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Niall got released from the hospital two days later, just like the nurse told Liam a few days ago. He was supposed to be on bed rest for at least a week, and only if the follow up appointment after that goes good, he's allowed to go to university  again. And after Liam persuaded Niall to finally search for an gynecologist, they found one that seemed good. It wasn't too far away and it was welcoming for women and men. The younger one was already extremely nervous on their way to the appointment. Liams hand was laying on Nialls thigh, stroking over it softly to calm him down. Aiden was in the back seat, looking down at his Paw Patrol book. Just yesterday they told him about the baby. Both didn't really knew where they should start, because it was obviously was quite unexpected. And especially Liam was scared about how Aiden would adjust to the change. The boy seemed a bit confused at first but seemed to like the idea of becoming a big brother.

"And I pwlay with them? Show my dars? Oh and b-bwooks!" He asked, eyes wide in excitement. Niall nodded with a smile.

"Yeah you can help us take care of him or her, and when they're a bit older you can also play together, you're okay with this? Okay with being a big brother?" Liam asked but Aiden was already jumping up and down giggling. "I big brother! Lwike I asked Santa! I get lwittle baby!"

That made both men laugh. "You're excited?" Niall asked, and got an loud yes as reply. And since they explained to him that they will go and see baby brother or sister, the boy was basically an ball full of energy. He woke them up at 7am in the morning so that they wouldn't miss the appointment at 3pm. And even though Niall wasn't excited about being up that early, he thought Aidens excitement was adorable. It also was helping him to accept this whole situation a bit quicker.

The drive took only 15 minutes which Niall was thankful for because he had to pee pretty much since they left. Right when he sat down in the car he had to use the toilet, but he didn't want to go back up to use the bathroom. "I hope we don't need too wait long." Niall sighed.

"Well it's our first appointment, if someone needs to wait long then it's the patient after us. I'm gonna ask every question which comes to my mind." Liam laughed. He was searching for a parking lot, which was hard to find because there were a few shops close to the Doctor office, so there were quite a few of people around here. "I know you will." Niall replied with an eye roll, a smile still on his lips. He loved the way Liam was so enthusiastic about becoming a dad again.

With finding out about this pregnancy Niall got curious about how Liam felt about everything. The father seemed extremely happy about being part of this. Even though Nialls stomach doesn't look any different now, Liam was talking to it since they found out. He was calling the little one pumpkin.

Peanut and Pumpkin. Nialls heart filled up with warmth thinking about that.

At some point he asked Liam what happened with Aidens mother, and if he didn't get to experience it with them.
The younger one never dared to ask questions about the mother, but now that he was pregnant himself, he couldn't help but wonder more and more.

"She didn't want him. Never wanted to be pregnant in the first place. She only kept him because I promised her I would care for him. We were together for almost a year around that time. But she never wanted kids, so getting pregnant and keeping the kid wasn't an option for her. I went to one appointment with her but that was it. She also still lived with her parents around that time." Liam explained and Niall gulped at those words. "Were you scared-" He began but Liam interrupted him.

"I had time to prepare myself, I knew pretty much since the beginning that I would be a single father. If anything I was scared when I found out about your pregnancy... I was terrified that it will happen all over again. We are almost one year together, just like I was with Aidens mother, and you said yourself you didn't want a baby just yet, I had my worries. But I know you're not her, you're a completely different person and I can already see our future clear in my head, which I couldn't with her. I know you're the right one." Liam mumbled, putting Creme on Nialls exposed tummy. The father read that you should moisturize the skin right from the start to provide stretch marks and other things.

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