fifty two

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And so their little trip went on, they shared many short romantic moments, spend a lot of time outside and soaked in the probably last warm and sunny days. They knew fall would arrive way too soon.

"I don't wanna go back home." Niall mumbled starring sadly out of the car window. They were already halfway back, and Niall wasn't happy. Those few days were the best he probably ever had, and no he needs to go back to his normal, complicated life. It sucks!

"I know you don't love, but you have to go to school again tomorrow and I have work, and then there is Aiden who we-"

"Oh my god, Aiden! I'm gonna see my little cutie again! I totally forgot about him- wait does this make me a bad parent?" The younger one spoke quickly.

Liam laughed. "No." He said with a chuckle. "I also was pretty... pretty distracted during those past days." As he said that he gave Niall a short wink, which only made Niall roll his eyes.
"But I'm just as happy as you to see him again. I bet he had a great time with his grandparents."

The blue eyed one nodded agreeing.
"I just love him so much... I can't believe how important he grew to me in this short period of time. I will never let him go again." Niall confessed, taking a sip of his Cola Light.

The father smiled loving.
"I'm glad to hear that."

As they stopped at a gas station, Niall stayed in the car while Liam went inside to pay. He felt like a real adult or let's say like a small family, driving with Liam, going to the gas station.

The younger one was humming happily to the beat of the music while waiting for his boyfriend to come back. When Liam left to go inside he had a big smile on his face, but when he came back he seemed to be on the phone with someone. The smile completely gone.

Niall looked confused outside when Liam stood in front of their car. Still talking on the phone. Why wouldn't he just sit in the car to do that? Wouldn't it be a lot quieter?

Liams eyes went to Niall from time to time, but before Niall could give him a questioning look, Liams face was turned in the other direction again. It took him almost five whole minutes till he got into the car.

"Li, who was that?" The younger one asked as soon as the door was closed.

"Mh nobody, let's just drive home alright?" He replied, starting the car and not even looking at Niall once.

"No tell me! You're acting weird, is something wrong? Did something happen to Aiden?"

"No- No Aiden is fine. It was just a co worker, about Monday, nothing to w-worry about... love." The father mumbled, clearly not telling the complete truth.

"You know I'm always honest with you? Why aren't you with me?" Niall replied quietly, finally taking his eyes off Liam to looks down.

Hearing those words left Nialls mouth almost broke Liam his heart. He didn't want his love to be sad.

"I told you it's nothing you should worry about alright, please- let's have an relaxed drive home, okay baby?" He exclaimed with a small smile on his lips.

Niall nodded slowly. He didn't wanted to be mad at Liam. He loved him. And what the man did for him this weekend was incredible, Niall shouldn't act bitchy now.
Liam will have his reasons, and who knows maybe it's really because of work.

"Can we listen to Lauv?"

"Of course love, connect your phone."

Niall giggled happily. After the little down at the gas station, Nialls mood got up again, not thinking about the phone call.
"Uhh I wanna listen to "For Now", it's so beautiful! Do you know it?" The blue eyed one asked excited searching up the song in his favorite playlist on Spotify.

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