fifty three

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"Niall thank god you're home safe!" His Mom exclaimed, as she came running into the hallway. She heard the door and knew it had to be Niall.

But she couldn't even say anything more as she noticed the tears running down Nialls face.

"Niall? Is everything alright? What happened are you hurt?" She asked, stepping up to him quickly.

"M-mom!" He whispered sadly as she took him into a hug. They just stayed there for a bit before she asked again quietly. "What happened?"

"Li-Liam...he-" Niall stuttered but stopped because new tears started leaving his eyes.

Maura just held him even tighter. „What's with him honey? I thought you two had a  great time?" She asked confused.

"It was amazing... he- he just acted so weird out of nowhere on the way back home. A-and then he said that I should concentrate on school more and that I don't need to babysit tomorrow, I'm just so confused..." Niall mumbled sniffing at the end.

"Really? That doesn't make much sense to me... maybe something bad happened? Did he get a message or a call from someone? I'm sure he's gonna get a clear mind sooner or later, he's an grown up man with a kid, he can't act like a teenager anymore. That's your job."

That made Niall laugh. "I hope so mom... we just had- had such a great weekend together and I hope everything will go back to normal. I already miss him..." The last words left Nialls mouth like a whisper. He fell hard for him. He gave him his whole fucking heart, and what now?

"I'm sure he has a good explanation for that. Just try to relax a bit today, before school starts tomorrow. He probably will try to talk to you soon enough."

"Thank you mom, I'm so thankful that I have you. B-but where is dad?"

"He should be upstairs in his office. But he is in such a bad mood today, I wouldn't try to talk to him." She said with a sad smile. Niall nodded understanding, he definitely didn't had the energy to talk to his father today. Also why should he? His father hopefully would never find out where he was this weekend and what he did. Or who he did it with.

"I'll just be in my room... love you."

Without waiting for a reaction he went upstairs and slammed his door right after he got inside. Tears started streaming down his face once again, but there isn't anything he could do to stop it. What the fuck happened in that car? Or was it because Liam finally got Nialls virginity? Now he could get rid of him again, find someone better to be with. Someone better for Aiden. But- He couldn't do something like that... not Liam. No.

Out of reflex Niall grabbed his phone, but there wasn't a single notification. Well at least not from Liam. But he said himself that he "needed to get back to work stuff", so why should he event think about texting Niall? Is he even still his boyfriend?

The blue eyed one was so confused. They didn't break up, right? This wasn't a break up...No- it couldn't be. But on the other side- how should Niall know? Liam obviously didn't say anything about a real breakup but did that mean they were still together? The father never acted like this, they literally just got together and spend an romantic weekend together, why is he acting so strange this suddenly.

Niall loved him so much. So fucking much. He is his first love ever. Maybe he was just too inexperienced for Liam? Maybe the other man didn't even enjoyed the weekend?

"I need to stop thinking myself into a bad mood. Liam l-loves me..." Niall whispered to himself, wiping the tears of his face. He looked at his phone screen once again. Maybe he should just text him? Or would he seem needy? But he just missed him so much. Especially after the time they shared this weekend.
"Okay fuck it." He mumbled to himself, opening the chat. Niall changed Liams contact name to "mine❤️" and smiled every time he saw it.

to: mine❤️
hi li, i hope you made it home safe? i already miss you a lot... and god i miss aiden. i hope i don't annoy you right now? well, i probably am, right? okay i should leave you alone for now like a oi wanted, sorry. love you

Niall smiled sadly at his sent message. It probably was a stupid idea. Maybe Liam had some serious problems right now, that he wanted to keep me from?
But why should he? It all doesn't make sense. I didn't know being in a relationship can be so confusing.

The day went on and and Niall really prepared his school bag for the next day. He even talked with Harry, but left out what happened this morning. His curly friend was just excited to see him again tomorrow. At the end of the day, Niall still waited impatiently for a text from Liam. The older one never took this long to answer. And he is on his phone a lot, especially because of his job. Which basically means he definitely has seen the message and ignored it...

"So son, how is everything going, how was your weekend?" Bobby, his father asked during dinner when they all sat together once again.

"Uhm-uhm-...." Niall stuttered. His father still had no idea where he was right?

"It w-was great."

"Oh really? Had some fun, didn't you?" He murmured, and trust me if eyes could kill they would.

Nialls eyes went wide, as he gave his mother a quick scared look. His mother seemed just as confused as her son.

"I didn't expected much... but Mr. Payne? Not only a man- no, but also a man with a child? One of the most important man in this city. It's sad enough that this man is gay, but you son? You know it's unacceptable-"

"Bobby stop!" Maura yelled out.

Which made Niall wanted to die. His mom never was a person who disagreed a lot or even started fights, and now he's the reason for it?

"Maura, our son, spend the last few days with a man. A fucking grown up man! It's disgusting to even only talk about it! This behavior isn't-"

"I know where he was! I also knew who he was with. Liam is a kind and thoughtful man. Is he a bit older than Niall? Yes. And I'm also aware that he has a child. But those two love each other. Gay or not, Niall is our son! And we should accept him the way he is! And if you can't do that then leave and clear your mind. Because if you won't do that you'll loose your family." With every word coming out of her mouth she sounded angrier and stronger than before. Niall smiled proudly at his mom. What would he do without her?

Now Nialls dad stayed quiet. Speechless you could say. "Maura-" he started but stopped.

"This is your son Bobby. You should accept him the way he is. How did you even find out about it?"

Bobby looked down, taking a deep breath. I saw them leave together. I was on my way to the bank when I saw them getting into his car, I did some research and got Mr Payne's Number-"

Niall gasped. "YOU! You called him didn't you? This morning! That was you, It's all your fault!" Niall exclaimed shocked and surprised, but with his voice getting angrily deep.

"Well yeah- I told him to bring you home right away, a-and to completely break up the contact with you... otherwise I would call the police and tell them that he kidnapped you." He mumbled quietly.

"You- what? But why would you do something so cruel? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Maura yelled at him. "Are you aware that he could also have lost his child if you went through with that?" She muttered full of anger.

"Obviously. Otherwise he probably wouldn't have listened to me! I know it was hard but-"

"No but. Leave!" Nialls mother interrupted him.

"Excuse me?"

"I SAID LEAVE. I can't deal with you right now. Get a clear mind and come back if you realize how fucked up this actually is. Just because you're so damn stubborn about your opinions." She said, standing up and pointing at the door.

While his father got up, shaking his head and leaving the house, Niall sat their quietly. What the hell did just happen?


heyy, hope y'all are doing okay.
i really didn't knew how to write this chapter lol anyways, hope ya still liked it? 💛

(didn't read over it again, so sorry for any grammar mistakes)

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