seventy nine

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"Mommy why I have to wear a twie like dada?" Aiden asked confused, looking at the navy blue tie. They were currently getting ready in the master bedroom. Aiden wore a plain white shirt with beige shorts, blue shoes and a matching blue tie.
Liam also wore a white shirt but with black pants and a black tie. He left the jacket which belonged to his suit in the closet, because he knew he would get sweaty. It was a warm July day. More specifically- it was graduation day for Niall.

The weeks went by, and Niall survived all of his exams with a somewhat good grade in each subject. And today was finally his last day in this school, it's crazy to think about how fast the past months flew by.

"It's your mommy's graduation today peanut, and we wanna look pretty for momma, don't we?" Liam replied, lifting up an eyebrow. Aiden nodded quickly.

"Yeah pwretty for mommy."

Niall had a small smile on his lips. "I love you two so much. My boys." He exclaimed pulling up Aiden in his arms.

"Love you too babe." Liam sighed happily. "I'm so proud of you. I knew right from the start that you can and will archive all your goals." He added softly. Niall looked at him with a loving expression on his face. He just felt so calm at the moment, much more relaxed than in the past few weeks. He would just get his testimony today, go out for lunch with his parents, Liam and Aiden and then they would have a relaxed afternoon. And damn he couldn't wait.

"Are your parents already there? Or should we stop and get them?"

"No no they are driving there alone. Can you image my dad sitting beside you in the car? He would look at every move you do." Niall laughed and Liams face turned pale all of a sudden.

"Oh god that would be horrifying." He said, shaking his head quickly to get rid of the thought. "But I guess we should go soon. Don't wanna miss your big moment." The father added which made Niall roll his eyes.

"Don't embarrass me Payne."

"Oh you already know I will be that one person in the crowd who yells out your name and claps when you're up there."

"Oh Liam- I would kill you."

"With kindness?" Liam asked lifting up an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. Niall let out a laugh. "Selena Gomez fan, huh?"

As Niall was walking down the stairs, holding his testimony in his hands with a huge smile spread over his face, he looked at his family in the crowd. They all had smiles in their faces too, and Aiden even was laughing happily. Out of all Maura looked the proudest, waving shortly at her son.

Niall waved back quickly, before he went to stand right next to his best friend. They had to wait till the graduation ceremony was over and Niall felt like they were standing there for hours, even though it probably only were 45 minutes. He spoke to Harry while their old teachers were still talking. It will only get harder, now with the new part of their life so close. Harry wanted to move in with Louis, and maybe get a part time job at a bakery while Niall knew he probably had to move away. He couldn't drive that far every day but he honestly was terrified of living completely alone. Especially if it's that far away from the people he loved. And the other thing was that he and Liam haven't even talked about it yet. Niall was supposed to leave in 7 weeks. And he had no idea how or where. He has no idea how this whole adulting thing works. He's still learning, but he knew for sure he couldn't do it all alone.

"Promise me we will text each other at least once a day once summer is over!" Harry mumbled making sad pouty lips.
Niall laughed, nodding. "I promise ya Haz. But remind me again at the end of summer."

Harry gasped and hit Niall on his arm. "Idiot. You're my best friend- and trust me you will never get rid of me."

With that they gave each other one big hug, before Harry went to his parents and Louis and Niall to his family.

"Baby I'm so incredibly proud of you! Can't believe you're all grown up now. You're not my little boy anymore." Maura exclaimed, tears building up in her eyes as she pulled her son in a hug.

"Aw mom, no tears." Niall laughed quietly.

"Oh you will understand when your kids are finishing school one day." She replied letting him go. A blush appeared on Nialls cheeks, looking at Aiden and then at Liam, who's eyes were also focused on him. He nodded slowly but his dad thankfully stopped the awkward silence.

"You did a good job Niall, I'm really proud. I'm sure you will become a good author one day as well." He said and Niall just mumbled a quiet "Thank you dad." It still was quite weird for his father to say things like this. His mother always was more interested in his life and personal interests, but I guess things changed since Niall moved out and Liam and Aiden became part of his life.

"Wanna go and get lunch now? I'm starving! Nialls mom said, already making her way back to their car. But nobody had anything against it, Niall wanted to leave anyways, and he was all here for some food. "Sounds good." He added and he saw Aiden was nodding as well.

"Okay so we will see you at the restaurant in around 15 minutes? Whoever is there first gets a table." Maura said with a laugh. Bobby just shook his head, following her.

Liam let out a sigh of relief as Nialls parents were out of sight. "Finally." He murmured, pulling his boyfriend in his arms , connecting their lips for a deep kiss. Niall giggled at that cute movement. Liam still felt a bit uncomfortable about kissing Niall like that in front of his parents, especially his dad, so he just waited.

"So so proud of you darling. I love you with all of my heart." He said as they let go of each other. "I knew you could make it. And I'm hundred percent sure you will be just as good at the University of Liverpool, where at the end you'll be a real author who can publish amazing books."

"Li..." Niall whispered. He couldn't really handle all the love and appreciation he felt in this moment. "I'm so thankful that you're here. I love you."


i'm less than 4 months away from finishing my education, which means exams are waiting for me. hope i'll still find enough time and motivation to write here, this is such a nice little escape 💛 hope ya liked this chapter

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