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Just a few minutes after they all sat down, Geoff was actually the one who found out first. "Aiden let's get you out of this jacket it's way too warm in here, you're probably sweating." He had said, helping the boy out of the jacket without a second thought. Aiden giggled softly before he spoke up quietly. "Lwook- wearing my new shirt today!" Aiden announced proudly, pointing at it which made Geoff actually read the letters on it.

"Best big brother?" He mumbled out confused. "He doesn't have any siblings- LIAM!" He exclaimed as he finally realized what was happening. His eyes went from his son to Niall and back to Liam. "This isn't a joke... is it? You two- you are serious? Don't play those kind of jokes with your old man!" He said, pointing at Liam, eyes wide.

"It's uhm... it's not. I'm pregnant... just a few weeks along actually, we found out recently and just wanted to tell you because well- it's some big news." Niall stepped in quietly.


Karen and Geoff yelled at the same time.
"NIALL IS PREGNANT? Like- PREGNANT? With a baby? I'm gonna be a grandma again??" Karen asked, her eyes focused on Niall who nodded, not a single word leaving his lips. "Were all the uncomfortable lectures about the importance of contraceptives I had with you completely useless?" Geoff spoke up, looking at his son with raised eyebrows.
Now Niall knew why Liam always does that. He looks exactly like his dad.

"Well no, but we haven't really been-"

"You we're having se-" Geoff stopped looking at Aiden who just seemed to be confused. "Making love without
using a c-o-n-d-o-m ?" He spelled out condom, letter for letter. Eyes still on the little boy, who didn't catch on. Thank god. The boy probably didn't even know what the topic they were talking about was.

"Sometimes. Niall was taking the pill and we just thought the chances wouldn't be the highest, because male pregnancy is still not as common as it should be. But we are really excited. We wanted to have more children, obviously not this soon but we are extremely happy." Liam explained and Niall added: "And we hope that you can be happy about that as well." He mumbled that, sounding almost questioning.

Karen gasped. "Oh dear of course we are happy! C'mon give me a hug." She said getting up to pull Niall into her arms.

"We were just a bit surprised, I mean those news came pretty unexpected, but we couldn't be more excited. Right Geoff?" Karen asked and Liams father nodded agreeing. "Of course we are. You are old enough Liam, and Niall is really responsible for his age. You two will do just great, but did you figure everything out with university?" He asked.

And then Niall began explaining everything just how they explained it to his parents yesterday. At the end everyone was a lot more calm and at ease. Well besides Aiden. He was jumping around happily, because he can stay at his grandparents house for the night. He used to stay here a lot more before Liam and Niall met, so he missed it quite a lot.

Niall gave Liam a confused look when they said goodbye to leave. He didn't knew they would let Aiden stay here for the night. "Aren't we going to get him after the surprise?" He asked confused.

The father let out a chuckle. "If everything goes like I planned then nop, now relax we will be driving for a bit now."

"But there are toilets on our way to the secret destination, right?"

"Of course there are babe, do you already have to go?" Liam laughed.

"No, just wanted to make sure."

Liam hummed understanding. He was happy but also shitty nervous. Niall had no idea. Not even the slightest, which was good but still, but Liam felt like throwing up. He wanted everything to be perfect.
The closer they drove to the beach the more questions Niall asked. And when they finally parked the car, front view to the beautiful waves, Niall squealed happily. "I LOVE THAT BEACH! What are we doing here?" he asked but he wasn't waiting for an answer. Liam hasn't answered any of the questions he asked during the car ride so he just jumped out of the car. The older one let out a shaky breath. Level of anxiety: reaching emergency status.

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