ninety four

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"Take my hand and close your eyes."

"Oh I like where this is going." Liam sang happily, following Nialls commands right away. They had finished eating and both had a few sips of wine till Niall got too nervous and just wanted to go to the bedroom. He slowly pushed Liam down on their bed before he closed the door again. After that he stood in the middle of the room, taking a few deep breaths before removing his clothes. One piece after another till he only stood there in his underwear. Which wasn't exactly hiding anything. The room was filled with quietness, so Liam could hear every step that Niall took, till he sat down at the front of the bed. "Babe?"

"You can open your e-eyes." Niall mumbled starring at his boyfriend.
Liam didn't waste another second and his eyes shoot open. Niall in the middle of his view. "Oh fuck baby-" The older one exclaimed, eyes widen in surprise.

Nialls face heated up. "Uhm I don't know if I did too much but I just thought we haven't had any time-" he tried to explain but Liam just shook his head which stopped him. "You're absolutely beautiful my love, I can't believe you did this for me, god I love you, I love you, I fucking love you." Liam murmured pulling Niall to the middle of the bed right on top of him. The younger one let out an unexpected squeal. "You're incredibly attractive I hope you're aware of that. And those panties... I'm speechless, fuck fuck fuck."

"Me." Niall giggled.

A smirk appeared on Liams lips.
"Oh trust me I will. Right after I tried out a few of those toys I noticed there... now tell me, did my innocent little Nialler buy those ones all on his own?"

"I ordered them online daddy." He replied sneaky, while his hands went under Liams shirt. The father almost moaned as he felt Nialls colder hands on his hot skin, tracing up and down.

He softly pushed the T-shirt up higher and higher while he leaned down to press wet kisses on Liam exposed stomach. Liam quickly pulled his shirt over his head and started pushing his pants down at the same time. He was desperately in need of more friction. "Let me see your panties baby, show them to me." The older one whispered, which made Niall hide his face in Liams neck with embarrassment. Those waves of shyness just came over him sometimes. But Liam said nothing he just smiled and kept his hands around Nialls waist holding him steady.

"You're adorable."

"Pshhht shut up." Niall mumbled with a quiet laugh. "I'm literally laying on top of you in feminine underwear, there is a fucking vibrator not a meter away from me and I can feel your dick pressing against my ass." Niall whispered, a giggle leaving his lips as he slowly lifted his head up to look into his boyfriends eyes.

"And I couldn't love you any more than right in this moment, I don't know how I ever could get this lucky." He exclaimed a loving look on his face as his left hand slowly went up to trace over Nialls cheeks.

"It amazes me how you still can talk this romantically when you're hard dick is basically pushing into my ass."

"But your panties are still in the way!"

"Then remove them yourself Mr Payne." Niall whispered, biting his lips as Liam did what he was told. And while he grabbed the lube, Niall pulled down his boyfriends boxer shorts. The older one was still holding him tightly so that Niall wouldn't fall off his lap. And he couldn't get enough of the feeling of Liams hands all over his body.

"Wanna use the toys after round one? Maybe that will help to ease your mind a bit?" The father asked in a whisper and Niall nodded agreeing, moving around uncomfortably. He was on top before but it's been a while since they had done it in this position.

"Uff s-stop moving like that or I'm gonna come way too early." Liam moaned out, his grip tightening around Nialls waist.

"C-could you prep me?" The blue eyed one stuttered out which made Liam chuckle. "Why don't you do it yourself like you do when I'm not here." Liam murmured, opening up the lube bottle.

Nialls eyes widen in shock, the feeling of embarrassment washing over him. "Liiiiam!" He whined, making pouty lips.

"C'mon darling, do you know how hot you look? Don't be embarrassed." Liam mumbled but his boyfriend shook his head. "Just stick your fucking fingers in me already!" Niall exclaimed his voice low, while he was blushing away.

"Your wish is my command princess." He murmured, as he soaked his fingers in lube, before slowly pressing one against Nialls entrance.

The younger one moaned loudly, moving his back more and more down to get more of that feeling.

"So so needy." Liam whispered, pushing a second and a third one in right away. He didn't even had to move much because Niall was already doing that himself. Forwards and backwards, up and down over and over again till he had enough.

"Mhh- Ready. I-I'm ready please ..." He moaned out, how could he ever live without this. Without Liam. God he needed him.

"Condom?" Liam panted.

Niall shook his head. "No, we've done it without one before and I'm still taking the pill, we should be fine." He said, ripping the lube bottle out of Liams hand, to put some liquid on his own hand.

He got ahold of Liams dick, spreading the lubricant all over it, before he positioned himself right in top of it.

"F-fuck... oh yeah, slide down, c'mon baby." The older one moaned, helping Niall to slowly take in centimeter for centimeter. The younger one hissed in pain, his hands pressing against Liams chest for support.

"Pshht you're doing wonderful my love, so so pretty. Take your time." The older one replied quietly, starring at his boyfriends expression. His fingers were softly circling over Nialls hips, giving him as much support and affection as he could.

"Feel so f-full- urgh, stay there! Don't move, just wait a second." Niall pleaded eyes slowly opening as he looked down at Liam, who was just smiling back at him.

"I love you Li, thanks for being so patient." The blue eyed one mumbled.

"There's no need to say thank you, take as long as you need darling. I'll be always here for you, I love you more than you could ever imagine." The older one replied and Niall couldn't believe his luck. How could he ever score a guy like that?


a little fluffy chapter once in a while can't hurt, hope ya liked it.

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