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Niall went home late Monday night. He still talked to Liam after Aiden had fallen asleep. They mainly talked about the next day, because Tuesday was the day were Niall had to start working an hour later.
There wasn't really an issue with that, the only thing was that Niall had to get Aiden from the kindergarten, because the little boy obviously couldn't stay alone at home for an  entire hour.

When he came home around 10pm, his mom had a little leftover dinner ready for him to heat up and eat. It was pasta with spinach and cheese. Niall decided to put it in the freezer as a meal for another day, he already ate dinner with Aiden.

Niall was a bit nervous about the next day. He needs to go to Aidens kindergarten and then walk home with the little boy. That were many responsibilities for Niall. What if something bad happens? Harry told him that everything will go well, and he was right the first time, so why wouldn't he be this time?

"Hello, I'm here for Aiden? Aiden Payne?" The Irish man asked nervous, when he stood in front of the group room with the number 7. Liam told him yesterday that this was Aidens group room. The so called "butterfly-group".

"And who are you?" The kindergarten teacher asked. She was an older woman, probably in her four-ties, but she looked really kind.

"My name is Niall, I'm Aidens-"

"Other father I assume? Crazy, I've never seen you before, that's amazing. Mr Payne informed me this morning that you would get Aiden." She replied smiling.
"Anyways, I'm gonna go get your son, please wait here."

"No, I'm-" Niall started, but she was already gone.

"Oh damn..." Niall mumbles to himself.

"But Dada, is work?" He heard Aidens sweet voice a few seconds later.

Yeah he's at work, Aiden isn't stupid, he just doesn't know that his kindergarten teacher means me and not Liam.

"No No, your other dad, or do you call him mommy, Aiden?" She asked.

"Mommy?" He just asked confused.

But then they left the room and saw Niall.

"Oh! I remember! Ni Ni get me today!"
"Ni Ni ma mommy?"

"Yeah here he is." She said again, still no idea what Aiden really meant.

"You need to write your name here in the list, and don't forget to add the time and the date Mr Payne. Have a great day." She said and went back inside the room.

Mr Payne... wow that sounds weird. Does Niall need to sign as Mr Payne as well know? I mean- he kinda has to, right?

Niall wrote down Niall P. and the time he went here as fast as he could, and then helped Aiden to put his jacket and shoes on.

"Home now Ni Ni?" The tiny version of Liam asked, his stuffed animal in his arms.

"Yeah let's go little bear."

The two boys hold hands on the complete way home and Aiden showed his best behavior on the streets. He was a good little boy. "Ni Ni? I got question!" He asked when they were only a few minutes away from the Payne's house.

"Go on then." Niall answered smiling down the the boy.

"You ma mommy? B-Bwecause Moni said so."

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