sixty three

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"That was absolutely delicious Maura, thank you." Liam said politely, as he finished his plate of food.

"Thank you dear, that makes me happy to hear." She replied a smile on her face.

"That good, just like momma's food!" Aiden exclaimed as well, giving her a grin.

"Well, he learned from the best." Bobby said, which made Maura roll her eyes.

"Oh my little Nialler always has been a good cook! Trust me Liam- Niall will cook some amazing meals for you and your future family over the next few years." She said winking at Liam who had a small smirk on his face. Niall just shook his head in embarrassment.

Bobby gulped at the word.
"Future Family? Niall you two aren't planning on adding any new family members any time soon, right?" He asked his face getting pale.

"No no no- not in the next few years Mr Horan, right now Nialls education is the most important thing. He will go to to the University of Liverpool next fall to become an published author. After he finished that and is really ready, then we'll discuss the future further." Liam said, his hand still holding Nialls tightly.

"And i really need to talk to the both of you." He added, looking at Maura and Bobby.

"Both of us?" Maura asked, lifting an eyebrow up.

"Uhm yes? If that's alright with you? Niall could play with Aiden for the time, but I promise it won't take long."

"Liam what-?" Niall started, but Liam just shook his head.

"Don't worry love." He whispered.

"Yeah of course it is, let's just finish cleaning up, and then we can talk while Niall goes in the living room?" Maura asked and Bobby nodded slowly, following her to the sink.

"Liam what the hell is your plan? What do you want to discuss with them?" Niall yell whispered at his boyfriend, who stood up as well, giving Niall a quick kiss on the lips.

"Momma got kiss! Me twooo!" Aiden exclaimed jumping off his chair to follow his father to get a kiss as well.
Niall just followed his family with furrowed eyebrows.

Like the gentleman Liam is, or at least tried to be right now, he helped Maura doing the dishes. Niall watched them smiling, standing a bit further away. They were talking about random topics, but the main one was Nialls childhood.

"You know- blue eyes are extremely common in the Horan family and so far every generation I can remember had almost completely blue eyes. I bet your next baby will have them as well." Maura said, drying off the plates they used and Liam just washed. Niall just shook his head in embarrassment. God his mother couldn't let go of that whole baby thing.
He watched Liam and saw how he stopped what he was doing. A huge smile appeared on his face.

"I really hope so! That would be so adorable. I mean- to have a baby with Niall in general will be amazing, but if it also has his eyes? Oh damn, I probably would be the kind of dad who couldn't say no to anything... okay it's probably already too late for that, but still. You get what I mean." He laughed nervously, slowly scratching his neck.

Mauras eyes went to Liam's, smiling at him, with one of her brightest smiles. She clearly was happy with what she just heard. "Oh Liam! You wouldn't believe how happy those words just made me! Just the fact that you're really thinking about Niall like this- the way that you already imagine the perfect future for the both or well- three of you. I'm just so glad that Niall found a guy like you." She mumbled, so that her son couldn't hear all the words that left her mouth. She was well aware that Niall was standing close enough to them.

"Maura I think I'm the one who has to thank you." Liam laughed, and added: "While we are on that topic could we maybe discuss a few things? But Mr Horan probably should be part of that conversation as well."

"Oh alright, Niall will you go get your father from the living room?" Maura asked.

The young man just rolled his eyes.
"Now I feel like 16 all over again." He said, still going to get his father.

"Dad, Liam wanted to talk to Mom and you, can you-" Niall stopped speaking right away when he saw his father sitting on the dark orange carpet with Aiden.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed, looking at them playing with a little blue plastic guitar, which looked oddly familiar.

"What- what are you two doing?" He asked speechless. Aiden looked up with a loud laugh.

"Lwook mommy i make music! Me in band, I'm cool!" He giggled, pointing at the toy guitar he was holding.

"Where did you find that? Wasn't that...?" Niall started, walking closer to see a bit better.

"It's your old one. The boy didn't want to watch TV, so I thought let's go check out if I can find anything on the attic. That was the first thing that crossed my eyes, and he seems to love it." Bobby explained.

"Can I keep it?" Aiden asked, making big eyes, looking up at Nialls father.

"Of course little one. But you have to play something for us on Christmas Eve, deal?" He laughed as Aiden nodded excited.

"Yeah Pa." He said giggling.

"Did you just call him "Pa"? Like in Grandpa?" Niall asked, probably more to himself than to Aiden.

"I guess he did? Such an adorable little boy. He reminds me a lot of you when you were younger." Bobby replied smiling.

To say Niall was out of words was an understatement. What the fucking hell. This wasn't his father.
His father, who literally left because Niall is gay, is now playing sweetly with his new grandson?

"Dad why- how...-?"

"Oh yeah you wanted me to go in the kitchen? I'll go, just look after your boy." He said getting up, leaving behind his shocked son, and an happy Aiden.

"Momma let me show you!" He said pulling on Nialls leg, so that he would sit down with him. The man nodded, sitting down, right where his father sat just a few seconds earlier. He wished he cloud listen to the conversation which was going on in the kitchen, but they closed the door.

"Do sound good? Wanna show daddy."

„You can in a few minutes peanut, daddy is talking to your grandparents." Niall replied, looking down at the Boy who made pouty lips.

„Owkay. Momma play too?" Aiden asked, trying to give Niall his guitar.

„I can try." The adult laughed, but stopped when he heard a loud „WHAT?" coming from the kitchen. He looked at the door, which obviously still was closed. He could hear the voices but couldn't understand a single word.

„What's happening in there?" He mumbled questioning, and Aiden just looked confused.

„Someone mad?" he asked, lifting up an eyebrow. Niall quickly shook his head.

„No, I don't think so babe. Everything's alright." He mumbled, a bit unsure himself. Especially because everything was quiet now. About what could Liam wanted talk about with them?


heyo babes, chapter a day later than normally bc i have a cold and i'm not feeling the best.
(getting better tho,
so don't worry <3)

hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, i haven't read over it again so I hope there aren't too many mistakes lol

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