twenty three

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It took the three boys a bit over an hour to make the food, but it was definitely worth it at the end. Not only the two adults, but also Aiden thought, that it was delicious and the fact that they had made it themselves, made it even more special.

"Wanna do t-that every nwight!" Aiden mumbled with an full mouth.

"Don't speak with an full mouth peanut." Was the first thing Liam said to him.
"And I would love that too, but I can't finish work that early every day.However I still promise you, that we will do that again in the future." He added.


"Of course little one, and till your Daddy can leave work early again, we will just make dinner for him, that's good too right?" Niall asked as well, as he looked at the boys thinking face.

"Oh yweahhh! Luv that." Aiden exclaimed while clapping with his hands.

Liam smiled. His little boy was happy.
But then he thought of something,
it was Friday, right?
"Uhm Niall?"

"Yes Li?"

"Do you maybe want to stay here for the night? Today is Friday, so you don't have school tomorrow and I could drive you home tomorrow..." Liam mumbled surprisingly shy. Was it too soon to ask something like this?

"Sleep here?" Niall asked a bit shocked and with an full mouth as well.

"Momma no speaky w-with full mouth!" Aiden said as he looked up at Niall.

A small laugh slipped out of Liams mouth. „You're right with that peanut."
„So what do you think Niall? I-I can also drive you home later today, if you don't want to sleep here." He muttered, just as nervous and unsure as a few seconds before .

„I think-" Niall started but Liam automatically stopped him.

„Shit i should have known that it was a bad idea! I'm sorry, just forget I asked, I can drive you home now if you want?" He spoke, already standing up.

Aiden made big eyes as he heard the first word his Dad had said. „NO BAD WORDS DADA!"

„No Liam. That's not what I m-meant. I would actually love to stay here for the night. I mean- I think I'm gonna call my mom first and tell her that I'm not coming home tonight but I really would like to stay here... we could maybe watch a movie again." Niall replied quietly.

„You wanna stay here? That's amazing love. God I thought I fucked it up. And yes we can watch whatever you like. You can decide." Liam said, a big smile was shining over his face now.

„Okay so everything's good now,right? Where am I gonna sleep? Do you have a guest room? Okay you probably have more than just one, but I don't know if-"

„You can sleep in an bed with me Niall." Liam interrupted him quickly. „Of course, only if you're comfortable with that. We won't do anything you're not okay with. We just watch a movie together, maybe some cuddling and then we sleep."

„Would be kissing on the menu as well?" The younger one mumbled questioning.

"Mhh that sounds really good to me... and hey, you can't spell menu without Me n u, so what's up baby?" Liam whispered with an little smirk.

"I'm- wait, You're joking right now,am I right?" Niall said but couldn't hide a little amused chuckle.

"Obviously! I read this a while ago on Instagram and I thought it was funny." Liam laughed.
"We won't go any further than kissing.At least for now." He added quietly, probably more for himself than for any other ears to hear.

"Me in ywou?" Aiden repeated and looked confused at his father.
Liams eyes went wide as Niall just began to laugh this time.

"What this mean dada?"

"It means...u-uhm that..." Liam couldn't think of anything so Niall decided to help.
Or let's say he tried.

"It means that...that when you really love someone, you can kiss them on their lips to show them how much they mean to you. Which means you'll put your lips on theirs. So it's more like me on you instead of me in understand that Aiden?" Niall explained.

"Me on ywou? So Momma mean, that l-like lawying on Dada?" The little boy asked.

"Laying on- no that's not exactly what i wanted to say. It's-"

"But Dada loves Ni Ni, and Ni Ni loves ma Daddy, so Momma can lay on Dada! Then k-kwiss?" Aiden got all excited as he spoke. He loved the idea of his "parents" being happy and in love.

"N-no! No laying on each other..." Niall mumbled overwhelmed. Liam smirked.

"I mean- you aren't wrong Aiden. People who love each other can also lay on each other." Liam replied.

"LIAM!" Niall said shocked before Liam could say anything more.

But the older one just smiled.
"And cuddle." He finished.

Nialls face went soft.
"Oh... Uhm yeah they cuddle."

Aiden nodded. "So Dada and Momma cuddle and do kissy kissy?"

Niall and Liam looked at each other. It was not that they never did that before, but they never really kissed in front of Aiden. And then there was also the thing, that they talked about, when two people loved each other. Do they love each other? It's probably too soon for that, right?"

But Niall nodded slowly to show Liam that it was okay. "Yeah we do kissy." He said, before he finally connected his lips with Liams for a short but lovable kiss.

Aiden clapped with his hands, extremely happy with his view.

When the two men let go of each other, the little one pouted. "Do it a-agwain!"

"You want us to kiss again?" Liam asked laughing, but also surprised with his sons request.

"Yes Pwlease! Daddy and Momma luv
e-eawch other." He exclaimed excited.

Aiden was clearly still too young to understand what love really means, and too young to get, that his words were making the two men quite uncomfortable.

"Well- love is a strong word peanut. B-but I guess we're pretty close to that... at least from my side. But let's stop talking about this for now and finish eating it's time for a bath and then you'll go to bed." Liam explained to his son.

"No No! No bed time. N-not sleepy!" Aiden let out dissatisfied , totally unhappy with his fathers confession. 

"We can read a short story after your bath time little bear?" Niall suggests to get his mood up again.

"B-book with the pwrince?" He asked all excited again.

"Whatever you like Aiden." Niall replied smiling.

helloooo, i hope y'all doing fine? this whole virus thing is driving me crazyyy. 🥴

stay healthy people! eat enough fruits/vegetables , wash your hands and try to stay away from as many people as possible haha

but heyyy, now we have
enough time to stream
heartbreak weather 😌🌩
i absolutely adore this album <3

hope you liked this chapter? just finished it a few minutes ago and it's kinda boring not gonna lie haha, love ya!

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