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The way that man spoke was absolutely beautiful. I have never heard anyone talk with such a confidence before. I wish this lesson could last forever, but obviously it won't. In fact, it's already basically over. Just 10 minutes are left and Mr Payne has finished his little presentation, but he said that we could ask him questions if we still have some.

And in the moment he stoped talking all the arms in the class room went up. All but mine. I mean what should I ask him? I don't have any questions about his work stuff... more like:
"What's your real name? Are you single?
Are you interested in young, ugly boys who are a way to emotional? No? Oh, okay fine!"

But i figured out really fast that most girls of my class wanted to ask the exact same questions as me, the difference was: they will actually ask them without any shame or shyness.

Mr Payne just laughed at those questions, but still answered them in a kind of way I don't understand. Everything he said sounded like he really meant it and trust me, I definitely wasn't the only person who believed every word that left his mouth. His beautiful, full and pinkish red lips. Damn.

"My name is Liam, but I honestly have no idea why you would want to know that." He started but got interrupted right away.

"DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?" A girl from the back asked. Really loud. Okay she screamed.  

The Teacher wanted to stop the not important asking, but Liam just waved at him, as a sign for him to stop.

"I don't have a problem with answering these kind of ... questions, as long as you guys don't ask too weird things-"

Happy with Mr Payne's answer the class just smiled at him and waited excited for the answer of the question the girl from the back had asked.
But why are they excited?
I mean even if he's single... I bet he wouldn't be interested in any of the girls from my class.

"First of all I don't-..." He stopped for a second, almost like he needed to think of how he wanted to respond. "-I'm not in a relationship." He finished the sentence.

Okay? That's good I guess.

"But I have a little boy at home. A son." He explained, a happy grin on his face.

The girls started screaming and many loud "awwws" went their way trough the room. He has a son? But he looks so young! How old is he??

"How old are you, if I'm allowed to ask?" A boy called Ben, who is sitting right next to me, asked interested. Exactly the question which was on my mind.

"I knew this would come." Liam laughed.
"I'm twenty four, and for the next question: my son is three. He grows up so fast, you wouldn't believe me!" he exclaimed. The passion in his voice was just as strong as when he was talking about his job.

24... that isn't that old. Only 6 years older than me, wouldn't be that weird.


What the hell am I thinking about? Fuck.

"Does your son look just as cute as you?" Another girl asked shyly.

God I can relate to this question. I mean this man in a little version. There is no way that that can be anything but adorable.

I noticed how Liam started blushing. He seemed kinda overwhelmed by the question.

"Uhm- I ... I mean he is the cutest little peanut you can imagine, but I'm definitely not as cute as him!" At the end his voice was more of a whisper in comparison to the way he talked before.

Oh god. My heart. How can a man in his age, be so cute, successful and at the same time a dad? Liam is so young and-

Did I called Mr Payne Liam the whole time? That's not good. Definitely not good. Fuck. Why am I like this?

„Okay I think we can stop with the questions for now! Thank you Mr Payne for being here today, it was a pleasure to meet a such successful, young man. I think the class had a good look in the job you're doing." Our teacher interrupted everything.



He can't stop now, what is this asshole of teacher thinking? I want to keep listening to Liam.

Ah shit I called him Liam again, Mr Payne. I mean Mr Payne.

What if Mr Payne would do something like a podcast? He can talk about whatever he wants, I would listen to it. God damn it, I would absorb his voice out of that podcast. Who wouldn't love to listen to his voice all day? At the moment I even think his voice is more beautiful than the voice of Lewis Capaldi, my favorite singer. And trust me, that means a lot.

"Thanks for having me, Mr. Greenwell. It was a pleasure to talk to your class." And with that he just shook our teachers hand, and shortly waved at us before he left the room. For a moment I even thought he looked at me, but I guess that's just what I want to happen.

"You can talk with each other now, but please be quiet, there are still a few minutes left before your break starts." Mr. Greenwell explained to us before he left the class room as well.

"Wow he was really cool! His job sounds so interesting, do you think I could do something like him in the future?" Harry asked me excited.

"Oh yeah he was extremely cool..." I whispered more to myself than to Harry.

"And he was so hot! His number is here on the card he left, maybe he will sleep with me, when I call?" Luisa, a girl sitting in the row in front of me, said.
Harry just started laughing.
"What the hell! Are you sick? He wouldn't sleep with a girl like you, also- you're at least 7 or 8 years younger than him,it would never work out." He exclaimed.

"What do you even know, huh? Maybe I'm the perfect girl for him!" She argued.

"Yeah of cooourse Louisa! I bet you're the one for him!" Harry replied, with no possible way to ignore the sarcastic tone in his voice. 

She just rolled her eyes at him and went back to talking to her friends.

"Do you really think that a age difference with only about 6 or 7 years matters in a relationship?" I asked Harry, interested but also kinda scared. What if it matters to him? I mean- he and Lou don't have a big age difference, Louis is only a few months older than him.

And yeah I know I'm not in a relationship with this Payne guy, god I wish, but what if I'll have a boyfriend in the future, even tho I think this will never happen, and he would be much older than me?

Would Harry still be my best friend? He wouldn't leave me for something like that ,or would he? I'm overthinking again, aren't I?

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