thirty three

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On Monday Niall decided to wear his new boxer-shorts. They were from Calvin Klein. He thought Liam may would like them, because he wears that brand himself. Not that Liam would see his underwear today but you now... just because.

It's been only one day since he has seen the two Payne boys but he misses them dearly. But the Niall was already on his way to his babysitting job.

When he arrived at the beautiful big house he saw an unknown car parking right in front of it. It had an dark grey, shining polish. But it doesn't look as expensive as the car or cars Liam probably owns. So it probably wasn't his, so who's could it be?

As Niall tried to open the massive front door, he couldn't, it was locked. Didn't Liam tell him on the phone that he will let it open for Niall to come in? Either way, Niall used the bell and waited. He heard little, excited sounding, screams from inside, which only could come from Aiden. Alone the thought of seeing the tiny cutie again, made Niall smile.

But when the door got open,Niall stepped a bit back. Because the person in front of him wasn't Liam, or Aiden. Okay Aiden couldn't even open the door fully on his own.

It was a woman. She had smooth, shoulder long , blonde looking hair. And was probably around 30 years old.

"U-uhm hello?" Niall mumbled confused and a bit nervous.
Who is she? Was she a friend of Liam? Oh god- what if she was more than just a friend?

"Who are you, if I'm allowed to ask?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm N-Niall, I uhm-"

"Oh my god, you're Niall? You're just as cute as Liam told me, oh come in!" She exclaimed, with a big smile over her face.

The Irish one was even more confused now. She knows him, because Liam told her about him? Who the hell was she?

But Niall couldn't think much more then the both got interrupted by tiny but fast footsteps coming closer and a loud: "Mommy?". It seemed like Aiden heard his momma's name.

"Mommy, Mommy, Mommyyy!" He squealed happily when he saw the Irish boy standing in front of the door.

"Hi little bear." Niall giggled, when the small boy came running into his arms. But more specifically he hugged the older ones legs, because they were the only thing he could reach.

"I miwssed ya NiNi!" Aiden mumbled, holding onto his mommy as strong as possible.

"I missed you too little one, a lot." Niall replied.

"What ya doing w-with auntie Ruthi?"

Did he say Auntie? Like- Aunt? Liams sister? Oh thank god.

"We were just talking Aiden, let's go inside. Where did you leave my little Ashton?" The Lady who turned out to be Liams sister, said while going back inside.
Niall just followed her with Aiden holding his hand.

Why shouldn't he just go into the house? He doesn't need to be welcomed in, his fucking boyfriend lives here, right? Right.
But Niall couldn't help but wonder, who Ashton was. A younger Uncle maybe? Or a cousin.

His question didn't stay unanswered. Because when he and Aiden got to the living room, he saw a other tiny guy playing with Aidens wooden train.

"Ashy!" Aiden mumbled, he let go of Nialls hands and ran to his friend and cousin. When Niall looked around no Liam was to be seen.

He could only spot the two little boys on the black and white patterned carpet, and Liams sister watching her son play from the couch.

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