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The three boys played two more rounds before Aiden slowly got tired. Liam put him down on one of the lounge chairs at the side, as soon as he noticed that

"He looks so adorable... so calm and relaxed." Niall mumbled as he looked down at the sleeping boy.

"Yeah, I wish he could stay that tiny forever." The father added quietly. "Or maybe I'll have the chance to have another one in the future, you know? A little sibling for Aiden."

Niall's eyes went wide. Mouth dry. Did Liam just say that on purpose? Niall thought.

A few seconds later the younger one found out that it clearly wasn't on purpose.

"Shit- that came out wrong. Especially because of the mommy thing before. I'm sorry." Liam mumbled, scratching his head.

"It's okay." Niall replied with a shy chuckle.

"What was with that mommy thing in general? Did my son just start calling you that or did you... -?" Liam didn't finish the sentence, he just looked at Niall with a questing and confused face.

"Well... I guess it started when I went to get Aiden from Kindergarten. One of his Kindergarten teachers mistook me as Aidens other parent, because she never really has seen Aidens actual...?"

"Mom." Liam replied, looking down.

Mom? Oh god. Now it's official. Liam isn't gay. Probably not even bi. Why did Niall even thought about having a chance with him?

He kept talking anyways.
"Never has seen Aidens M-Mom. So she assumed that I'm Aidens other father. And when Aiden heard that he got confused so she asked if he calls me mommy. And when Aiden saw me he just agreed and kept calling me mommy, I probably should have said something I'm sorry." Niall explained, his voice turning quieter as he talked.

"Oh Niall. Everything's okay, don't worry about that. I just got really confused because he never has called anyone mommy, you know?" Liam said, a sad smile visible on his lips as he finished talking.

"Never? B-but-"

"His mom left a short time after he was born... she never really wanted kids. So we pretty much knew from the start that I will raise him alone."

"Completely alone? Don't you have someone?" When those words left Nialls mouth he regretted them immediately. He can't just ask something like that.

"I have my parents. They always help me with Aiden, which I'm really thankful for. We go visit them every Sunday, they don't live too far away from here. They watch him when I need to work longer or go out on a date- but let's be honest that barley happens." Liam laughed.

So he's single? Liam Payne is single? How is that even possible? He looks like a fucking god. And has a personality of an angel.

"I don't believe you." Niall replied.

"Believe me what? Trust me my parents are really good people, because of my Dad I'm where I am now. Without him I wouldn't have such a good job. And my mom is the kindest person on this planet." The older brunette explained.

"N-no I mean the dating thing, how can someone like you- be single?" Niall mumbled shy. It may be a bit weird to say this now but c'mon.

"Someone like me? I'm just a normal guy." Liam laughed. "Oh and as soon as someone hears that I have a child they're gone. Obviously I could just never tell anyone about Aiden but he's my world, I would never lie about him."

"For me you would be a 10/10. Honestly, you're a very handsome man and I love kids, so for me that would be a p-plus." Niall mumbled, once again a blush appearing on his cheeks.  Awesome Niall! Nobody wants to know that, you think Liam looks good? And you love kids? That's good for you, but what should Liam do with that information, maybe throw it in the trash?

"A 10 out of 10? Wow thank you, you're quite adorable as well." Liam smirked.
He noticed how Nialls face got even more red than it already was. He's just so cute.

"U-uhm thanks..." The younger one whispered.

"So Niall, what do you wanna do now? I mean- your workday would be over now that I'm home, do you maybe want to play another round of Marco Polo while Aiden sleeps? Or do you wanna go home?" Liam asked after a bit of silence.

"I think I would really enjoy one more round of Marco Polo actually." Niall smiled.

"Awesome! So you say Marco and I say Polo again?" Liam asked, while he already went back into the warmer water.

"Yeah of course."

The first few minutes were normal, they just tried to not scream as loud as they did before, because of the sleeping little boy.
But as soon as Niall said "Marco!" again and Liams "Polo" sounded so much closer than before, Niall got confused. Liam should be moving away from him, not closer, or did he not understand the game?

"Marco!" Niall said once again.

"Polo." Liam whispered in his ear from right behind him. Niall turned around, a shocked expression on his face.

"You- You're supposed to be moving away from me, right? You know that!" The babysitter asked somehow nervous.

"Oh trust me I know." Liam replied just as quiet as before, his breath was hot on Nialls neck, making the younger one even more nervous.

"A-And... ?"

"I just think going away from you isn't that much fun, I prefer being close." Liam murmured, as it would be the most normal thing on this planet.

Niall tried to stay calm on the outside while he was a fucking mess on the inside.

"Close?" He mumbled.

"Yeah , do you not like this Niall?" Liam asked looking deep into the younger ones eyes.

"N-No I like it... I think." He whispered shy, his face slightly turning away from Liam's in shame.

The father noticed right away, speaking up with a soft comforting voice.
"Hey, don't be ashamed. Look at me, I wanna see your beautiful face."

Niall looked back at the man in front of him. Eyes still locked into each other's.

"I don't have a beautiful face Liam." Was the first thing that came to his mind.

"Ahh don't lie to yourself love. You look absolutely adorable. You have the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen, and the cutest looking nose, and your lips... damn they are just so -so kissable." Liam mumbled, his hand on Nialls face, slowly going over all of the young mans features.

"U-uhm, you think my lips look kissable?" Niall asked. Is this really happening right now? Or does Liam just want to make a big fool out of Niall?

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