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"Aiden go potty NOW! We leave in two minutes!" Niall yelled.

"Bwut I can't find my b-books!" Aiden replied just as loud. And Niall could basically see the pouty boy in front of him.

"You won't need the books! It's a 10 minute drive, please go on the potty now."

While Liam was already outside, warming up the car on this cold december day, Niall and Aiden were still inside. Clearly arguing about a stupid topic. The younger man was stressed out and nervous. Today was the appointment they have been waiting for. Niall almost couldn't fall asleep last night. Well also because of back pain and pumpkin keeping him up, but mainly because of the excitement.

"We wanna go see pumpkin today, please go potty, I will pick out an book for you." Niall said again, sighing frustrated which showed Aiden that his momma was serious. "Owkay... thank you mommy." He mumbled as reply before quickly running into the bathroom.

"CALL FOR ME IF YOU NEED HELP!"Niall added loudly but didn't get a reply this time, which almost made him sad. God his emotions were all over the place, stupid hormones. He picked out two books instead of one, and also packed a fruit snack and the boys water bottle.

While Niall was already dressed, waiting by the door, it didn't took long for Aiden to came running from the bathroom. "Did go potty!" He exclaimed proudly. Niall smiled. "Good Job peanut. C'mon I'll help you get dressed. Daddy is waiting outside."

"Packed my bwook?"

"Yeah I did. I even picked two, I'll give them to you in the car, first we gotta put you in some warm clothes." Niall replied, kneeling down so he could see eye to eye with the boy. Aiden gets more and more independent every day, so Niall is trying to soak in every tiny moment with him. Even if it's just helping him put on his winter clothes. „You're ready to find out if you will get a little sister or a little brother?" He asked, and Aiden gave him the sweetest smile he had ever seen.

„YWEAH! Can't wait to see pwumpkin again." He giggled.

„Glad so peanut. Let's go to daddy now, I bet he's tired of waiting that long for us."

„Dada gotta get used to twhat." Aiden replied as if it would be the most normal thing ever. And that's on spending most of his time with his mommy. Niall loved that new growing attitude. Liam probably not so much, but he loved his boys dearly.

The father was already more than ready to leave. He was barely able to hide his excitement. The gender wasn't the most important thing for him but he's still excited to know. Especially because he missed this whole progress with Aidens pregnancy. Now he gets to be the over protective father figure who points at everything he sees on the ultrasound.

As he noticed his two boys running to the car through the snow, he let out a breath of relief, turning in their direction to meet them halfway and take Aiden up in his arms. It's even more complicated for him to walk now that he was in thick winter clothes and the ground was frozen. Niall wasn't allowed to lift heavy anymore and even though their boy wasn't exactly that, their doctor still recommended for Niall to rest more and more as his pregnancy continues.

„C'mon you two, the car should be warm by now. What took you so long?" He asked them as he put his son in the car seat. Aiden gave his father an eye roll.

„Daddy that not im-iwportant, we awre here now! That's what matters!" He exclaimed, which made Niall let out a surprised laugh. Liam just gave him a perplex look. „Okay Mr. Sassy attitude, sorry for asking."

The drive to the appointment went a lot more quiet and relaxing then getting ready was. Aiden was occupied with his books and Niall had his eyes closed, enjoying the music. Liam was focusing on his grip on Nialls thigh. He wanted to stay collected during all this but damn it was hard. He couldn't wait for the appointment. He hoped pumpkin won't be hiding today.

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