eighty five

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"Have a Great day darling, I love you. Text me when you're done." Liam murmured, pulling in for one last kiss. He was still sitting in the car, while Niall already got out, leaning against the car from the outside. His heart was beating fast. Probably just as fast as when he met Liam for the first time in that Café. Well not the real first time, but you get it.

"I will, love you too." Niall replied quietly, taking a deep breath before he was finally making his way inside the building. The big hallway was scary. There were people everywhere, walking fast. There was so much hectic and Niall already got pushed away because he was still standing in front of the door.

"Sorry!" The girl exclaimed but was already gone not two seconds later. Niall sighed, deciding to finally keep walking. Only problem was that he has no idea where to go. He got an email with the room number he had to go to and the name of his teacher.
But that was basically it.

"Okay breath Niall. Just keep walking till you find the room. Don't look confused." Niall mumbled to himself, while he kept walking where the crowd was taking him. He only looked up when there were big doors, with numbers. He ended up walking up the stairs, with hope to find his room on the next floor. And then he saw it. A small sign saying "Literature and Author classes to the left". A sigh of relief left his mouth as he quickly walked in that direction. Almost there.

"Room 72, thank god." Niall exclaimed, pushing the dark green door open. The first thing he noticed were the big windows which brought a lot of light into the room. One corner was filled with two huge wooden bookshelves, they definitely made the room look less like a classroom and more like a hang out place.

"Oh hello, please come in! What's your name?" A older voice spoke up, which made Niall turn around in surprise.

"Oh Uhm excuse me sir, I haven't noticed you. I'm Niall Horan, is this the class for authors?" He asked shyly, a blush appearing on his cheeks quickly. God why does he always have to be this way when he first meets people. He's an adult as well now, this isn't middle school anymore. Oh damn.

"Yeah you found the right room!" The man laughed. "I know this building can be quite confusing when you've never been here before. But im glad you found us. Now the class is almost complete, please take a seat. I'm Mr. Carter by the way and I will be your main teacher for these classes." He explained calmly, a confident smile on his lips.

"Alright, it's nice to meet you." Niall replied, voice still quiet. He looked around in the room, seeing around 9 desks, where 6 of them were already partly filled with people. 4 girls and two other guys. He smiled kindly at them, and one of the girls even smiled back. Hopefully everyone will turn out to be nice. It's just one of the smaller classes so the chance is definitely there that everyone will get along well. After a few seconds of thinking Niall decided to take the last window seat.

He sat down happily, glad he finally found the right room. He took out some of the pencils he brought just like his notebook. The water bottle which he had filled with ice cold water was sitting right in front of him besides his phone.

to: liam 🧸
Found the room! The teacher seems nice, the other students too I think? I don't know, I'll tell ya later! Love you

With a small smile on his face he hit send. God he missed him already, when did he fell this hard? Could he really not be away from Liam longer than 10 minutes? How did that happen? Niall turned his phone off, looking around in the room. Most of the other students were playing on their phones. There was just one boy who was patiently sitting there, doing nothing but looking around. Kinda like Niall himself.
God he really hoped he will make some new friends here. The The door opened again, and two more girls came inside.

"Are we late?" One of them asked, breathing heavily.

"No, still right on time. Please take a seat." Mr. Carter replied, giving them a similar smile like he gave to Niall.
Both sighed, quickly sitting down. After them, 7 more people came to the class within the next few minutes.

Three guys, who all looked quite young and four more girls. One of the guys asked if he could sit besides Niall who agreed right away. He seemed nice, was his first thought. Niall would have guessed that he would have more female students in this class, but he's kinda surprised that there are a few guys as well.

"Okay I think we are complete! Amazing, we can start. So- as I already mentioned a few times, I'm Mr. Carter and will be your main teacher for these classes. I presume everyone here wants to become an author?" He asked, getting up from behind the desk to walk a bit closer to all the students. Everyone nodded but stayed quiet, which made the older man chuckle.

Mr. Carter explained how the first few days will look like, he talked about some of the topics they will discuss, about tests and exams. He also mentioned a few other teachers they're gonna have classes with. Then he used the next lesson for the students to get to know each other. The guy who was sitting next to Niall is called Oliver. But he told him to call him Oli.

"Do you take the bus home...? Because if you do I also could just drive you home, I mean- just if you want." Oliver asked as they were leaving their class room. The first few hours passed faster than expected. Niall met everyone and so far all of his classmates seemed alright.

"Oh no- I don't live far away from here and my boyfriend will get me, but thanks for asking." Niall replied smiling.

Oliver looked up. "Boyfriend?"

Niall had to bite his lip, to stop smirking.
"Mhh, yes... his name is Liam. We've been together for- oh god almost an year! It will be one at the end of august I think."

"Oh damn, that's soon! In like two weeks dude, that's crazy." Oli exclaimed with a laugh. Niall hasn't really thought about that, it will be their one year anniversary! One fucking year. Now he began to wonder if Liam forgot about it as well or if his boyfriend was already planning something. "Can't believe it's been a year with my boys already, that's crazy to think about. You need to know they even moved here for me. We lived near London, and Liam still has his company there, and Aiden is in a kindergarten-"

"Is Aiden your k-kid? You have a son?"

"Well not biological but y-yeah. Is that w-weird? I know it's a bit unusual for a 19 year old-" Niall started.

"Oh god no- it's cool but like- respect! I couldn't imagine taking care of a little one while still in school or university." Oliver interrupted him quickly.

Niall sighed. It would suck if the main friend he made today would have been against him being a parent. "Yeah it's hard sometimes, especially if you want some alone time or just time with your partner. But honestly- I wouldn't change it for the world. I love this little boy so much, and even if I wasn't the one pregnant with him, he's still my son. You can meet him if you want? I'm sure he's waiting by the car with Liam." Niall exclaimed, his eyes going a bit wider in excitement. He prayed that Oliver wouldn't be weirded out by him. I mean- how many students had kids?

But Oliver just smiled, letting out a chuckle. "Yeah sure."


i'm not too happy with this chapter but i also have no motivation to re-write it oopsie, hope ya still liked it!

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