weird now, huh? Let's just say you're visiting or staying over, alright? With a bit of making out every evening."

After he was done talking he parked the car in front of the Horan's house. Niall giggled sweetly. „That's better, but you're not paying me. You already did so much for me, you even paid for the school." The younger one confessed, Liam just sighed, giving in already. He wouldn't have anything against keep paying Niall, but he also understood his boyfriends point of view. It would be kind of weird, let's be honest. „So I'll see you tomorrow?" Liam asked, his hand was still holding Niall's thigh tightly. The blue eyed one nodded.
„Yeah, so I'm going straight to your house, or do I need to get Aiden from the kindergarten?" he asked.

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