twenty one

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Aiden stayed with his decision. But he told Niall that he wants to go jump on the trampoline after they finished playing football. Niall just laughed watching the adorable boy. Aiden had a blue and white patterned ball, which was found quickly next to the swing.

The little version of Liam was running around the whole garden, chasing after the ball Niall just kicked away. They did this for at least 15 minutes, till Niall thought it was time for a little water break. Even though Aiden was exhausted he wanted to keep playing, but when Niall told him that they also could put some ice cubes into the water, Aiden agreed.

"Ahh. That good Ni Ni!" The little boy exclaimed after taking the first sip.

"Told ya."

"But we go ou-outside awgain, yeah?"

"Of course we will but let's finish this first. It's important to drink enough water everyday." Niall told him.

"Yes I know! Dada always tell me t-that." Aiden said while rolling his eyes, which by the way, was fucking precious!

"Oh does he? That's good, maybe you can remind him to drink enough water as well. So he reminds you and you remind him? That would be cool, right?"

"Mhh yweah... that s-super coooool! B-but who reminds Ni Ni?" The little one questions.

"I can remind myself, don't worry." Niall laughed.

"No no. Momma can't, Dada needs to remind you. Dada big! He can tell t-twu pweople to drink water! Yes." Aiden confessed while emptying his cup.

"Uhm okay. Wanna go back outside?" The babysitter asked, ignoring the boy's comment. Aiden nodded excited, already on his way in the garden.

"Let's go to ma trawmpol-line mommy!" He screamed, running in the direction of the huge trampoline.


Well that was even more adorable. Oh damn. Niall couldn't get used to this. It would end badly.

After a little bit of normal jumping and dancing Aiden wanted to play a game. He always plays it with his daddy, he told Niall. "We need my bwall for game!"

"Your Football?"

"Mhh." Aiden murmured in agreement, already climbing back out to get his blue ball again.

This kid has so much energy it's insane!
But it's time for a nap soon anyways, so let's hope he will have a good sleep.

"Found it!" The little boy happily shouted.

"Amazing, but how does this game work? I never played it before, could you maybe explain it to me?" Niall asked smiling.

"Of cwourse Ni Ni, it's super e-eesy!" Aiden said sitting down, waiting for Niall to sit down as well.

He told his babysitter that they're gonna jump and walk around the trampoline and that the ball will try to "touch" them.

"B-But we can't let the ball twouch us, we need to jump away!" He exclaimed with big eyes.

"Okay I think I got it, you explained it really good little bear, great job!"

"Thank ya Momma! W-wanna plway now!"

"Yes let's start playing."

And with that the ball starts rolling all over the trampoline and the boys began to run away from it. "Careful Aiden!" Niall laughed after a little while. The little one was going wild! Laughing, yelling and jumping all the way.  It was quit adorable to see how much fun it was to the little boy. He looked truly happy in this moment.

"Okay I would say we'll stop for now and go inside. It's time for a nap little bear." Niall confessed.

"No mommy! I not tired! No sleepy." Aiden mumbled sad. But because of the way how Aiden spoke, the older one could clearly tell that the boy was lying.

"Na na I think it's really time for a short nap Aiden. Your Daddy wouldn't be happy if he finds out that you didn't sleep. You want to be a good boy for your Dad, don't you?" Niall asked lifting up one eyebrow.

"Yweah... I'm a good boy!" Aiden said proud. "I n-need to go night night!" He added.

"That's right. C'mon let's go, we need to wash our hands first and some water again wouldn't be bad, okay Aiden?"

"Okay Ni Ni. I'm thw-thirsty."

"Thought so little bear, let's go."

When Niall laid Aiden down for his nap, he decided to look for some good recipes, which they could make for dinner. He found one with rice, chicken, beans and many other things which sounded quite delicious.

"Mhh baked potato's with chicken and veggies... that sounds good as well. I'm gonna let Aiden decide when he's awake." Niall mumbled to himself.

"That's amazing he loves when he gets to decide on things." A voice behind Niall spoke loud and clear.

The babysitter stopped breathing for a second and almost let his phone let fall down. But he caught it before it really left his hand. "Don't ever scare me like that again! I almost had a heart attack!" Niall said, taking a deep breath while he finally turned around to fully see his boss. "And your home pretty e-early Liam." He added sounding a bit more shy than just a second before.

"I decided to finish a few papers from yesterday and do the important calls, which couldn't wait till tomorrow. So we could make dinner together and maybe have a chilled evening at home, if that's alright to you Niall. " Liam explained with a little unsure smile at the end.

"Oh that's even better! I bet Aiden will be really happy to hear that as well." Niall replied.

"As well?" The older man smirked. Nialls face heated up. Yes as well.

"Anyways... Aiden is still asleep right?"

"Mhh. I bet he still will be at least for the next 30 minutes. He really empowered himself today when we played in the garden." Niall told him.

"Oh yeah he loves our garden." Liam mumbled. "So... what do you want to do as long as my son is still asleep?"

"U-Uhm I don't know... maybe watch an episode of friends? Or How I Met Your Mother is cool as well. But if I'm not allowed to-"

"To watch an TV-Show?" Liam interrupted the young one. "I don't know if you have noticed that I kinda like you... but I do. And I know that you work for me and that I'm basically your boss... but I still would like to get to know you better. So let's watch a episode How I Met Your Mother together, yeah?" Liam asked with a little smile at the end.

Niall smiled as well.
"Okay but I can decide which episode!" He confessed with a cute giggle.

"Of course you can love." Liam murmured.

Babysitter | Niam Where stories live. Discover now