eighty one

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"Are you sure we shouldn't take the microwave with us?"

"Darling, this is a full furnished apartment, we will have a microwave there. We only take our personal stuff and clothes with us." Liam replied, trying to carefully put some plates and mugs in a box. There were leaving in 4 days. University will start in less than two weeks. And Niall was really excited but scared at the same time. Their whole life would change, and that just because of him. He still felt bad for making everything so complicated, but Liam made sure to tell him at least twice a day that Niall has nothing to feel guilty about. 

They already stored most of their stuff in the car and even Aiden was excited to see the new place. The men were sure that the little boy wasn't quite understanding this whole topic just yet but they were happy that Aiden was so open to everything.
Their boy has packed all his toys and books himself, extremely excited to put everything into his new room.

"DADA LWOOK! Ma baby is swleepy!" Aiden mumbled proudly, showing off his small doll, which was laying on a pillow.

"Oh was she tired peanut?" Liam asked and Aiden nodded energetic.

"Baby had milk, and burp and now swleep! I'm good pa-paent?"

"Yeah a really good parent, we are so proud of you little one." Niall added which made the boy smile proudly.

"And one day you'll be an amazing big brother." Liam mumbled quietly, which made Niall almost drop a plate.


"I said one day babe, nobody is talking about tomorrow." He replied with a smirk. The younger one rolled his eyes.
The truth was Liam had been thinking about expanding their family for a while now. Obviously not now when they go away for quite some time, but maybe once Niall has finished his education. They hopefully will move back and finally give Aiden a sibling. God the father couldn't wait.



"Lwunch time yet?" Aiden asked looking up at Niall, who chuckled. "Yes, I think we can start with lunch now, what do you wanna eat?"

The boy thought for a second but then a sheepish smile appeared on his face. "Pasta!" He yelled out.

They decided to leave on a Friday so they still would have the weekend to kinda get used to their new place. Niall literally could have cried as they drove away from the house he has just moved in, not too long ago. He loved that place, and god he was excited to come back here, once he hopefully archived his dream of becoming an author. Or well- at least finished his education for that. They would come back once every few weeks, to maybe stay here for a weekend or if Niall had some time off, but in the main time the house was taken care of by Liams Parents. Karen and Geoff will look after it, maybe clean from time to time, water the big plants and take care of the garden, it would be a shame to let the beautiful space go to waste.

Aiden was long asleep on the back seat, while Niall was looking out the window, humming to "Eternal Flame" by The Bangles. Since he heard that song in How I Met Your Mother, it was stuck on his mind. He really liked it. Liam was driving carefully with one hand on the steering wheel, and the other one placed on Nialls right thigh, slowly tapping with his fingers in the beat of the song.

"I think we can take a break at the next gas station, I need to move, my legs feel like they could fall off." Liam laughed and Niall nodded, agreeing quietly. They were already driving for around two hours and he really had to use the bathroom himself. And he can only imagine how uncomfortable it is to be stuck in the drivers seat the whole time, he could at least move his legs a tiny bit. If he would have his drivers license he would consider switching places, but he didn't. That's another thing that Niall wanted to do. Get his drivers license. A lot of people already had their drivers license with 19, many even earlier than that. Niall just didn't really have the money or time to get his.

"I'm sorry that you have to drive the full 5 hours. If I could-"

"Don't be stupid sweetheart. Even if you would have your drivers license, I would still consist on driving. You just sit there and keep looking pretty." Liam interrupted his boyfriend who rolled his eyes at those words. While ignoring the complement, he asked if they should let Aiden sleep or wake him up. They had a potty with them in the car, which was an essential with a toddler on board. "Yeah probably would be the best, but I presume he will wake up as soon as the car stopes anyway, we'll see." The father replied.

As he parked in one of the empty parking lots a few minutes later, he jumped out sighing happily as he finally got some fresh air and could move. Niall laughed quietly as Liam began to do jumping jacks. "Idiot..." he mumbled with smile. He got out as well, letting out a yawn. "I will quickly use the bathroom and get a coffee, do you want one as well?"

"Yes please. But I'll have to use the bathroom as well after you come back." Niall mumbled, getting some of the snacks they prepared out.

"Alright, I'll be quick. Love you babe." He murmured, pressing a short kiss on Nialls cheek.

"Love you too, I'll prepare a small picnic in the car. Do you wanna have one of the sandwiches I've made?" Niall asked while Liam already made his way inside the gas station.

"Yes please." He yelled as reply.

"Momma, we thwere?" Aiden mumbled quietly from the backseat. He woke up just like Liam presumed.

"No peanut, not quite yet. We are taking a small break, do you have to go potty?"

"Uhm- yweah." Aiden said, trying to get up which obviously didn't work because of his seatbelt.

Niall chuckled. "Wait I'll help you."


how can the weekend be over already sad sad, buuut i practiced driving today which was fun :) hope ya liked this chapter, love ya 🤎

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