sixty one

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"L-Liam...-" Niall breathed out.

"Psssht, I'll hold you." The father replied whispering, while he pressed the younger man against the cold tiles.

"F-fuck... oh I missed this." He moaned out, which made Liam laugh quietly.

"It hasn't even been that long babe. Is my little princess so needy?" He asked roughly, which made Niall nod quickly without even thinking about it. "Y-yeah, just fuck me already."

"Alright, your wish is my command."

The father would lie, if he said that this wasn't the hottest thing he ever witnessed.
Niall, naked, wet and needy right in front of him. Begging him to start. God the way he loved this view. "I love you darling."

"Love you more Li... but I would really appreciate it if you could just bury your dick deep inside of me." He mumbled, pressing himself even closer against Liam, trying to get some kind of friction.

The man already knew Niall would feel extremely embarrassed as soon as Liam brings this conversation up again later. And so he just gripped Niall even tighter, before he buried himself deep inside of his boyfriend.

"OH FUUUCK!" Niall screamed out in a mix between pain and pleasure, while he threw his head back, eyes closed.

"Psssht you don't want to wake Aiden up darling... be quiet for daddy." Liam murmured, which made Niall bite his lip, to hide the moan that really wanted to escape his lips.

"Y-yes da-daddy...!" He stuttered.

As the two were out of the shower and in Liam's bedroom, towels rapped around them, it didn't take them long to hear small footsteps coming closer.

"Momma hwere?" They heard Aiden asked quietly, while he was wondering around in the hallway.

"We are here peanut." Liam replied loudly, and seconds later the boy stood in the door frame. "DADDY HOME!" He yelled running to his father, who quickly lifted him up. "Hey babe, had a good nap?" He asked and Aiden nodded.

"Ywes! And- and momma and me bwake cookies! Did ya try?" He said excited, almost jumping up and down in Liams arms.

"Calm down Aiden, i can't hold you if you are moving this much. I haven't tried one yet, we- uhm i had to take a shower first, but if you want me to, I'll try one." The father explained.

"Mommy twook shower too! Lwook
to-towel." He said pointing at Niall who was sitting on the bed, with a towel rapped around his waist. "Shower two-together?"

"Yes little bear just like we talked about it before." Niall said, but yawing at the end.

"Mommy sleepy?" The little boy asked lifting up an eyebrow.

As Niall nodded, Liam spoke up. "Yeah the shower was really exhausting for your momma."

"Yeah ex-exhauwsti-ing to shower, standing so long!" Aiden exclaimed, which made Liam chuckle. "Yes you're right babe. Standing is really exhausting."

"Anywaysss, we need to leave soon. So Aiden let's pick out an cute outfit for you. Then I'll pick one out for your daddy." Niall said standing up, going to pick out one of Liams sweatpants, so he wouldn't walk around  in just a towel.

Turning around he let the towel fall off his body, bending down and quickly pulling the pants up.

"Fuck." Liam cursed, basically running back into the bathroom. Niall laughed. "Oh c'mon! It's not even possible that you're- you know, again."

"Of course it's possible when you push your ass right into my face!" Liam yelled back, and Niall just shook his head with a giggle. "I didn't push anything into your face! Ya didn't need to look." He replied loudly, but this time he didn't got an answer back. Aiden just watched his parents, a confused look on his face.

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