fifty five

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"Mhh- god don't stop." Niall moaned as Liams hand was hidden deep in his jeans, softly stroking his erect penis. None of them had planned to go this far in Liams office but the kissing led to making out and that ended with the older ones hand in Nialls pants.

"You need to be quiet baby..." Liam mumbled out of breath. He loved how he could make the younger one feel so helpless and turned on. It probably was his new favorite thing.

"Then go faster, and harder p-please." Niall whispered, he was close.

Liam laughed softly. "Of course love."

After Niall came with a somewhat quiet moan, Liam tried to clean him a bit more with tissues. "Well that doesn't really help a lot... but fine I guess. As long as you won't sent me away looking like this." Niall replied with a chuckle. Everything was still sticky.

"As if I would send you away after I gave you a handjob." Liam exclaimed but added: "First you need to give me a blowjob."

"LIAM!" Niall yelled embarrassed, which made the older one laugh loudly.

"Just a joke babe..."

"So you don't expect anything i-in return?" The younger one asked nervously. Wasn't it normal to give some pleasure back after you received it? Yeah, right? It would be fair..."

"No love. I'm sorry I'll stop joking now." Liam replied quickly with a chuckle before he pressed his lips on Nialls for a short kiss. "But what do you think about going out for lunch?"

"Like a date?" Niall asked excited.

The father nodded. "Yeah, my job as your boyfriend also contains taking you out for dates."

That made Niall smile. "If you don't miss too much of work then sure." He mumbled still leaning against Liam.

"I wouldn't have got much done anyway, you were constantly on my mind, I'm just glad you're back in my arms. And what do you think about that new fries place that opened up? They have so much stuff to choose from."

"Sounds amazing Li. And then we could go to y-your place? Niall asked quietly which made Liam laugh.

"Yeah but we won't have time to do anything because I promised Aiden to go out for ice cream after kindergarten, but feel welcome to join us baby. I'm sure he would be extremely happy, he misses you so much."

"Really?" Niall mumbled making big, hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, he wants his mommy." The father replied with a smile.

After they went out for lunch, they went back home because Liam really wanted to change out of his suit. It was more than just weird to be that dressed while randomly eating in a completely normal place. Niall just thought he looked extremely hot. While Liam stood pretty much naked, with only boxer shorts on, in front of his closet he had picked out a dark grey almost blue looking T-shirt.
He also took a white sweater and dark blue jeans out.

"That looks pretty." Niall said as he noticed the T-shirt Liam was holding

"I know that's why I want you to wear it."

"What? I already have something on." Niall laughed.

"Yeah I can sadly see that." Liam chuckled. "But I bought this one because it reminded me of you. And I love when you wear my clothes, so go change princess."

Nialls cheeks turned red at that word.
"Okay okay give it to me." He said holding out his hands to grab it. Liam just couldn't hide his smirk.

"What's so- LIAM! Stop thinking like an horny 16 year old! Sometimes I feel like I'm the older one in the relationship."

"Sorry love." He laughed. "I'll stop let's just get ready, and get Aiden, alright?"

The younger one nodded quickly.
He was excited. For Aiden and for the ice cream. He also noticed that their outfits were kinda matching, both wore a lot of blue and dark colors. And Liams white shirt matched perfectly with Nialls white shoes. They just looked like a full on couple.

„I bet he's gonna be so excited to see you. You'll be the highlight of his day. Well- you're definitely also the highlight of my day, but you know what I mean."

„You're so adorable, I Love you." Niall whispered smiling.

"Love you too."

When the two arrived at the kindergarten, all the kids were still asleep. Normally they would come a bit later, after they were already up, had their fruit snack and were playing, but today was obviously a special day, considering that Niall and Liams little argument was over and forgotten. Okay it wasn't even a real argument just a big miss understanding.

"Should we wake him up Mr Payne?" One of the kindergarten teachers asked, as she saw the two parents looking at Aiden, sleeping on one of the mattresses.

"Love, do you want to wake him up?" Liam mumbled and Niall replied with a soft "yeah".

So while Niall slowly made his way through all the sleeping babies and toddlers Liam stayed where he was, watching him.

"I didn't knew you got married Mr Payne, congratulations."

Liams head snapped up at that.
"Oh uhm, we're not exactly married yet. But hopefully in the future if he says yes." He whispered quietly with a little chuckle.

"Oh so you're planning on asking soon?"

"No. Well I haven't planned anything yet. But I don't wanna wait too long. Everything just feels so right with him, but yeah doesn't matter, I don't even know why I'm telling you this, sorry."

The kindergarten Garten teacher, I think Vanessa was her name, just shook her head. "Oh don't worry I love to listen about love stories like yours. It's like a little story. And I'm sure if you would ask... his answer would be yes."

Liam smiled kindly at her before his eyes went back on Niall who now was kneeling down in front of Aiden. His hand was brushing gently through his sons brown hair. Liam could see how he whispered something into Aidens ear. And this view. Damn. It made Liam happy.

„Wake up little bear. C'mon wake up for me." Niall whispered as quietly as he could to not wake up the other kids around them. The little boy looked so calm while sleeping.

„Aiden wake up for mommy." He mumbled again, and this time the boy opened his eyes slowly, clearly confused.

„Whut?" he yawned.

„Hey Aiden, sorry that i had to wake you little bear." Niall said with a loving smile. Now Aiden sat up, eyes growing wide.

„Mo-Mwomma? MOMMY!" he yelled out happily, jumping up into Nialls arms.

„Psssht!" Niall said, but was giggling at the same time.


heyo babes, this chapter is so random but i literally just finished it before posting lmao, hope ya still enjoyed it? 🥴

life is just soo confusing and stressful atm but writing really helps me (at some point) during those times hehe

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