forty seven

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When the two arrived, and Liam parked the car in front of the small wooden house, Niall was the first to jump out of the car. He exclaimed "WE'RE HERE! WE'RE HERE!" and was out of the car a second later.

The older one shook his head with a chuckle. That's his boyfriend.

He also really hoped that Niall would like everything here, and more importantly would like what Liam had planned for the next days.

He wanted the two of them to grow closer together and he wanted to learn more about him. Liam was sure the night that they had planned will take them a huge step forward and he was excited to finally be with Niall.

He knew damn well that all of this was new for his boyfriends, that's why he gave him all the time he needed. But let's be honest, Liam was just a man with needs like everyone else. And having a kid wasn't specifically a big help in the dating world out there, at least till Niall began to be an part of his life. He still couldn't believe that he really met that fantastic boy. His boy.

"CMON LIAM! I wanna see how it looks inside! And you have the keys."

"Coming Babe! Just be patient we have enough time, and trust me I don't want to waste a single second of it."

Niall and Liam explored their tiny home for the next few days, together. They left all their stuff in the bedroom, and Niall already saved the left side of the bed for himself.

"You will be under me anyways at some point, so the bedsides don't really matter." Liam mumbled huskily.

"I could also be on top of you." Niall replied cheeky.

Liams eyes went wide in excitement.
"Oh is that so? I would love that."

"W-what?" Now Niall wasn't so confident anymore. Maybe he should stop with the dirty jokes, but he could really be on top of Liam tonight... Oh god, it could happen tonight!

"I love that."

"G-good to know?" Niall stuttered.

Liam chuckled. "Don't feel pressured babe. Everything in time, remember? You don't need to ride me tonight." The father said softly but at the end a soft laugh left his lips.

"But what if I w-want?"

"Then you can."

Nialls face heated up. "Okay let's stop that topic now, it makes me uncomfortable."

"Of course babe. Let's not worry about that now, what do you think about taking a small bike ride around the lake? Tomorrow I planned out a picnic, and I could show you the place where it will be." The older one said, rapping his arms around Niall who stood in front of him.

"Sounds great Li." He smiled shyly.

The two started their bike ride with the sun shining bright, but while it already was slowly going down, the sunset appearing as beautiful as ever, reflecting on the lake.  They drove next to each other and from time to time they even held hands. Niall was kind of shaky at first but after they tried it a few times they could keep going like this for a while.

Niall thought it was extremely romantic.
He loved it, and it only got better as Liam stopped to show him the place he had planned their picnic to be.

„It looks so pretty here! I'm so excited for tomorrow Li." Niall mumbled, which made the older one smile.

„That's good to here love."

They were basically on the other side of the lake, and could barely see their little house which seemed so far away, even tho it really wasn't. Besides the big trees was a little free space with grass and different types of flowers were showing the border to were the forest begins.

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