seventy four

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„How are my beautiful boys?" Liam sang loudly as he got inside. He was extremely happy that he finally was home. It was a long and stressful day, especially because he hasn't worked as much lately as he used to, before he met Niall.

Niall quickly got up and went to his boyfriend with a giggle. „Hey Li." he mumbled, getting a loving kiss before he could say anything else. 

„God I'm glad to be home, I missed you love." The father replied, pulling away to remove his shoes and jacket.

„Missed you too. I still haven't ate dinner, so I thought we could maybe eat together...?" Niall asked quietly and Liam nodded.

„Sounds amazing, but what's with Aiden? Has he eaten already?" He asked.

„Yeah around an hour ago. He also took a quick bath and then went down to bed right away. He was really tired, we played football." Niall explained with a small eye roll, which made Liam laugh.

„So we are all alone?" The older one asked, a lot quieter all of a sudden.

„Liam- whatever you're thinking about- stop it. I'm hungry." Niall said, pulling Liam right into the kitchen.

„Okay okay, let's go eat something. But maybe we can go take a shower after that? Or a nice long bath, what do you think about that, mhh?" He asked and a blush appeared on Nialls face not a second later.

"Sounds nice... but I wanna eat now, c'mon." The younger one mumbled sitting down at the table with a plate in front of him, waiting impatiently for Liam to fill up his plate as well.

"Okay okay, sorry." He laughed. "I'm gonna let you eat in peace now." Liam said with a smirk, but Niall just ignored him, taking the first big bite of his food.

"Have I asked you how your day at work was?" Niall asked after a while of silence.

"No." Liam laughed. "But don't worry, it was just a way too long, boring day. Missed you so fucking much. I couldn't even concentrate much, thinking about you and Aiden, well- not gonna lie, mainly you."

"You dirty bastard." Was all Niall replied to that. Liam chuckled.

"What makes you think, I'm talking about about that in a naughty way?" He asked.

"I just know you."

"Well, I don't know if you're aware of how good you look but it's hard to not imagine you naked. You're extremely attractive. I'm actually imagine you to be naked right now, and damn baby." The older one explained, but could not stop himself from laughing.



"I do not allow you to remove my clothes... even if it's only in your head." Niall confessed.

Liam smiled.
"There is not a single thing you can do about it love. Accept it. And maybe help me get rid of my growing erection later." He said, without any stuttering or embarrassment. Which was one of the things Niall loved about Liam. He's always so direct, not even thinking about any possible consequences.

"I- uhm yeah."

"Yeah?" The father smirked.

Niall stood up.
"Liam finish eating now." He said.

"And where are you going?"

"Upstairs." He simply replied, leaving with a wink, which left Liam speechless. He quickly ate the rest of his food and got up as well, so he could search for his boyfriend upstairs.

"Nialler babe?"

"Bathroom!" Liam got as answer.
With a grin on his lips, he walks closer to the bathroom connected to the master bedroom. As soon as he got inside it was a lot warmer and it got steamier with every second. Niall got a bath running, and poured in some pinkish bath salt. Since when did Liam own something like that? Or did Niall bring this here?

"It smells amazing in here..." Liam mumbled, which made Niall giggle.

"I know. And it makes your skin extremely soft! You're gonna like it." He replied, pulling Liam in for a kiss.

"So we're gonna take a bath together?" The older one asked as they pulled away again. Niall nodded. "If you want to...?"

"Of course I do, what's that even for a question." The older one exclaimed and Niall rolled his eyes. "But no bathtub sex."

Liam made pouty lips.
"But what's with after a bath sex? In the beautiful bedroom right next to us?" Liam asked and Niall shook his head with a laugh. "I can promise you that my erection won't go away sitting in a bathtub with you." Liam added.

"Okay okay. Stop now. You already know I can't say no to you. Just stop talking, my face is heating up. I hat blushing."

"Well I think you look adorable."

"Good to know." Niall giggled turning around so his backside was pointed in Liams direction. He was left in his boxer shorts, which he slowly pulled down till they dropped to the floor.

The older one stopped breathing for a second before he removed his clothing as well as fast as he could. Niall was just sitting in the bathtub laughing.

"Slow down. I wanna see you."

"Oh all of a sudden? This is a good view isn't it?" Liam smirked.

"Yes I quite like it. Maybe turn around?"

"You're an idiot. Now move so I can sit behind you." Liam replied chuckling.

And so the night went on. The two laid in the bathtub till the water got too cold for them to stay in there any longer, then they slowly stumbled into their bedroom. Not bothering to put any clothes on.

"L-Liam... what if Aidens gonna w-wake up?" Niall murmured, and Liam smirked.
While the younger one was spread out on the bed, Liam was on top of him placing soft kisses all over his boyfriends face and neck.

"You'll have to be quiet for daddy then."

Was all he whispered, and Niall didn't seem to have anything against it.


shorter chapter, but i hope ya
liked it. have a great week :)

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