eighty four

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"God I'm so scared! What if I find nobody to talk to? Or if I go into a wrong room?"
Niall was literally going insane, thinking about the following day. It was his first day at university, the first big step into his future. He had all his folders and books ready for tomorrow, sitting in the depth of his bag and even the outfit for tomorrow was picked out already. Niall really wanted to make a good first impression. Not only on his teachers also on the other students. Life was so much easier when you have some people to hang out with.

"Everything will be fine my love. I'll drop you off in the morning and then get you again at... at- which time was it?"

"2pm. God- it's the first day why do I have to be there so long?"

"2pm isn't exactly long babe, also considering you start at 8:30am. Trust me, it will be over faster than you think." Liam explained pulling his boyfriend into his arms. Niall snuggled his head into Liams neck, trying to hide from the fact that tomorrow will actually happen.

He's going to become a author. Well at least it's a step into this direction.

"Let's not talk about it anymore." Niall mumbled, closing his eyes. Liam laughed.

"They will love you darling, and you know why?" He asked.

"Not so sure if I wa-"

"Because you're amazing." Liam exclaimed, pulling Niall even closer. The younger one rolled his eyes. "I don't know if everyone will think that." He replied.

"Well i guess I have to go there myself and tell everyone that you are the smartest and most beautiful person out there." Liam whispered and Niall just shook his head.

"You're an idiot but I love you."

"I'm not joking. You do know that you're the best thing that has ever happened to my small family, right?"

"I made you move-"

"And I wouldn't change that fact for anything. I would have even moved to Ireland for you." Liam confessed which made Niall look up.


"Of course I would! Don't doubt me." Liam said with a chuckle, but added a whispered "Still glad we didn't had to do that though..."

"I knew it." Niall laughed. "I hope you know that I would never make you and Aiden move to Ireland because of me." Niall said but Liam stayed quiet, replying nothing. He just pulled Niall closer, enjoying the sweet moment they shared. Aiden was still taking his nap, which both men were really thankful for.

"What will you do tomorrow when I'm gone?" Niall asked after a few minutes of silence. They have spent pretty much every minute, of each day with each other for the past few weeks. It will be weird being away from each other for more than two hours. God that sounds pathetic.

"Well besides looking after Aiden and probably watching Nemo again- I'll have a online meeting with my team. Just checking in on everything. I'll probably have to drive there next week anyways, to sign some things and meet a few people." Liam explained sighing annoyed. He definitely didn't miss the work stress.

"Sounds like a Plan. I'm already excited to be back home in your arms again. Cuddling on the couch while watching How I Met Your Mother."

"That's what we are doing right now?"

"Yeah and I love it. It's my favorite activity to do with you."

"Well mine is something else. Starts with S." Liam exclaimed with a smirk, but just got a slap in return. "And by the way- did you know the alphabet has 20 letters?" The father added quietly.

"Will this be one of your bad jokes again? And doesn't it has 26? I think you missed a few Li." Niall giggled.

"Oh yeah you're right, I forgot U (you), R (are), A (a), Q (cu-), T (-tie)." Liam replied, and it took Niall a minute to understand what he was actually trying to say. But as realization hit him, his face softened, a cheeky smile making its way on the younger ones lips.

"Oh Liam! That's smart. Thank you. But that's still only 25 letters, nice try." Niall laughed, but Liam let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry- you'll get the D letter." He murmured, but couldn't stop himself from laughing at his own joke.

Liam James Payne- how long did you plan on saying this?" Niall laughed as well. Should he be concerned about where Liam got all those jokes from?

"I've been waiting for the right moment!" Liam replied, a smile over his face.

And so they spent the rest of the day, chilling at home. Aiden woke up around 25 minutes later, wanting a snack right after he got up. So they ended up on the couch as well, this time with cut banana pieces and some oatmeal cookies.
"Daddy we watch Elsa?"

"You really wanna watch frozen again?" Liam asked lifting up an eyebrow. Aiden nodded energetic. Niall sighed. They were currently still watching an Episode of How I Met Your Mother, which obviously wasn't really interesting for the boy.

"Okay okay, let's watch frozen. 1 or 2?" Niall asked, which made Aiden jump off the couch. Running of to get the DVD.

"Is he getting 1 or 2 now?"

"Probably both." Liam replied, a laugh slipping past his lips as he noticed Niall rolling his eyes. "I love him so much- like so so much, but I am extremely sick of frozen." The younger one mumbled falling back on to the couch.

"Well I'm still hoping for a third part of frozen, but I don't know if that's gonna happen any time soon." The father replied, slowly pulling Niall back into his arms. He became a big cuddler.

"Frozen 3? That would be nice. Or well- it would be something new." Niall murmured but before he could say anything else Aiden was already running back, a DVD in each of his hands.

"FWOUND THEM! Put in?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"Slow down peanut, breath. You can put the first part in, you know how it works." Liam said calmly.

Aiden nodded quickly, placing the first DVD in the right spot. Then he crawled back to his parents on the couch, taking place in between them.


there is so much happening in my life right now, it's making me depressive lol, but i'm staying positive! hope ya liked this chapter

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