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"Are you sure that we have everything?" Niall asked with concern. Liam sighed.

"Of course babe, I checked everything twice now. We are ready, you need to use the bathroom again?" He replied, lifting up Aiden to put him in the car.

„No I just went three minutes ago, but you probably still have to stop at the nearest toilet as soon as we leave. Your child is laying on my bladder." Niall laughed.

Liam just smiled at those words. His child. It still feels unreal. They will have another child. He got everything settled in the car. A sweet Tea for Niall and a coffee for himself, while Aiden was watching a episode of Paw Patrol with his sippy cup in his hands in the backseat.

They had a small potty and enough snacks and activities for Aiden so he wouldn't feel bored during the drive because that's something Liam had to deal with the last time he drove back home with him. They came prepared this time. No one wanted to deal with a cranky and bored toddler.

„Hey Ni?"
Liam decided to break the comfortable silence after a while. They were on the road for around 20 minutes, listening to the album „evermore" by Taylor Swift. Nialls request. The younger one was humming to the lyrics. „Yeah?"

„Were you serious when you said you wanted to adopt Aiden in the future?" Liam asked, only giving Niall a glance before his eyes went back on the road.


„You said you wanted to adopt Aiden when we were at the gynecologist office, you remember?" The father asked.

Niall looked up. „Uhm yeah I did...? Are you okay with that? I mean- I just thought, that uhm-„ Liams question came out of nowhere and he didn't really know how to react. They haven't talked about this topic before.

„Of course I am okay with that!" Liam exclaimed, his hand slowly moved up to Nialls thigh, his thumb stroking up and down softly. "I would absolutely love that. I've never been sure if that is something you wanted but when you said it out loud- god I could have jumped up and kissed you to death right there." He mumbled.
Niall smiled. "I'm glad you didn't, that would have been kinda embarrassing. But you really want me to become Aidens official parent?"

"You already are darling. It's just the paper stuff that's missing. But we can look into that when we have less things to worry about. This weekend will be eventful enough." Liam said, his tone quiet and shaky but Niall didn't notice. Or at least he didn't comment anything.

"Momma ep-wisode is over!" Aiden said loudly from the backseat. "Already? How is that possible?" Niall sighed. "Peanut can you wait till our first stop, I can't do anything while we are driving." He asked.

"But mommy i bored! Nwothing to do!"

"We've brought so many books Aiden, isn't there anything you would like to read? Or we also packed some of your cars and trains-"

"Oh yweah! I want my purple train!" He exclaimed excited as he remembered putting it in the backpack last night.
But when he noticed that neither of his parents were moving to get it he added a desperate: "Pwlease.", knowing that's what they, or at least his mommy, wanted to hear.

Niall nodded. "Of course you can have it peanut. Thanks for saying please." He replied. Liam was letting out a chuckle.

Niall had the boys dark green backpack in the front with them, but decided to give it to Aiden. He already knew that the boy would ask for a different toy every few minutes. "Oh, I have my yellow truck too! Cwool!" Aiden was discovering all his toys happily, but Niall just looked at Liam in surprise.

"Did he just say yellow correctly?" He asked shocked. The older one nodded. "He also said purple right a few minutes ago. He's learning babe." Liam laughed.

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