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"A BOY? Oh Nialler that's so cool! Do you have names in mind? Maybe you could name him Harry, after his cool uncle."

Niall laughed. "I don't know if that will happen Haz." He replied. They told all their family members and friends the gender, now the last one Niall still had to tell was his best friend. Harry was head over heels when he found out.

"Nah I think Harry will be it. It's a dope name, a classic you could say. But you still got some time to think about that, now- how are you feeling? What's happening with university?" The curly one asked.

And so they talked. Talked for almost two hours actually. Liam was watching a movie with Aiden while Niall was in their bedroom talking on the phone. He missed his best friend dearly. Sure, he spends some time with Oliver and he actually found some other friends because of his classmates, but you just can't compare them to Harry. He loved his curly idiot.

When he came back to the living room, Liam was asleep while Aidens full attention was still on the TV. "Hey peanut aren't you tired yet?" He asked quietly, sitting down next to him on the couch.

"Mommy- We watch little Mermaid awgain! Lost voice and now legs and pwrince think she pwrwtty!" Aiden exclaimed excited in a whisper.

Niall let out a low chuckle. "Is that so? Let's finish watching this together and after that we can make dinner." He suggested and got a nod as reply. When Niall looked over to his sleeping fiancé, he couldn't help but ask: "Do you know when daddy fell asleep?".

Aiden looked over to his father, shrugging his shoulders. "A while ago."

Niall let out a quit laugh, deciding to let him sleep a bit longer. A nap hurts nobody. He got more comfortable on the couch himself, laying down, which was basically an invitation for Aiden to crawl on top of him. "Not too hweavy for baby?" The boy asked, concern filling his voice.

"I think it's alright. But when your baby brother grows, my tummy will get even bigger- then you'll have to lay beside me instead of on top of me." Niall tried to explain. And Aiden nodded, laying his head down softly looking back at the screen. They stayed like this till Niall had to use the bathroom again, waking up Liam in the process. "Babe?" He mumbled confused, slowly sitting up.

"Hello sleepy head, you basically missed the whole movie." Niall laughed, while he was getting up from the couch. "Gotta go pee, Aiden is still watching. But the movie should be over any minute now, gonna make dinner after that." He added, leaving the room after he leaned in to press a soft kiss against Liams cheek.

Everything was going great for their little family at the moment. Pumpkin was growing beautifully, they started planning their wedding. Or well- they exchanged their ideas and wishes, which only made the excitement grow. They wanted to get married next year. Niall was also writing on his final essay of his first semester, which means that he won't go to university for quite some time. He will do online classes and still has to send in his work but it definitely will be a big change. Another big change they didn't expect.
Life in general was pretty eventful at the moment. Christmas was only a week away. They decided to celebrate Christmas back at their house with just the three of them. They wanted to drive there two days before Christmas and then leave again before New Years.

"MOMMY THEY M-MWARRIED LIKE DADA AND YOU WILL!" Aiden yelled loudly, still seated on the couch. "Momma gonna wear a dress too?" He asked, lifting up an eyebrow.

"Maybe Mommy will wear a nice dress with something pretty for daddy underneath..." Liam replied.

"I AM NOT GONNA WEAR A DRESS!" Niall yelled coming back from the bathroom. The father turned around when Niall was back into the room.
"But what's with the something pretty underneath?" He asked, smirking and biting his lip. Niall just gave him a eye roll while sitting back down. "Maybe."

"Oh you so will."

"First we will have this Baby and then we'll see how everything's gonna turn out. I'm definitely not in the mood to go shopping for sexy panti- underwear." He finished, eyes on Aiden who just cuddled back into him, not noticing what his parents were talking about. "We also still have Christmas right in front of us. That will be an eventful time."

"Next year around this time we will have a cute little chubby baby with us". Liam replied a smile appearing on his lips.

Niall began to smile.
"That's something I like talking about! I'm so excited for when he's finally out of me and babbling away. Can't believe i still have four more months to go." He sighed. The older one let out a chuckle.
"And I can't wait for that to become our reality. You and Me... getting married, growing our family, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." The words left his mouth quietly, which made Niall look at him in adoration. "Stop being so sweet you're making me cry." Niall exclaimed, but that made Aiden roll his eyes in his little sassy way. He lifted his head up from Nialls tummy and looked at his father.

"Not awgain! Mommy is always crying! Cwried when Ariel lost v-voice!"

"Because that was sad! It was a good reason to cry." Niall replied, making pouty lips. Liam let out a laugh. "Of course it is darling." He replied, winking at Aiden, who gave him a grin. 

"Okay the movie is over now." Niall said lifting up Aiden to get up. "Let's make dinner. Your baby brother is hungry. I was thinking of rice with chicken... or maybe pasta! Or something made in the oven? With cheese? God I could eat everything." Niall was talking a mile a minute, already leaving to go in the kitchen. Probably to check on what they had left to eat. "I think we are going for pasta! Maybe with broccoli and a green pesto! Is that alright??" Niall asked loudly and got a loud "YEAH." as reply.

Just a few seconds later Liam came after Niall into the kitchen.
"Need help babe?" He asked, coming up behind Niall, his arms wrapping around his lovers lower waist, holding him tightly.

"Nah we both know you're not the best cook. Just get Aiden ready for bed. Maybe you could shower with him or just let him take a quick bath." The younger one mumbled, turning his head around.

"Probably a bath. Much rather would take a shower with my future husband later."

"Cheeky bastard." Niall sighed, and Liam gave him a smirk. Smiling against Nialls neck. "Love you."

"Love you more."


a bit shorter than normally but i just finished this two minutes ago lol, but better late than never i guess. life is weird right now- but i hope everyone had a great christmas & will have a beautiful start into the new year <3

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