thirty five

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"Soo your Daddy is gonna get you today?" Harry said smirking while pecking Niall in his hip.

"How often do I have to repeat myself, he is not my daddy!" Niall scream- whispered embarrassed. At least three people looked up because of the word daddy.

"We are going together to get Aiden from the kindergarten, because I said it would make me happy. Nothing more."

"So you're really like a small family, how cute!" His curly friend squeaked.

"Yeah I know..." Niall mumbled dreamily.
"But let's hurry now, maybe he's waiting outside already." He added.

Harry laughed. "Yeah let's go, I can't wait to see that hottie again."

"You have a boyfriend!" Niall replied shaking his head with a giggle.
Harry just rolled his eyes.

When the two best friends got out of the big, white building the first thing they saw was a huge crowd of students, who were all looking in the same direction.
"What the hell is happening here?" Niall murmured but Harry just interrupted him with an "Oh my god!".

"What?" The Irish one asked confused and his friend pointed through the crowd where they could spot a black expensive looking car. And nobody else than Liam was standing in front of it.

"Oh god..." Niall now mumbled himself. "This can't be good!"

"This is a fucking Audi Q7! Probably the newest version out. Damn do you think I can see it from inside? You can ask your boyfriend for me! C'mon I wanna see it! Pleaaase!" Harry said empathizing the word "boyfriend".

Niall rolled his eyes. "No, I won't ask him just because you want to see a stupid car from inside. We need to drive to the kindergarten to get Aiden." Niall confessed and said goodbye to him with a short hug. Then he slowly got closer to the car. Now he also could see three girls standing in front of Liam. Well more like flirting with Liam. But his boyfriend doesn't seemed bothered.

"Uhm Hi?" He asked confused when he stood right in front of them.

"Niall we are talking here! Go away, you don't have a chance!" The one with the light brown shoulder long hair said. He didn't even knew their names.

Niall's mood went down as soon as he heard that. He looked almost sad, which didn't stayed unnoticed by Liam. He heard what the girls said to Niall and definitely wasn't okay with that.

They just started talking with him and he didn't want to seem rude so he just let them talk, but nobody can say anything bad about his love.

"Nialler love come here, I missed you." Liam said holding out his hand to his boyfriend. Niall's head went up, a small smile appearing on his face again.

"Hi Li. I missed you too, wanna go get Aiden?" Niall replied quietly, feeling kind of uncomfortable because of the girls around them. Liam nodded.

"Girls it was nice to chat with you, but my boyfriend and I have to go now. Bye."

While one girl was nodding understanding, the other two looked shocked. "Boyfriend?!" The other one squeaked. "But why him? We are much prettier than him."

Now Liam realized what the girls were on about. Obviously he was sure they didn't came to him only because of his car, how they told him, but now they are mean to Niall. So Liam pulled his boyfriend closer to him, before he spoke up again.

"Excuse you? That's pretty childish of you, don't you think? It's none of your business, who I find attractive and who I date. And Niall is one of the most beautiful men I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I really love him, and he is the best person I could have chosen to be parenting with me. So if you would excuse us, we need to go get my son." He kindly nodded at them with a small fake smile, before he opened the car door for Niall. The younger one blushed slightly and mumbled a 'thank you'.

When Liam sat down behind the steering wheel and started driving Niall stayed quiet and starred out of the window. It was a weird situation. I mean- Liam used the word love. I really love him.

Like did he really mean it or did he only use it because of the girls?

"Niall?" Liam asked, eyes still on the street.

"Mhh." He mumbled.

"What I said.. it's-"

"No no, it's okay. I know you probably just said it because the of those mean girls, I get it. Everything's alright really ." Niall interrupted him.
But Liam shook his head at his boyfriends words.

"No. I really meant what I said Niall. It may have not been in the way I wanted to tell you that, but all I said was the truth."

Niall looked at him in surprise. Liam did look at Niall as well, but only for a few seconds because the red light changed to green.

"Y-you love me?"

"Yes." Liam smiled.
"But you don't need to say it back, I understand when you're not ready yet-"

"But I do love you." Niall replied fast and clear, with the biggest smile over his smile.

"Yeah?" Liam said, giving Niall a little side smirk.
The younger one nodded. "I love you Payne."

"Well, I love you more Horan." Liam said confidently.
"And if I wouldn't be driving right now, I would kiss you."

"I would love that."

"You only need to wait for a few minutes and your wish will come true. The kindergarten is only two streets away." Liam mumbled.

When the two got out of the car, Liam pulled Niall in his arms and kept them low around Nialls waist. Niall had his arms around Liams neck. Both were smiling when they felt each other's Lips. "I'm excited for Thursday." Liam whispered in his lovers ears, which made shivers run down Nialls back. But the good kind, you know?

"But let's get Aiden now, I bet he's waiting, I told him mommy and daddy are coming today." Liam said stopping the close moment they shared.

"Okay daddy let's Go get your son." Niall laughed sweetly, which made Liam fall more in love with him. If that was even possible.

"Lwook that's ma fav-favowrite car!" Aiden exclaimed to Toby.

"W-wow I want a d-dar like thwat! I go ask m-omma later!" His friend replied amazed. 

Liam and Niall just stood at the door watching the two boys play together. Aiden hasn't noticed that the two persons he loved and missed so dearly, were standing right there. He was way too focused on Toby and the cars.

"God I missed him." Niall mumbled.

"It's only been a day since you last saw him." Liam replied amused.

"I know."


new chapter, which i just finished today! i hope ya liked it? 💛
as always, sorry for any grammar mistakes. stay safe.

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