sixty five

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"Fuuuuck Ni-Niall." Liam moaned out.
He was sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard, pants and boxer shorts down to his ankles. Niall was kneeling down between his legs, one hand around the end of Liams dick and the other one on his thigh.

The younger one just hummed softly around Liams dick.

"You're gonna swallow babyboy?"

Niall nodded, speeding up a bit, taking him even deeper.

"Oh yes, taking daddy so good."

And there it was again. Liams Daddy kink. God Niall loved it. The younger one moaned, which sent vibrations through Liams entire body, he shivered, letting out an deep moan of his own. Liam placed his hands on both sides of Nialls head to keep his lover still, as he began shoving his length in and out of Nialls mouth.

It didn't take a lot of Nialls mouth to push Liam close to the edge. He pulled himself out and focused on Nialls face. The younger ones lips were swollen, eyes wide and rosy cheeks. A little bit of cum was running down Nialls lips, making him look even more fucked out.

"Oh fuuuck darling, that was amazing." Liam breathed out, pulling Niall up to give him a short kiss. Maybe it was kinda weird to kiss him right after Niall had his dick in his mouth, but he couldn't resist.
"I love you."

"Love you too." Niall whispered, his voice a bit higher than normally, which made Liam chuckle.

"Let me help you now, yeah?" The older one murmured, pulling his boyfriends pants down. Niall nodded quickly, a soft moan escaping his lips. Liam pressed Niall down on his own body before turning them around, so that he was laying above his lover now. As Niall finally removed his pants completely, Liam started to kiss down Nialls bare chest.
Over his neck, down to his left nipple and even further down to Nialls slightly visible V-line. That's where he began to suck.

"L-Liaaam... oh please." He sighed in pleasure.

"Should I...?" Liam asked, pointing at Nialls boxershorts with his eyes. The younger one nodded quickly.

"Yes damn it, remove it and fuck me already! P-lease."

Liam chuckled. "Didn't I say, no sex in your parents house?"

Niall rolled his eyes. "C'mon... the door is locked, just a quick round... I need you more than anything right now, and i know you need me too daddy." He mumbled, while he lifted his hand up to let it run over Liams cheek softly.

"Fuck Darling, you know I can't say no to you... just a quick round and you have to be quite for daddy, alright?"

"D-do you have a condom?" Niall stuttered, as the thought crossed his mind.

Liam bit his lip. "Shit!" He exclaimed with a frustrated sigh.

"I take that as a no...?" Niall giggled.

"I'm sorry babe, I just didn't thought we would- you know, I mean we are at your parents house!" The older one said, giving his boyfriend a sad smile.

"We can go without." Niall replied with a plain face, which left Liam speechless.


"Let's just do it without one, I wanted to try that out anyways, I bet it feels even more amazing." Niall whispered, pulling Liams face down to his.

"B-but we can't have a baby yet love, I know the chances aren't the highest but they are here. You are still young and you want to start your career, as much as I want to start a family with you, now is not the right time love. I also had to promise your parents to not get you pregnant any time soon." Liam explained with a soft chuckle at the end.

"God I love you Li." Niall whispered, just the way Liam cared so fucking much about him, made him weak.

"But still- it's alright. You- you can pull out?" The younger one asked shyly.
Does Liam even want to go bare with Niall? Fuck this overthinking.

"I-" Liam started but stopped, thinking about what to reply. "You- really?" He stuttered speechless.

"I mean if you don't want to... we can just go back downstairs and forget about this awkward conversation. You know what? Just forget I ever asked, yeah?" Niall said, wanting to get up, but Liam reacted quickly, pressing him more into the mattress.

"You would really let me go in without a condom?" He asked, eyes wide.

"Uhm yeah of course, i love you. And I really wanted to do that, to feel even closer and much more connected to you. But it's stupid, just forget it. Especially here, I'm sorry I brought this up." Niall mumbled.

A huge cheeky smile appeared on Liams face. "You're so adorable. Now let me please you." He whispered, finally pulling down the underwear completely, which made Niall's face light up.

"Spit." Liam murmured, holding two fingers in front of Nialls lips.

But Niall didn't spit, he moved up and rapped his mouth around Liams fingers.
The older one just licked his lips, eyes focused on Nialls mouth.

And so 30 minutes went by and the couple ended up completely naked in Nialls bed. While Niall was still breathing heavily, Liam just laid there comfortably with his boy in his arms, softly stroking through Nialls hair.

"God I never thought we would do it in your childhood bed, like i know you still sleep here- but it's just so weird." Liam murmured in his lovers neck.

"Well I loved it." Niall giggled.
"But I'm pretty sure my parents now know what we did up here. We've been hiding here for over 30 minutes Li..."

"Your father is definitely gonna kill me." The older one groaned. "Let's just clean up and then head back downstairs." He added, slowly getting up, pulling Niall up with him.

They both went into the small bathroom, which was connected to Nialls bedroom, before they slowly walked back downstairs. As they got to the living room, Maura, Bobby and Aiden were sitting on the couch, watching "The Princess and the Frog". The little boy was sitting in between Nialls parents, leaning against Maura, while his eyes were focused on the TV.

"They gwonna kiss. Just like Mommy and Dada!" He exclaimed quietly.

"I think right now they are doing more than just kissing." Bobby murmured, his eyes still on the movie playing.

"No we are actually not, I just showed Liam everything and ended up also showing him my big baby photo album." Niall confessed, while he slowly sat down as well, Liam right beside him. It probably wasn't his best lie, but he obviously couldn't say: "Yes Liam just fucked me without protection in my room, there actually are a few tissues with cum in the trash can, if you wanna go and take a look?"

Maura furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed the way Niall sat down hissing, but her son only blushed and looked at Aiden instead. The little boy was way too concentrated to have noticed either of his parents coming back.

"Aiden loves Disney movies, don't you peanut?" Liam asked and his sons head snapped up.

"Daddy you back! Mommy too!" He yelled, jumping off his spot to cuddle in between in his parents.

"Ya mwissed the b-best part!" He said rolling his eyes, which made everyone laugh. "Well we are here for the end, aren't we? I think the best part is still about to come." Liam said, while he tickled Aiden. Niall smiled at his boys with a big, loving smile.


first chapter in 2021! i hope y'all had a good start into the year and i hope ya enjoyed this chapter ☕️🤍

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