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Aiden showed Niall his entire room. He explained why his wall was green and he showed him his favorite toys, which where pretty much all of them. And he was especially proud of his car themed bed his daddy bought him a while ago. He's a big boy now, he explained.

"Do you wanna bake some cookies, Aiden? I bet you love cookies just as much as I do!" Niall's asked the little boy as they went back downstairs after they played a bit with Aiden's cars and tractors. Niall found out that Aiden was a big fan of tractors as well. He loved how they looked and what they can do.

"Daddy n-never bakes witwh me! Only Nana." Aiden said with wide eyes.

"Well, if your daddy doesn't do it, we should definitely make some, you like chocolate chip cookies?"

"Uh yweh! I luv them. Make one?"

Niall laughed. "We will make more than just one little bear, I'm sure your daddy would like to try one as well."

"For Dadi? Yaay, that's aw-aweswome! Happy Daddy!"

Making the cookies ended in a big mess, but it was definitely worth it in Niall's opinion. To see Aidens smile as the little boy had his first cookie in his hands. It was a little snowman he made for his Daddy. He even put a  tiny face and some edible glitter on it. 

"Ni Ni make one for dadi too?" Aiden asked excited when almost all the cookies where decorated. Niall had a heart formed one in his hand. "Uhm I don't know about that Aiden..."

"B- But hwart for daddy! We love daddy , okday?" Aiden said while making big eyes.
"Do you love Dadi as much as me do Ni Ni?"

"It's as I do, little bear. And of course I do, your Papa is an amazing man, isn't he?" The now brunette man replied. He dyed his hair blonde when he was younger because he wanted to be different, but now his hair was back to his natural hair color and he was really happy about it.

"Dadi amaizinggg! Heart for him."

"Okay the heart formed cookie is for your Daddy." Niall took a deep breath, hopefully Liam would understand that this is just because of Aiden. The brunette man is probably overreacting anyways.

Niall made the heart red with a bit of glitter on it as well. "Like it?" He asked the little boy who was watching over him the whole time.

"Yeah it's pwretty." Aiden mumbled.
"More pwretty than I's." He said sad.

The unhappy sound he made almost broke Niall's heart. "What no- what are you saying there little bear! I wish my cookies would be as beautiful as yours!" He told him.

"B-bweautiful? Mine are good?"

"Yeah yours are so special, you need to show me how you made them look so lovely."

That made Aiden smile real big. "I'm gonna show ya! Oday?"

"You actually would do that for me? That's really kind of you little one. But I don't think we have more cookies."

"No more cookiews? But I wanna show!"

Niall thought about it for a second. "Do you have coloring books? Maybe you can draw something and show me that? I bet you can color just as good as decorating cookies!"

"Yas Aiden prwetty good at coloring! Gonna draw for Daddy and Ni Ni!"

Niall found out that Aiden had more than just one coloring book, which made it pretty easy for both of them to color. Aiden had a one with many different cars in it, and Niall had one with different animals and princesses.

"Which color should I use for the dress?" He asked the little boy, who was coloring a police car at the moment.  


"Purple? Why that little bear?"

"Ma Daddy likes this colowr!" He replied smiling.

So Liam's favorite color is purple or what?

After they colored pictures for a good hour, Aiden got a bit bored of it. That's when Niall decided that it was time to put Aiden down for a short nap, and to start dinner while he's sleeping.

He made a special kind of chicken soup. With not only chicken but also potato's, beans, carrots and a lot more stuff in there. Niall cut some bread as well, because his grandma used to this every time she made this soup.

"A bit of curry and- finished!" He mumbled to himself as he watched the boiling soup.

He put the soup in some dark yellow bowls he found after a bit of searching.
Obviously a bit less in Aiden's than in his.
After everything was set up for dinner, he went upstairs to wake up the little boy.

"Don't wanna stay up Ni!" Aiden grumbled as Niall carefully tried to wake him. He softly stroked his hair and let out a light chuckle.

"But I made dinner, aren't you hungry?" He asked grinning.

"Fwood?" The tiny boy asked excited and suddenly awake.

"Yeah if you get up now, we can go eat." The older man smiled, Aiden liked food just as much as Niall himself.

Niall put Aiden in his highchair when they got into the kitchen area. "Fwoood? What ya made?" the tiny boy asked.

"I have made a chicken vegetable soup. My grandma always made that one as well!" Niall explained as he gave Aiden a smaller spoon.

When Aiden took his first sip, Niall watched him, being a bit scared of his reaction. What if he doesn't liked the soup? What if Liam would get mad?

"Mhh..." The little boy hummed.
"That's yummy Ni Ni! Want more later!"
He said satisfied with the food in front of him. Niall sighed in relief.

"You can have more later little one." Niall said with the most beautiful smile on his face.

When Liam arrived home hours later, Niall was reading a book to Aiden on the couch. His son was already in his pyjamas and was holding his stuffed Lion tight in his arms.

Liam's heart was melting at this sight.
"Ya like li-lions Ni Ni?" He heard his little boy asking the pretty brunette.

"Yeah they are actually my favorite, they look so strong and cool, don't you think?"
Niall answered quietly.

"Yah thewyre so big! And pwretty!" Aiden chuckled.

"Mhh yeah Lions are cool, but I think I like giraffes a bit more." Liam interrupted them both.

Both heads turned around and Aiden was the first one who opened his mouth to say something.


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