twenty two

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Niall decided on one of the newer episodes, where the little Marvin, Lily's and Marshall's son, was born.

It was obviously really funny at first because the totally drunk Marshall needed to get to the hospital somehow. But when he finally got there and the little Marvin was born, all Niall could do was to make adorable sounds. "Aww."

"This is so cute! Look at him!" He mumbled with big eyes.

"Really adorable, I hope I can be in his situation again in the future. I mean- not completely drunk and far away but in the hospital with my loved one and a little one on the way." Liam smiled sadly. "But I don't know if this will happen again." He added.

"Don't say that. I bet you will have more kids, I mean- who wouldn't want to have a baby with you?"

"You?" Liam asked.

"With m-me?" The babysitter stuttered overwhelmed. Was he serious right now?
"A-are you serious? Because I don't want to look like an complete idiot right now, if you meant it as a joke."

"I'm definitely not joking. I mean- I'm obviously not talking about making a baby today or anytime soon. But I'm falling for you Niall, and I really hope things between us get more serious... and if we would ever have a child together it possibly would have your beautiful blue eyes."

"My eyes are not beautiful I hope my babies get the eyes of their dad..." Niall mumbled with a small shy chuckle at the end.

"Your babies? How many children do you want?" Liam asked.

"U-uhm... I always wanted at least two, maybe even three but not now, m-maybe in a few years." The younger one stuttered.

"Mhh sounds good to me." Liam said with a smirk while leaning closer to Niall.
"Can I?"

"It's nothing you haven't done already." Niall whispered.

"I'll take that as a yes."

And then the older one connected their lips once again. It's been way too long since he felt Nialls lips for the last time. Those soft, angel-like lips.

Quiet pleased sounds escaped Nialls mouth from time to time, which made Liam smirk even more.

In no time Niall was laying half on top of Liam. Still kissing, or is this already considered making out? That probably would fit this situation better. "Mhh I love that noice." Liam mumbled.

Those words made Niall realize what they were actually doing. "Oh god..." he whispered completely out of breath, as he stoppend the little make out session.

The older one looked at him, with a sudden concern. "Everything's fine love?" He asked, as the younger one had stopped so abruptly.

"Yes... it's just-just weird? I mean- we definitely did more than kissing today and it feels amazing, b-but what if I'm doing everything wrong and-" While speaking Niall got more and more nauseous. Oh god what if Liam hated making out with him?

"Pssht, we only kissed for a bit... well we had some intense kissing, but I really loved it. And Ni- I want things to get more serious between us. I wouldn't be mad if we would go even further but I think it would be better to take things slow for now. You're really important to me and to Aiden as well. Don't worry so much love."

As Liam spoke he looked down at the boy in his arms. His voice was really slow and deep and had an almost calming effect on Niall. "Okay, thank you Liam."

"Thank you for what?" The older one asked confused.

"For being here and calming me down. And obviously, for calling me a good kisser." Niall said with a little shy smile.

"Oh you cute idiot, I really like you."

Not long after the two talked, Aiden woke up from his much needed nap. He loudly screamed for "Mommy", which made Nialls face change into an embarrassing tone of red. "Uh let's go mommy, looks like you're needed." Liam said grinning.

Niall shook is had laughing. "Okay Daddy, wanna come with me?" The Babysitter replied smirking. This wasn't typical for Niall, but he felt comfortable around Liam so he didn't thought about it much.

Liams eyes went wide, which didn't stayed unnoticed by Niall. The younger one just stood up and start walking upstairs.
Liam on the other side stayed exactly where he was, too shocked because of the word that left the younger ones mouth. Not even exactly the word, just the way he said said it. Daddy.

"Are you coming?" Niall asked again already halfway up the stairs.

"U-uhm yeah on my way!" Liam yelled back. Well this was kind of embarrassing.

But if Liam would have known that Niall had already seen his secret drawer in his bedroom, he probably wouldn't be that embarrassed about this daddy thing.

"Ni Ni, I'm awake! Twook a looong nap, Dada will be h-happy now?" The little boy mumbled questioning. He didn't forget why he went down for the nap in first place. Adorable.

"Of course little bear, you're a good boy! When I told your daddy about it-"

"Dada here?" Aiden squeaked excited.

Not a second later the two could hear Liams loud and clear voice. "Hello my cute tiny peanut!"

"Dadaaa! I missed ya." The little boy exclaimed, while stretching his arms out in his Daddy's direction.

"I wasn't even gone that long little one, but I missed you too. Did you had a good sleep?" The older man asked his son, who nodded. "Mywah!"

"That's good, do you wanna come downstairs with us, we can start making dinner soon."

Aiden got excited. "Yum Yum? What we eat?"

"You can decide that little bear , I'm gonna show you two pictures of different meals when we're in the kitchen and you'll tell us which one you want eat, yeah?" Niall said smiling at him.
"Owkay Momma!"

Aiden chose, without much thinking, the potatoes with chicken and vegetables. "Potato!" He screamed happy.

"Okay, so I assume that's alright with everyone?" Niall asked and the two Payne-boys nodded. "Okay I would say we start with peeling the potatoes, wanna help me?"

"Of course love, let's start." Liam said, coming closer and wrapping his arms around Nialls waist, while he rested his head on top of Nialls. Yes he was almost a head bigger than Niall and he loved that fact.

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