ninety nine

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Coughing. Uncomfortable and dry coughing, was what Niall experienced while waking up. He felt like he hadn't had a sip of water in weeks.

"Ni? Babe? Psssht I'm here- god wait I had some water here somewhere." A voice spoke quietly, probably getting up, because he could hear steps in the room and the warmth leaving from his side.

"Shit it was here somewhere, fuck oh wait- god Aiden." He hissed, letting out a sigh. Wait Aiden? Nialls eyes shoot open, realizing on who's talking. "Li?" He grumbled, his voice sounding off and unnatural.  Liam turned around, the water bottle in his hand.

"Babe, I'm here. Everything's okay! Wait- drink a sip first." Liam exclaimed, basically running back to the bed his boyfriend was laying in. "Aiden was holding on to the water bottle I was looking for- here, I'll help you."

"W-what-" Niall tried to talk but Liam stopped him, holding the bottle in front of his lips. The younger one accepted it and finally drank a few sips. It definitely used to be sparkling water but it didn't taste like it anymore. "Better?" Liam asked and got a nod as reply.

Niall looked around, it was hard to miss that they were in the hospital. But he couldn't remember much. The only thing he did remember was watching Nemo.
He noticed Aiden sleeping on the arm chair in the corner. "It doesn't look comfortable." He mumbled.

"What?" The father asked confused.

"The armchair where Aiden is sleeping. It looks uncomfortable." Niall explained and after a while Liam let out an "I agree, but he seems alright.". He was quite confused on Nialls sudden comment but happy either way that Niall finally woke up.

"How are you? Does anything hurt? Are you still feeling light headed? Or nauseous? Or do you-"

"Li- stop, my head hurts. And you're overflowing me with questions, I'm not even sure what happened in the first place. The only thing that's stuck on my mind are Nemo and Dory." He let out an dry laugh which made Liam chuckle as well. He can't be in horrible pain if he jokes about random things after just waking up.

"Uhm- you... you weren't feeling well, and you passed out. I-" Liam let out a breath. "-wasn't there. I left after our stupid argument and Aiden had to call me to tell me you weren't reacting to his words anymore." He talked slow, almost scared. It felt like he was reliving the moment.

Niall nodded, remembering what happened. "You- you called me a kid".

"And I was a idiot for calling you that. I talked out of anger and I'm deeply sorry. I wish I could take it back, you know I love you and I absolutely hate myself for not being there when you were in pain."

"I was just feeling a bit dizzy... I don't know what was wrong, maybe I was dehydrated?" He replied and Liam bite down on his lip. How would the father explain this?

"The doctors ran some tests on you, because you had to get operated..." He gulped and Niall looked at Liam in surprise. Then his eyes went over his own body, lifting up the white hospital blanket. A familiar pair of blue sweatpants covered his legs but besides that he only wore a white thin shirt, which most definitely wasn't his own or Liams. Underneath that he saw a bandage peeking through.

"On my stomach?" Niall asked confused.

Liam sighed, nodding. "Yes. And I need to tell you something that won't be easy to process... god I haven't even acknowledged it yet ... it's overwhelming." He mumbled. "And the doctor will probably explain it better than me but I thought that it would be nicer if you heard it from-"

"Spit it out Liam". Niall interrupted him, with an eye roll. "I'm not dying am I?" He added questioning, raising up an eyebrow.

"No no- it's nothing like that. It's just that Uhm we- you, we had twins and lost one." He let out unsure. It sounded even weirder out loud.

"Excuse me? You should know that I'm not in the mood for any jokes right now!"

Liam shook his head. "I'm not lying! I know it sounds absolutely absurd- like it's crazy! You were- god, still are pregnant. We would have had twins but one of them didn't make it. And Baby B was also the reason why you were feeling like that, your body wanted to get rid of it."

"Baby B... What is about Baby A? Are you sure that I'm- I mean... a fucking pregnancy! I know we aren't using condoms, but I'm taking the pill, fuck. Shit- what about my education?! I just started university, can I even finish it, or what if they want me to take a break? I haven't even really started the first semester yet. And twins? We would have had twins? Where did they put the baby that didn't make it? And what's with the other one? Is it healthy? What if I loose both? I don't think I can handle that-"

The father leaned down to rap his arms around Niall. "Pssht it's alright love. We will figure everything out as we go. The doctor who operated you- Dr. Thomas, will hopefully explain everything again. We will work through it. The baby we lost- it was weak pretty much since the start but because we didn't knew about your pregnancy we couldn't help him or her. The nurse told me we could say good bye, but it was a early miscarriage so it doesn't really look like... a uhm human. Baby A is pretty healthy and he or she is doing good. Due date is at the end of March maybe we even reach April, if it wants to stay in longer."

Niall stayed quiet, gulping. "We will have a baby next year?" He gasped.

Liam nodded a small grin appearing on his lips. "Yeah, I know we didn't plan it to happen this soon, but I want you to know that I already love this baby with my whole heart. I'm gonna take care of you two, you won't have to worry about a single thing, we got this. I promise you."

"Li... a baby. Inside of me, that's insane. God that will take a while to sink in."

"I know you don't want a baby now but-"

"We are keeping the baby. I won't kill another life, we already lost one."

"You didn't kill it, don't start thinking like this. You couldn't do anything about it." Liam contradicted.

Niall bite his lip. He let out a sigh before he whispered an "I know." He didn't quite processed everything yet. Probably never. How the hell did he even get here? He remembered the talk with Liam, remembered watching a movie with Aiden... but everything after that was just one big blur. "How is Aiden coping with everything that has happened in the past few hours? It's still the same day right?"

Liam chuckled. "Yes, we've been here for around 5 hours, I think. I honestly lost track of time. Aiden well... he is overwhelmed. It probably was a shock for him to find you laying on the kitchen floor, I wish I would've been there to prevent that from happening. But he knows your okay, and I know he will be really happy to see you awake. At the beginning he didn't want to leave your side. He doesn't know that he's gonna be a big brother yet." When the father was done explaining Niall let out a gasp.

"Aidens gonna be a big brother!"

"Haven't realized that yet darling?" Liam laughed and Niall shook his head. "Haven't thought that far yet. Can't believe we are having a baby. I'm just so confused right now, when do you think the doctor will come back?"

Liams eyes widen. "Shit i was supposed to get someone as soon as you wake up! Gonna be back in a second- stay awake!" He exclaimed, jumping up to get a Doctor.

"Trust me I won't, I feel like I slept for 2 years." Niall giggled, but Liam was almost out the door. Nialls eyes went over to their, still sleeping, boy. He hoped that Aiden won't remember much of today.


hellooo babes!
hope ya liked this chapter. first week of the education went good. also got my drivers license and bought my first car this week what the hell, it's crazyyy.

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