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"OH MY GOD- ELLIOT IS GONE!" Niall screamed out, his hands holding onto Liams suit jacket tightly.

"Darling he can't be far away. He was with my mom not two minutes ago when we had our first dance." The older one replied, pressing a kiss on his husband's forehead. Niall let out a frustrated sigh.

"But he's crawling everywhere at the moment! We basically always have to keep an eye on him! C'mon I bet he's sitting under some table. Oh god what if-"
The blue eyed one didn't even have enough time to finish freaking out because Liam interrupted him.

"Found him."


"Aiden is sitting with him in front of our table, they are playing with cars. Well, Aiden is trying to get Elliot to grab one." He laughed, pointing in the direction, where they could spot their kids on the floor.

Niall let out a breath of full relief. Elliot was crawling for only three weeks now and it's honestly absurd how quickly he could change places. But with the help of his brother he was as fast as the flash.

"God I feel like all I do is worry about those two." Niall mumbled, falling against Liams chest. "Don't you wanna add another little baby to the family?" The older one asked, a tiny chuckle leaving his mouth.

Nialls eyebrows went up, giving Liam a questioning look. "Elliot just turned 9 months old." He whispered.

"I want a big family with you, better start early, right? What do you say- maybe not tonight or even this year, but around Elliot's second birthday?" The father murmured, his lips leaving soft, almost seductive, kisses.

The younger one gave him a loving look. "That sounds like a plan to me Mr Payne. But till than we can use a specific something to be safe." He said quietly.

Liam groaned. "God I wish we could leave right now. It's still too early for the wedded couple to leave, right?"

Niall laughed. "Yeah, we still got to cut the cake and eat! I have been excited for this cake for two months now, you can't take that away from me."

"So you put food over dick?" The father asked with a chuckle, but his husband just slapped his arm for that. "I don't put food over dick. It's 50/50 and you have to accept that. Now it's too late anyways, you're stuck with me forever now."

"All of a sudden forever seems awful long." Liam replied, a corky smirk on his lips.

"Asshole! You love me."

Nialls face was grabbed softly, their lips got connected unexpectedly, this time for a deeper kiss than before.
And after the older one let go to take a breath, he spoke up again.
"Of course I do. More than anything darling. Let's check up on our kids now".

Niall nodded, smiling happily. Today was one of the most amazing days in his life. He got married to the love of his life. He became an official Payne. Just thinking back to Liams vow when they stood in front of the altar was filling his body with warmth. They decided to write their own vows and after Niall finished saying his, making Liam lose his breath, overwhelmed with the heartwarming words, the older one spoke up as well.

"Li, you're the love of my life and I can't wait to write this next chapter with you- every chapter." Niall ended, voice shakier than when he started, wiping his eyes as Liam grinned happily at him.

"Remind me why we let the published author go first?" He said, making everyone in the room laugh quietly. "Good thing I'm not easily intimidated."
A few more people chuckled, and Liam unfolded his paper. The words he wanted to get out, written neatly down on the white piece of paper.

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