twenty eight

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„That was our first shower together baby, and I absolutely loved it." Liam mumbled as soon as both were wrapped in fresh towels. 

Nialls wet clothes were laying in the corner of the bathroom. After a few minutes in the shower he had decided that he doesn't need to feel embarrassed about being naked around Liam. Liam will accept him no matter what.

Which means, they literally have seen each other naked, before they even went any further than making out!

"We- we will not talk about this." Niall replied, his face turning red.

"Oh love, I will may not talk about it but it will be in my head all the time." Liam mumbled, pressing a kiss on Nialls lips again. Niall just softly slapped him on the arm.

"So what are we gonna do now?" The Irish one asked, because he was a bit unsure.

"First, we'll get dressed and then we go downstairs. Like I know my mom- she probably kept making the breakfast." Liam said, taking Niall by his hand so he followed him back to the bedroom.

"We can't go downstairs! I mean- your mom, and I-"

"You're my boyfriend Niall, I- I really like you. And I would love you to meet my mom, darling. She is the kindest woman you can imagine, I'm sure she will love you."  Liam said, giving Niall a pair of boxer shorts he hasn't worn in years, because they got way too small. So they will fit Niall perfectly.

"You can wear one of my sweaters and your jeans from yesterday, yeah?" The older one added.

"I'd love to wear your sweatshirt, b-but I can't just go down there! I bet your mom will get angry with me, because I could have been with Aiden. Well- I was, but-"

Liam interrupted him with a short kiss again. "Please love." He made big puppy eyes, which made Niall roll his eyes.
"O-okay. Buy you will explain, why I wasn't here with Aiden."

"Alright. Now put on those pants and let's go."

When they went downstairs, they could hear Mrs Payne talking with Aiden.

"Sleepin with ma daddy AND mommy today!" The little boy exclaimed happy.
"Lwook I draw mommy and daddy and aiden. We f-famwily!" They heard him say.

Niall put his hand over his mouth. He felt like he needed to cry. "Family" is a strong word. And Aiden already saw them as a small family! Liam noticed Nialls face which was filled with so much love and surprise.

And it made him unbelievable happy. That's what he always wanted, well at least since he became a father.
Someone who could love him and Aiden with all of his heart, and who was at the same time accepted by Aiden.

"Who is mommy Aiden, did your father met someone?! How couldn't he tell me!" The older woman said shaking her head.

"Well I was going to Mom, but I guess for me- it wasn't the best way to introduce my boyfriend to you while we were showering. I planned on doing that now." Liam spoke up, holding one of Nialls hands so they could go downstairs together. Niall was slightly hiding behind Liams back.

"Wait you weren't alone in that shower?" She asked shocked looking at his son with wide eyes.

"Well I started alone but then you came and Niall joined me- Okay that doesn't matter now. Mom, I would like you to meet Niall, my boyfriend." Liam said, shoving Niall a bit more in front of him.

Why the hell did Liam need to tell his mom that they showered together? Niall thought but kept a friendly face.

"Good Morning Mrs Payne, it's a pleasure to meet you." Niall said giving her a small smile. 

"Boyfriend! Well that's something. Nice to meet you Niall. I see you got yourself a cutie James." His mother said.

"Yeah I got the cutest, and most perfect man you can imagine." Liam replied smiling down at Niall.

Nialls cheeks heated up once again. Damn.

"Liii!" He mumbled embarrassed.

"Mommy, pwancakes?" Aiden asked running up to the Irish one, to keep a hold of his legs.

"Oh yeah you're right, we should probably put the mixture in the pan now, wanna help me?"


"Do you want to eat breakfast with us Mrs Payne?" Niall asked looking at her, Aiden already ran to the kitchen.

"Oh please call me Karen. And I think a pancake sounds good, I'm not that hungry but one is always okay." She said with a little chuckle.

"Let's get the dining table ready for breakfast then, or do you want to eat outside little one?" Liam asked loudly so his son heard him.

Not a second later the small boy ran right back to the rest of his family.

"OU-OUWTSIDE!" He yelled excited clapping his hands.

"I guess you have your answer James." Karen laughed. "You know what? I'm gonna go outside with Aiden to prepare the table and you two will finish our breakfast." She explained, opening the door to the garden.

"Yweah Nana and I can play w-with football!" He said, already forgetting that he wanted to help with the pancakes. But playing football sounded way more fun to him.

"So I guess we are making the food now?" Liam mumbled wrapping his arms around Nialls waist.

"Yes we will James." Niall replied with a small chuckle. "You know what's weird?"


"My second name is James as well." Niall said.

"What really? Why did I never knew this?"

"You never asked." Niall simply replied, walking away in the kitchen. Liam went right after him.

"You know what would be even weirder?"

"What?" Niall asked getting the almond milk from the fridge.

"My name is Liam James Payne and if we are getting married one day your name will be Niall James Payne, that sounds crazy!" He said.

"So we are getting married in the future?" Niall asked smiling shyly.

"Well, I hope so. You're the best thing that happened to my family and I don't wanna lose you." He answered, smiling as well.

"You definitely are something Liam."

"You too dude." 

"Stop calling me that, bro."

"No. It's our thing now, you know dude?"

"If you say so idiot."

"Hey! You were supposed to say bro!" Liam said laughing.

"Let's finish this breakfast now , okay bro? We don't wanna let Aiden wait for too long." Niall mumbled.

He still can't believe where he is right now. Cooking breakfast with Liam. Actually being with Liam. Oh Liam.
He will never get enough of that name.


hellooo, hope y'all had an
good weekend!

my life is shittyyy right now, but better days will come, right?🥴

i hope all of u liked this chapter?
as always, sorry for any
grammar mistakes.

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