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"Daddy- we go to Nana's house twoday! GWET UPPP!" Those were the lovely words Aiden chose to great his parents with the next morning.

"A few more minutes peanut." Liam mumbled into his pillow. While he was laying on his stomach, both arms rapped around the pillow, Niall was spread out over the whole bed. His head was turned away from Liam, but at some point during the night he threw his right leg over Liams, holding him right in place.
The father noticed that as soon as
he tried to move.

He was already used to Nialls weight moving on top of him during the night, he could barely feel a difference now. He turned his head to look at his son, who was still waiting impatiently in front of the bed. "Dada c'mon now!"

Liam sighed. "Alright alright, but let Ni sleep for a bit longer, okay?"

"Ni sounds cwute but I p-pre-per mommy." Aiden replied. Liam let out an chuckle. "You prefer to say mommy?" He asked and got a nod as reply.

"That's good peanut. Mommy is still asleep and he probably will stay like this, but- I think that we can wake him up with delicious smelling breakfast? What do you say?" Liam whispered questioning.

"Oh yweah! Wake mommy w-with breaky." Aiden giggled, he started to pull at the blanket. "Get up!"

"Okay, Am I allowed to use the toilet before we start making breakfast?" He asked lifting up an eyebrow.

"If ya rweally have to." Aiden sighed dramatically. Such a little actor.
Liam got up with an eye roll. "Okay go and look if we still have frozen waffles, I will be right next to you in a second."

Not 20 minutes later, there was a plate filled with blue berry waffles, fresh out of the freezer but warmed up, with some banana on the side. Liam already made two cups of tea, because that's something they always had at home. Going grocery shopping wouldn't make much sense for the two days they will spent here. Or even less than that if you think about Liams plans for the rest of the day. So far Niall was still asleep but he's sure that his boyfriend had no idea what today was. They had so many things happening at the moment, there was no way Niall thought about their anniversary. And Liam can already imagine how bad Niall will feel when he finally remembers. But he will do everything in his power to show him that there's no reason for him to feel bad. He wants this to be Nialls big day.

He picked out the perfect ring, a beautiful place now all that was left is to actually ask the big question. Deciding on a ring was difficult. It took a lot of time, lots of stores and a bit of help from someone named Harry. But as soon as he saw it he knew it was the perfect ring for his love. It's had a thinner gold band, a few tiny diamonds going down from the top and in the middle of it all, a big and shiny diamond. It was round, Harry claimed Niall would like round ones more, and Liam just trusted his boyfriends friend with that. He also wanted to let it get engraved, so he did just that a few days after he actually bought the ring. He knew exactly which words he wanted. And fucking hell he was nervous when he actually got to hold the finished ring in his hands. It was securely placed in a dark blue velvety ring box.
"Is it how you imagined it Mr. Payne, or would you like us to change something?" The cashier had asked.
"No- no it's absolutely perfect. Thank you for doing this." Liam did reply. He knew it was their job, but still. He was speechless. In his hands, he was holding the ring that Niall will hopefully wear for the rest of his life.

Said ring, was now hidden in Liams jacket. They were driving up to the Payne house. And while Niall was all nervous, moving around on his seat. Liam was nervous too, but probably because of a different reason. He texted his mom this morning while making breakfast, just making sure that everything's gonna work out. Aiden will stay with his grandparents while Liam will take Niall for a surprise date. At least that's what he will tell him at first. He's sure that his parents will get a small heart attack today, because all they know is that Liam wants to propose. And not that Niall is also pregnant. That will be interesting to explain, hopefully they will be as excited as Nialls parents were. Or at least Nialls mom.But Liam is sure that they will react positively.

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