ninety six

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"Momma why wet eyes?" Aiden asked confused looking up at Niall who just sat down besides him.

"Daddy was a bit mean peanut." Niall said in a whisper, wiping away his tear stained face. Aiden made pouty lips, climbing into Nialls lap to give him a cuddle. His tiny arms rapped around Nialls tummy as far as they could. "It's owkay momma, dada say sorry, give kwiss and then happy awagin." The boy mumbled, as if it would be the most obvious solution, which made Niall laugh.

"You're probably right little one. But let's give Daddy some time to think and you can show me what you have colored already, mhh?" He asked and like expected the boy nodded energetic. "Yay! Col- cwolered so much already- momma lwook here, that one of pwrincess first and then the ff-frwog, is pwretty?" Aiden asked pointing at the pictures he colored in.

"They look wonderful, what colors did you use here?" Niall asked giving him his full attention, which Aiden soaked up completely. "I used pink- there and thwere oh and then this pwretty yello! Cute, rwight?" He explained and Niall nodded agreeing, a smile appearing on his tear stained face. He adored that little boy with all of his heart.

The two boys stayed there for quite some time, till Niall wanted to go and check up on Liam. It was oddly quiet in their apartment, Niall hated it.

"Li-Liam...?" He yelled out but got no reply. He wandered around in their empty flat till he noticed Liams sneaker were missing just like his brown Trenchcoat.
Niall automatically turned around, closing his eyes as he felt more tears ready to escape. "Stupid idiot." He whispered going back to Aiden who was still coloring in his room. "Daddy wanna look too?" The boy asked pointing at his picture.

"No peanut, daddy went out... I'm not sure when he's gonna come back." Niall replied giving him a sad smile.

"No sad again mummy- smile awgain! Daddy come back soon, ywou okay?" Aiden explained but it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Don't worry Aiden. I'm okay. Just a bit overwhelmed and sad. My tummy hurts too but I probably just miss your father."

"Miss daddy too! Not nice to just go, bwut maybe he get us i-ice cwream!" He exclaimed making big eyes, full of excitement. Niall shook his head with a laugh. "That would be cool peanut, who knows." He replied and Aiden nodded agreeing. He explained to Niall what his favorite ice cream flavor was and what how his daddy preferred vanilla. And somehow he ended up talking about Nemo, Niall couldn't really follow how Aiden went from ice cream flavors to Nemo, but he saw it as his chance to lay down in the living room.

"Wanna go and go watch Nemo? I think I need to rest a bit- we could cuddle on the couch with some tea?" Niall asked and Aiden yelled out an "HELL YEAH!" before he jumped up. Niall gave him a small smile before he went into the kitchen to make two cups of tea. Aiden was already searching for the Nemo DVD. While the water was boiling, Niall desperately tried to find a pain killer, he had no idea where the stomach ache was coming from, but it wasn't nice. He started feeling cold and shivery as well, it was weird. The hope was that the tea and laying down cuddled in a blanket will help. 

"Momma c'mon! I thirsty and Dory not wai-waiting." Aiden yelled and Niall replied an "I'm on my way!"

He filled up the two mugs and put some honey in each of them. The painkillers were hidden in one of the drawers, so he quickly swallowed one. "Please help." He mumbled with a sigh, walking into the living room were Aiden was waiting impatiently on the couch.

"Haven't see Nemo and Dory so long! Mwiss them, ya do too?" Aiden asked as soon as Niall sat down next to him.

"How could I not?" Niall laughed quietly, he quickly got back up to put in the DVD before they laid down, cuddled against each other. The first few minutes Aiden basically explained the whole plot twist of the movie which made Niall roll his eyes in amusement. But then as it got more interesting he stayed quiet, eyes focused on the screen as he was leaning against his momma. Niall felt worse as the movie kept playing, but he was trying his best not to let Aiden notice it. He began sweating all of a sudden and it felt like he couldn't breath as good as normally.
He closed his eyes and tried take deeper breaths through his nose and out his mouth, but that only made him feel dizzy.
After 2 more minutes of feeling like absolute crap, he decided to get up.

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