seventy seven

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"I believe in ya darling. You studied a lot, and I'll think about you the whole day... well I do that anyways. But you get it."

That made Niall laugh a bit. Today was his biology exam and he was extremely nervous. Probably because it was his first real exam and he didn't really knew what to expect. He wrote English on Tuesday and today was already Friday. "Can we get Pizza for dinner tonight? You know... for me going through this exam?" He asked, making pouty lips.

Liam rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips. And as he nodded, Niall let out a happy squeal. "Hell yes! Thank you babe."

"You're more than welcome. Now go in and rock this shit, I'll be getting you when you're done, just text me and I'll drop everything at work." The older one explained, and Niall mumbled a short "Alright." before he gave him a long kiss as goodbye. He and Liam already discussed this whole "dropping everything at work for you" topic, but Liam wouldn't let Niall stop him from getting him.

His boyfriend was way to nervous for today anyways and he definitely wasn't in the mood to talk about anything else than microbiology or any of the other topics he had to study for. The exam would take around three hours. Three hours of sitting in a room, with people he didn't like, writing an exam about topics he didn't understand. Sounds lovely.

Harry was there as well. Probably better prepared, but he helped Niall to calm down during the last few minutes before the exam. The teacher was already inside and probably would start going through the rules soon.

The English exam went by so so fast. And he already knew it would be just like that today. With an eye blink he would be back in his boyfriends arms, watching How I met Your Mother while eating a big, heavenly smelling piece of chicken pizza. Oh yes. With extra mozzarella cheese melting on top.

"What you're thinking about Niall?" Harry asked, closing his folder.


"Well that's not good before an exam." He laughed quietly, getting an evil stare from our teacher. "Good luck Nialler."

"You two Haz, even though you probably won't fail like i will."

His friend rolled his eyes.
"You're an idiot. Don't say that! Believe in yourself. We will both rock this. C'mon make Liam proud." He said with a wink.

"Everyone please sit down, the exam is about to start." Mr. Carter exclaimed loudly. A few deep breaths later the paper laid in front of Niall on the dark wooden table. Okay let's do this.

"Okay this actually could have gone a lot worse... I think." Niall mumbled leaving the building he spent the last few hours in. Harry nodded agreeing. "I have a good feeling about this one." He added.

Liams voice yelled out. Nialls head snapped around the second he heard him.

"Li!" He said full of excitement. He quickly ran up to his boyfriend who already walked in their direction.

"Hey love, slow down. It's been only three hours since we have seen each other." The older one laughed.

"Well in there time goes by a lot slower, ya know? I'm just so excited that I can spend the rest of the The day with you." Niall replied, wrapping his arms around Liams neck, to snuggle closer.

"Okay, I'll go now. Louis will come over later..." Harry interrupted the sweet moment between the couple. Niall turned around to his best friend.

"Did you two talk?"

"No- not really. I just texted him saying that I wanna talk to him. And that I miss him... that didn't seem too desperate, did it?" The curly one asked with concern.

Niall shook his head. "You did everything right. Just try to explain your point of view but give him time as well. And keep me updated, I love you Haz."

Harry smiled softly.
"Love you to Niall, see ya next Monday."

Both Niall and Liam looked after him for a bit before they got in the car. "So- how did the exam go? Good feeling, or not?" The older one asked first thing in the car.

"I think so yeah... maybe it's enough for a B! But I don't wanna get my hopes up. I'm just gonna wait till I receive my grade. But that won't happen till I had all my exams."

"Which one is next?"

"Math. And after that music. Which shouldn't be too hard... I also could have chosen art but I think I would have failed."

"I actually was pretty good at art. I actually enjoyed to paint." Liam said randomly, setting the blinker to go left.
They were only around 5 minutes away from their house.

Niall lifted up an eyebrow. "You like to paint? Why have you never told me about this... do you still-"

"God no. I definitely don't have much time for that. Sometimes I sketch random things or Aiden or- You. It's all in my notebook and completely random. Not even good. Just an old hobby." Liam interrupted him quickly. But Niall wouldn't let go of this topic. Like damn!
Liam is a sporty, kindhearted business man. And he liked to PAINT? How perfect can someone be?

"Can you show me some of your sketches?" Niall asked slowly and Liam nodded. He knew there was no way Niall would not try to find the book.

"You also said you drew me? But like when? I never have seen you with a pencil just sitting and drawing..."

Liam had a small smile on his lips.
"Well... I don't wanna sound creepy, but once I drew you while you fell asleep on the couch with me. You looked adorable. Before I met you I had my sketchbook laying around in the living room, so Aiden was my number one motive to draw. But yeah I don't have much time anymore. I much rather spend my free time with you or our little boy." He explained softly and Niall nodded slowly, taking the new informations in.

He stayed quiet for a good minute just starting at his boyfriend, who was concentrating on driving.
"Im falling in love with you a bit more every day. You're amazing Li."

Liams eyes went to Nialls for a second before his face looked back on the street in front of them.
"Are you trying to make me cry?" He laughed quietly. "Stop being so damn cute. Every word that leaves your mouth makes me want to kiss you."

"Every word?"


Niall chuckled before he spoke again.
"Okay. I say Penis then."

"You're an idiot." Liam laughed.

"Nah I just rocked my biology exam. I'm smart." Niall replied with a cheeky grin, which made Liam roll his eyes.

"Okay smart ass let's get home now."

"What's with Aiden? And don't you need to go back to work?"

"I took the rest of the day off. It's Friday, just thought we could start the weekend a tiny bit early. And Aiden is still in kindergarten. I asked my parents if they can take him for the night. So he's gonna have a sleepover at his grandparents house, trust me he will enjoy that." Liam explained.

"So we are all alone? What have you planned Payne?" Niall asked lifting up an eyebrow.

They were almost home. Liam was basically parking the car in front of the house. He turned everything off and opened his door.

"Just some me and you time." He said with a wink, before he got out of the car.
Niall got out as well seconds later, grabbing his school bag, which Liam took from him, so he could carry it the five meters to the house. But Niall thought it was sweet of him.


hello babes, my two week easter break starts tomorrow which is nice :) but i know it will be over way too soon. hope ya liked this chapter!

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