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The two men got out of the water after a few more kisses. Aiden woke up as well shortly after the two sat down next to him.
"NiNi still here?" Was the first thing the little boy mumbled, as he noticed that his babysitter was sitting in front of him.

"Yeah I'm still here little bear. Did you have a good sleep?" Niall replied quietly.


"That's good baby, but let's go upstairs now, you definitely need a warm bath after the pool water." Liam said removing the small towel which was rapped around Aiden.

"Can you carry me Dada? Pwlease?"

"Only if you stand up now."

With one big jump the little boy stood on his legs, arms already stretching out for his father.

"You know you can go and take a shower as well Niall? In the bathroom of my bedroom..." Liam mumbled as he got Aiden out of his swim stuff. His bathroom? In his bedroom?

"I-I don't know if this would b-be..." Niall started muttering but Liam stopped him.

"Niall." Liam exclaimed smiling.
"I would feel honored if you would use my shower. So go and get naked already." The older one laughed.

Nialls cheeks heated up. Get naked already. Is Liam flirting with him?
"Uhm... I will." Niall said ashamed. The fact that Liam was still in his wet underwear wasn't helping.

"Okay awesome, I'm gonna go shower here real quick as well, while Aiden sits in the bathtub." Liam replied. "Just scream if you need me." he added.

Stop thinking wrong Niall. Just stop.

"Okay that came off weird again, I'm sorry Ni ,that's not what I meant... at least not yet." Liam mumbled embarrassed,
scratching his head while looking at the ground. But Niall could notice the little grin on Liams face.

The younger one was already in the doorway, when he turned around again.
"One more thing, could I use one of
y-your towels?" Niall mumbled questioning.

"What? Yes of course Niall, you should find two extra towels laying in a wooden shelf next to the shower , I only used the dark blue one, so feel free to use the other one." The older one replied.

"Thank you." Niall said before he left the bathroom quickly. But when he turned around one more time to look back, mostly to see the two adorable boys again, he saw Liam taking off his boxer shorts. Liam stood with his back to him so Niall could basically see his blank ass.
"Damn." He whispered amazed, hoping that he was far enough away, so Liam couldn't hear him. 
When Niall finally went to the master bathroom, Liam looked at his direction. He in fact heard what Niall said.

Liam started grinning. The father wasn't shy and being naked was completely normal for him, especially in his own house. So the fact that Niall saw his ass and seemed to be positively affected with it was cute. I mean, he probably would have been more impressed, if he would have seen Liams front and not his backside, but still.

After everyone was showered and fresh, both of the men brought Aiden to bed.

"Night Night Momma. Night night Dada." Aiden mumbled.

Nialls face heated up again, while Liam just tried to hide a small smile.

Like a family already.

"I'll bring you to the door, okay Niall?"

"Yeah of course Li." The babysitter said just as quietly as Liam.

Both left the the boy's room and went back downstairs to the front door.

"Thank you for today Niall. I had a lot of fun this evening and Aiden too. And thanks again for babysitting my son in general." Liam said when Niall put his jacket back on.

"Y-you pay me for it." Niall replied.

"Yeah I do, but that's not new , so don't ruin the moment love." Liam chuckled.

"Which Moment?" The Irish one had to ask confused. Obviously a lot of stuff had happened today but right now? They're just saying good bye... or?

"C'mon Niall. Remember what happened? I want to keep doing those kind of things..." Liam whispered smirking.

"Things like what?" Niall mumbled, already guessing the answer.

"Forgot already? Oh oh Ni, do I need to remind you again?"

"Yes please." Niall mumbled shy, but leaning in already, to feel Liams lips on his once again.

When Liam pulled Niall close, it didn't take them long to connect their lips. Nialls hands wandered up to the older one's neck, where he settled them down.

"Mhhh." Niall moaned, completely lost in Liams arms.

The father smiled. He wanted to get more of those beautiful noises out of the younger one.

Liams hands went the opposite way, down to Nialls ass where he left them sitting still, to see if Niall will react somehow because of it. Liam didn't want to go too far, but he could not resist to move his hands down there.

When Liam softly squeezed one time, Nialls lips escaped a loud, for both unexpected, groan. Niall seemed to be completely pleased with this moment, but he pulled away just a few seconds later.

"I- I'm sorry... I didn't knew that I would moa-"

"Don't be sorry for something so hot baby." Liam interrupted Niall, who looked a bit ashamed.


Okay Niall just breath. It's literally only flirting, nothing more. Calm down.

"So I'm gonna see you tomorrow again? At normal times?"

"Mhh yeah, of course Mr Payne." Niall giggled.

Liam laughed. "See you tomorrow then princess." The man smirked before closing the door.

"Oh gosh." Niall mumbled before turning away to leave the property. Those nicknames will kill him.

Niall never thought that he would be that close to the attractive father this fast, but it is what it is, right?

"God, how the fuck am I supposed to tell Harry what happened?" Niall mumbled to himself, when he thought about his curly friend, who he had promised to call later.

What is even going on between the two of them? Niall was scared. What if he isn't the right one for Liam? Or what about Aiden? Obviously he's still a little boy, and he already calls Niall momma but c'mon, Niall with a child? His mom would be shocked. Or even worse his dad...
Niall could never tell his parents about his interest for the older man.

And we can't forget the fact that Niall is only working for him to get enough money for his dream school, which is by the way more than 4 hours away from his so lovely home.

So even if things get more serious between the two men, Niall would, if everything goes fine, have to leave at the end of the year.

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