twenty nine

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They all ate the breakfast together outside. The sun was already up, shining and keeping them warm. Karen really enjoyed the time with her son, grandson and with the new member of the family. That's what she called Niall.

Everyone had a great time. Aiden couldn't stop talking. He talked a lot about the things he did with Niall and then about cars and planes and oh- we can't forget the trains!

"W-wanna fply again daddy!" He said looking up at the sky. "Rweally high!" He added excited.

"Where do you wanna fly, little one?" Liam asked laughing.

Aiden made an thinking face. He hadn't thought of that yet. Niall moved a bit  closer Aiden and put his mouth near his ear.

"Say Ireland." He whispered. The boy nodded.

"I-Irrr- land." He tried to say, which sounded adorable.

"You mean Ireland? Why?" Karen asked interested. Aiden looked up at Niall questioning. Obviously he had no idea where that was and how it looked there.

"I'm Irish. I grow up there as well." Niall mumbled with a shy smile on his face.

"Aw that's lovely! Is it really as beautiful there as everyone always says? And what is with this always green grass? Oh and the cows and the cheese! Have you ever-" Mrs Payne started full of curiosity, but her son stopped her after a bit.

"Don't forget to breathe mom, yeah? Maybe start with one question at a time." He said with a little chuckle. His mother rolled her eyes. "Let me be excited for once James." She replied.
"Sooo about Ireland-"

After the first question came the second and after that at least 10 more. Niall thought it was quite sweet and he felt really welcomed and accepted. Liam just enjoyed to learn more about his lover and to hear him speak about his home as if it would be the most amazing place on this earth. He will definitely go there with him in the future. Aiden would love that too.

Oh speaking of Aiden, he got bored pretty quickly after the adults started talking. And he knew his grandma, as soon as she started talking and asking no one could stop her.

"Dada?" He asked his father, looking up to him and pinching him softly in his arm.

"Yeah?" The man replied mumbling, trying to stay quiet so he didn't interrupt the conversation between his mom and Niall.

"Thwat's b-boring." He said trying to be as quiet as his daddy.

Liam smiled. "Not that interesting to you, mhh ?" He asked whereupon Aiden nodded.

„Wanna start cleaning up the table?"

„Owkay i'm helpwing dada!" he exclaimed happily, which made the conversation between the other two stop.

„With what?" Karen asked.

„Well- you and mommy twalk too much, so daddy and I are making all clean clean a-agaiwn!" the little boy explained, while he tried to grab the plates on the table.

„I just think it's interesting, Ireland sounds really amazing." The older woman said, smiling at her grandson.

While his mom was speaking, Liam took all of the plates and gave Aiden one of the mugs instead. The plates would have been way too heavy for the little one, and Liam didn't want to go and buy new ones.

„I think so too mom, that's why I'm planning to go there for our next family vacation." He said with a small smirk before leaving to bring the plates inside, Aiden went right after him. „Yay!" he yelled. „Gonna see I-land!"

„It's Ireland baby." Liam said smiling.

„Whateva ya say dada."

Niall and Karen decided to help with the dishes after a bit and everything was back inside with no time. Karen also left not long after that. She said she just wanted to check up on her two boys and that Geoff was probably starting to worry where she was. She had given all the three boys a short hug, even Niall, which kinda took him by surprise for a second before he hugged her back.

„So that was my mom." Liam laughed when the door finally closed and Mrs Payne had left.

„She's really nice, i'm glad that nothing too embarrassing happened." Niall replied chuckling.

„But the thought that you told her, that we showered together still freaks me out." he added shaking his head.

„Oh cmon! I think it would have been worse if I would have told her that we had sex."

„But we didn't?" Niall asked confused.

„Well not yet." Liam said lifting up his eyebrows for a second.

Niall just hit his arm again. „Idiot..." he mumbled.

„Where's Aiden anyways?" He asked after that, obviously trying to change the topic.

„Upstairs- I think. Let's go find him, yeah?" Liam replied, already taking Nialls hand into his. And even that small gesture made Niall go crazy. Like damn. That was an amazing feeling.

The two found Aiden in his room, he was sitting in the middle with his tiny suitcase wide open. Niall could already see a few of the boys toy-cars in it and he was just about to add his stuffed animal.

"Oh god Aiden what are you doing? Where did you find that!" Liam said shocked, pointing at the opened suitcase.

"U-under ma bwed!" He said proudly.

"And what did you plan on doing with it, little bear?" Niall spoke up as well.

"Pa-Pwacking for I-land!" He replied smiling.

Nialls eyes went wide, before he looked at Liam to see the older ones reaction. 
"We are not going to Ireland peanut. At least not now. Maybe during the holidays, yeah?"

"B-But me packed!" Aiden said pouting, holding his stuffed animal up in the air.

"It's I Aiden and don't be mad now. I bet you want Niall to come with us, right? But if we would fly to Ireland now, he couldn't come with us. He needs to go to school." Liam explained to his son.

"With-ouwt mommy?" The little boy said sad making big pouty lips. "No no not without ma mommy!" He said.

"Right! So we need to wait a bit more, maybe during fall break, okay?" Liam told him with a small smile.

Aiden nodded, as happy as he was two minutes ago, but then he seemed to think about something. "When that?" He mumbled.

"It's next month baby. Right now we have September and next month is October that's when we have 2 weeks full of free time, sounds good am I right?" The father explained. Aiden smiled. "Ywes!"

Niall stayed quiet till the two stopped talking, but he had like twenty tabs open in his mind during that time. Like- Was Liam serious? Does he really wants to go to Ireland with me? On a vacation?

I could never pay that! Niall thought.

"I- don't think we really can go on a vacation that soon..." The younger man mumbled nervous. Both of the payne boys looked at Niall with a questioning look.

"I-I could never pay that money in such a  short time, I mean- obviously you pay more than enough but I'm saving that money for a school I wanna go to next year..." He explained shyly.


hello, i hope all of u had an amazing weekend! mine was pretty good i guess?

sorry i update so late but i just finished writing this chapter, and that's probably one of the reasons why it's extremely boring and bad written, but at least i could update today 🤪

as always, sorry for any grammar mistakes! see yaaa

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