thirty nine

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"Birthday boy wake up... c'mon love, it's time to get up." Liam mumbled laying above Niall, lifting himself up with his arms.

The older man stood up an hour ago already, got Aiden ready for kindergarten and made an easy and quick breakfast, but with some special sweets and Nialls favorite tea. He also got a small birthday cake for his love.

The brunette with the soft fluffy hair, was the only one left sleeping. And he definitely still isn't a morning person.

Liam was still on top of him, brushing over his cheeks but even that didn't wake him up. "Baby..." Liam said again, now a bit louder.

"Mhhmpf." Niall murmured, slowly opening one of his eyes.
"Lima not yet..." he added groaning.

Liam smiled down at him. "I love how you say my name love. But it's time to get up, you need to be in school in less than an hour. And they need me at work in almost two hours, which means I need to bring Aiden to his kindergarten." He said, which made Nialls opening his eyes completely.

And damn those eyes, Liam could fall in love with them every day a tiny bit more. "Happy birthday baby." The older one said again.

Niall giggled. "Thank you Li."

"You're more than welcome. I hope you'll like what i have planned for you."

"What did ya plan Liam? You don't need to surprise me in any way or give me anything, I just wanna spend time with you. I hope you know that." Niall exclaimed, looking in Liams eyes to search for any answers to what exactly he could have planned.

"I know that Niall, but I want this day to be special for you. So I'll try everything to make you happy today and in the future. But no time to talk now, it's time for breakfast , but for your present you need to wait till later today."

"Liam if you're talking about your dick, I'm gonna cu-" Niall started but got interrupted with a surprised loud laugh.

"No no. That wasn't what I had in mind, well okay maybe that was part of the night I had planned- but no it's definitely not a present." He explained. "The present is something, that hopefully will make you really happy." He added.

Niall just nodded with a small chuckle. "If you say so, I just hope it didn't cost any or let's say much money."

"Well that my love- is something you'll never gonna find out. Cmon get up now, I'm hungry." The father said, while he pulled Niall up and out of the warm, and comfortable bed.

"Okay Okay!" The younger sighed.

"Momma lwook!" Was the first words Niall heard when he came into the kitchen.

"We made ya bwreakfa-ast! Like it?" The little boy asked running up to Nialls legs.
Niall looked at the decorated table with delicious looking food on it. In the middle was a mini cake with a candle in the middle. He also noticed the raspberry tea next to the plate.

"Aww!" Niall mumbled. "It's beautiful, thank you so much."

"Happy Birwthday mommy, go eat now dada?" Aiden asked still holding on to Nialls legs but now looking up to his father.

"Yeah little one, now we can eat, thank you for being so patient." Liam replied smiling at his son.

"F-pFinally." He said clapping with his hands, which made both of the adults laugh.

"You really didn't need to make me breakfast Li-"

"Oh love, that's nothing if you wouldn't have to go to school today, I would have made a much bigger breakfast." Liam interrupted him. "Do you like the cake? It's chocolate with caramel and raspberries. I thought you would like it, especially because of the raspberries."

"It's lovely, nobody ever did something like this for me, well at least like this ." Niall said sitting down. "It's kinda sad that we are in a hurry, otherwise we could enjoy this breakfast a bit more." He added.

"I know, but I'll come and get you from school later, and we gonna spend the afternoon with Aiden, opening some more presents."

"Sounds amazing to me." The Irish one said taking a sip of his hot tea.

"Well i bet you're going to love what I have planned for the next few days then."

"What?" Niall exclaimed confused.

"You'll see, let's keep eating now. I'll bring you to school."

"Does my mom know where I am?" Niall wondered.

Liam nodded humming.

"Dada ya packed ma red car?" Aiden asked looking through his backpack.
Every day he took a different toy to kindergarten, and today he decided it to be his car.

"I think i have, look in the front pocket."

Aiden did what he was told to and a few seconds later, he squealed happily.
"Fwound it!"

Liam smiled nodding. "Are you ready to go Peanut?"

"Of cwourse dada, excited gonna see ma Toby again!" He exclaimed.

"Is he your best friend?" Niall asked with a warm smile, and the little boy nodded eagerly.

"Okay go and put your shoes on already Peanut, we are almost finished with breakfast, I'm just gonna drink my coffee and mommy his tea and we'll be out in a second." Liam said looking at his son, who jumped up already.

"Yweah dada. But hurry!"

Niall laughed at the boys words. "Don't worry I'm done, I'm right behind you."

"And you leave me alone?" Liam pouted, obviously being sarcastic.

"Sorry daddy." Niall replied sheepish and gave his boyfriend a quick kiss.

"You can save that for tonight darling." Was all Liam replied before he took another sip of his coffee.
Nialls face heated up and he quickly went after Aiden.

"Bye Momma luv ya!"

"Love you too little bear, i see you later." Niall said looking at the boy in the backseat. They were parking in front of Nialls school, dropping him off first because the school was on the way to the kindergarten.
"Bye Li."

"Good Bye my love, so you're done at 3 pm, right?" The father replied calm, his hand still on the younger ones thigh.

"Yeah, But will you even be done with work by then?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll finish early. Want to spend as much time with you as possible."

Nialls face lighted up with the biggest smile. "I Love you." He mumbled, leaning over to kiss Liams lips.

Liam kissed back right away. "Love you more."

With one more quick wave, Niall saw the car drive away, but he also knew that Harry was already waiting for him just a few meters away.

"Damn Nialler! Mr Payne gets hotter and hotter! Happy birthday Ni. I missed you." Harry mumbled as he took his best friend in a much needed, loving hug.

"Thank you Hazza, I missed you too, so much."


heyy, babes. i hope you liked this chapter🤍
as always, sorry for any grammar mistakes!

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