twenty seven

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In the morning Liam woke up next to the probably most beautiful person in this world. At least in his opinion. Niall looked so relaxed and soft while he slept. Liam could even hear him snore quietly. It was so cute.

But the pleasant silence didn't last long, because Liam could hear little footsteps coming closer.

A second later he already heard the adorable voice of his son.

"I'm awake, you can open the door peanut." Liam replied, trying not to wake up the man beside him.

He could hear how the tiny boy tried to open the door, but it took him a few tries to really push down the doorknob. "Mornin' Daddy!"

"Good Morning little one, come to me, we can cuddle a bit. But pssshhht. Niall is still asleep." Liam said, stretching his free arm out to the little boy.
His other arm was still wrapped around Nialls waist.
And Niall even had his hand wrapped around Liams. 

"Mommy still h-here! Yay!" Aiden said excited, jumping up and down on the floor. Liam smiled. It was still weird for him to see how his son calls Niall "Mommy", but it shows that Aiden really accepted Niall as a main part of his young life.

"Dada help!" He exclaimed trying to get up to the bed, where his two favorite humans where laying in. When Liam helped him up with one arm, Aiden automatically gave his daddy a hug.

"Ma Momma!" Aiden mumbled happily. He slowly crawled to Niall and pinched his cheek softly with his chubby fingers.

"Momma wake up! Plwease." he said.

"Mhhh?" Niall mumbled, eyes still closed.

"Moooommy! Wanna give ya mornin kwissy! Dada too!" Aiden said pouting.

„I'm awake- I'm awake!" the Irish one mumbled slowly opening his eyes.

„Hi!" Aiden babbled happy as soon as Niall looked at him.
Niall chuckled. "Good morning Little bear."

The tiny one smiled and then grabbed Nialls face with his small, chubby hands to press a soft but also kind of wet kiss on his mommy's cheek.

"Will daddy get a good morning kiss as well?" Liam asked with big eyes.

"If you want one then get it yourself Daddy." Niall replied with a small chuckle.
"That's easy." Liam replies already leaning into a kiss.

"Yaaay!" Aiden clapped. "Kissy kissy!"

Both of the man laughed.

Even tho Aiden didn't understand why his "parents" were laughing, he laughed with them. But then he got quiet and it seemed like he had an idea. "Breawkfast?" The little one asked excited and questioning.

"Are you hungry peanut?" Liam asked, and Aiden nodded fast.

"Let's go then, Niall would you mind starting breakfast alone, I would like to shower first? I will be quick!" The older one asked as the three climbed out of the warm and comfortable bed.

"Yeah of course, we can make blueberry pancakes, if you'd like?" Niall asked.

"Sounds good to me, and I think we still have some blueberries in the freezer. But if you need anything else, don't worry to ask me. I bet we can always find something else." Liam said taking fresh underwear out of his drawer.

"Okay." Niall Said smiling. "Are ya coming with me Aiden?" He added.

"Ywes Ni Ni."

When the two boys went downstairs they could already hear how Liam turned the shower on. "Dada all clwean!"  Aiden exclaimed.
Niall nodded with a chuckle.

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