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The two boys stayed more at the front of the pool, where the water wasn't as deep.

Aiden screamed and giggled as much as never before, splashing water around and sitting on Nialls shoulders.

What the two didn't notice was Liam standing next to the glass door, watching his little cutie and the attractive babysitter enjoying their time.

The older man noticed, that Niall wore one of Liams own swim shorts. The light pink one, which was a way too small for himself. When he bought that pair he probably was out of his mind. He got drunk with friends and they thought it was a good time to go swimming, so they bought the first pair of swimming trunks they could find. But this all happened years ago, even before his son Aiden was born. Or he even met Aidens mother.

Anyways, when Liam saw Niall in those tight shorts he noticed how he started feeling a bit hot. "God damn..." he mumbled. He should stop starring before something happens down there. That would be more than inappropriate.

But he kept starring. For a good 3 minutes. Then he decided that he should let them know he's home.

So even though he was already in the room, he still knocked on the glass door, which made the boys turn around in his direction.

Niall almost stopped breathing when he saw the older Man standing there.

"Uh-Uhm I didn't knew if it was okay to go here with him. But Aiden really wanted to go, a-and we found something to wear for both of us-" Niall began stuttering, but Liam interrupted him right away.

"Don't worry Ni, everything's good." Liam laughed, not noticing that he just used a new nickname for the babysitter. But Niall noticed it and blushed immediately.

"DADDYYY!" Aiden screamed which sound filled the whole room. "Hey baby, looks like you're having fun?" Liam asked him, walking closer to the water.

"Yes! Pwlease swim with Ni Ni and me!" The small boy said making big eyes while he reached out for his fathers arms.

"I don't know baby, my swimming trunks are upstairs-"

"Swim swim in undies? They are s-swame!" Aiden interrupted him.

"In my underwear? Did I heard that right?" Liam asked with a little chuckle.

"Yeah undies! Pwlease dada." Aiden whined.

Liam looked at Niall with a questioning face, just like as a question if it would be okay for him that Liam will be in his boxer shorts.

Niall slowly nodded. A small shaky smile at the end.

Liam smiled softly.
"Okay then I guess it was a good idea that I put on black and not white boxer shorts this morning."  

"But white is pwretty too!" Aiden said, not understanding what his father meant, Niall obviously did, cheeks getting peachy.

Liam only wore one of his white shirts he always wore for work and a simple pair of  black pants. After he took his shiny black shoes off, he got rid of his pants and shirt.

That was the first, and one of many times, Niall saw all of Liams Tattoos. And fuck it. They were incredibly hot.

After Liam had put his whole clothes on one of the lounges at the side, he came into the water. As soon as he was close to the two boys, Aiden was already on his way to his fathers arms. "Missed ya Dada!" He mumbled into Liams neck.

"Missed you too my baby. Do you want to play something again, it's been a while since we were downstairs?"

"Yaya! Can we pwlay Marco and Polo?"

"That's a great idea, little one! We haven't played this in so long! Niall do you wanna play with us?" Liam asked the younger brunette, who was just listening quietly.

"U-uhm sure... but can you even play it with more than two people?" Niall replied shy. Why does he always gets so shy around Liam? It's ridiculous.

"Yeah of course. We'll just make Teams, let's say you and Aiden will be a team for this round and then the next round Aiden and me are a team. "

"Oh okay, sounds good."

"So you two say Marco and I say Polo, is that alright?" The older one asked again.

"Yeah of course. Aiden and I will start here at the front and you can decide for a place to start, further away, if that's alright?" Niall said ,taking Aiden back into his arms.

"Mhh." Liam nodded. "Okay so close your eyes. Both of you."

"Oki Dada!"

As soon as both had closed their eyes, Liam began moving away.
"Alright ya two, I'm ready! Find me!"

As soon as Liam had said that Aiden slightly screamed "MW-MARCO!".

"Polo!" Liam replied just as loud .

Niall began moving in the water,first fast but as soon as he got into the deeper water he had to swim and with Aiden on his back that was a bit more difficult.

"Marco!" Niall said loudly again.

"Polo!" Liam yelled back, a bit closer this time. So Niall continued to go in the same direction he heard the voice from.

"Ni Ni other direction!" Aiden mumbled.
"You're sure, little bear? Let's ask again."

Niall could feel how Aiden nodded with his head. "Dada? Marco!" The little one said.

"Okay my boy... POLO!" Niall, who could hear Liam laughing after that, started smiling.

This time Liam sounds closer than before. Niall kept moving. "Oh! I felt Dada! Momma hurry up!"


When Niall heard Liams shocked, probably also confused voice he just had to open his eyes, too scared of the facial expression he was about to see. And the first thing he saw was actually the face of the older man. They just starred at each other, not a single word leaving their lips.

Aiden didn't notice what was going on right now because the little boy had his eyes still closed.

"Mommy? Why- why is he calling you that?" Liam said and broke the unpleasant silence.

"I-I can explain... and it's not that I wanted that, we -I can go?" Niall mumbled tears started building up in his eyes. God Liam hates me! Niall thought. Obviously Aidens father is disagreeing with the fact that his son is calling Niall mommy. Niall could never be a mom or dad. Especially not to a kid he knows for less than a week.

"What happening? Aloo?" Aiden asked, eyes still closed.

"I will just go... I'm sorry-" Niall muttered again and tried to give Aiden over to Liam, who just took him.

"Ni Ni? What ya doing?" The youngest asked confused.

"I gotta go little bear-"

That's when Liam stopped looking like a he had just seen a ghost riding a bike and spoke up. "Okay no- you don't Niall. You did nothing wrong. Aiden did nothing wrong. Just me. I should have reacted differently, I'm sorry. It was just a bit... let's say unexpected? We need to talk about that later, just let us play another round of Marco Polo for now, yeah?" The older brunette exclaimed, trying to give a kind smile after his small speech.

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