eighty eight

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"But you have to call us at least once a day, and if I don't get a good morning and night text every day, I'll be back in less than two seconds." Liam confessed, holding Niall in his arms. His chin was placed on Nialls head, and his arms were rapped around Nialls hips loosely. They were standing in front of their apartment building, Aiden already sleeping in the car. Today Nialls two boys would leave to go back home, mainly to get some work done and for Aiden to see his friends in kindergarten again. Their son was definitely missing the social interactions. They were especially important in his age.

"Of course I will Li, gonna miss you. I'm not used to being away from either of you two, it's gonna be weird... and quiet." Niall mumbled, looking up to get another kiss.

Liam smiled down at his boyfriend, pulling his face up by grabbing his chin, connecting their lips for a longer kiss.
The father grew so used to having Niall around him 24/7. He knew that it would be pretty much impossible to not worry when he left him alone for a few days.

"It will be okay, gonna be over quicker than you think my love. I'll text you when we arrive, alright? And tonight we can Videochat, I'm sure Aiden will enjoy that as well." Liam replied and got a whispered "Yes." as reply.

"Please drive safe." Niall added.

"Always do darling, now go back inside and have an relaxed afternoon. We'll be fine, just 5 days."

"Almost 6!"

Liam laughed. "Pshht i love you and I'll see you on Saturday."

"Love you too." Niall replied, before he gave Liam one last kiss and let him get in the car. He waved till the car was completely gone and then went back inside. Okay, this is weird. No Liam and no Aiden. What now? After walking around the empty apartment for a while Niall decided to warm up some leftover lunch and call Harry. He wished he could have drove back home with his boys, to see his parents- to see Harry and maybe even Louis. But because of the fact that he just started university here it isn't the smartest thing to just leave for a week. And maybe some alone time would be good. Seeing Harrys contact was warming up his heart, god he really is missing his best friend. He called his number quickly while eating with the TV playing in the background.

"Nialler? Is that you- HOW ARE YOU?" Harry exclaimed, screaming through the phone, which made Niall laugh.

"Of course it's me you dumb ass, I'm sorry I haven't called ya during the last few days. I miss you a lots." He said a small smile on his lips. Obviously he had Oliver here, but Oli would never replace the curly guy he called his best friend.

"So what's going on? Last time we spoke you told me Liam and Aiden would come back? Are they already here or are they leaving tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"They just left. That's why I'm calling- I guess. It's so strange being completely alone again, I'm not used to it. But besides that I'm fine, the university is amazing! And the teachers there are cool as well. And Oliver is becoming a great friend too- we will have a movie night next week." Niall explained happy, feeling excitement all of a sudden. 

"So you and Oliver are still talking? What is he like?" Harry sounded off. Different than just a few seconds ago.

"Don't tell me you're jealous Hazza, nobody could ever replace you and you know that, I love you. Oli has become a good friend, and I'm glad I got someone to talk to besides Liam, you know? I'm sure you two would get along pretty well too, who knows maybe we can meet up during holidays... if that's okay with you?"

Niall really wanted Harry and Oliver to get along and was actually kinda scared that they wouldn't like each other.

"I'm not jealous, it's just that we used to spend every day with each other and now I'm basically only hanging out with Lou."

"And Louis isn't as good in playing Mario Kart as me?" The blue eyed one laughed.

"Yeah that too." Harry replied with an chuckle but added: "We talk a lot more now and he's so much more aware about my feelings and we'll being, it's quite adorable... but he's my boyfriend. And you're Niall."

"Well I tell you what Sherlock Holmes you are unbelievable, I thought I was a fish." Niall giggled and he could basically see Harry rolling his eyes.

"You know exactly what I mean. I can't talk with Louis about Louis."

"Well that would be awkward. And I know what you think. As soon as I possibly can- I'll come back home for a few days, but at the moment with university it's not an good idea- did I tell you that I'm currently writing on a short story?" Niall exclaimed happily, pushing his plate to the side.

They talked for over an hour and Niall felt so much better after their call ended. He put the dishes away, humming softly. Then he took a shower, which probably lasted way too long, but he really couldn't care less in this moment. He used Liams shampoo which smelt like lemon and eucalyptus, it always made his hair smell sweet like summer in Spain or Italy. At least that's what it reminded Niall of.
Then he picked up his laptop and opened his writing program. How I Met Your Mother was playing on TV like always. But sometimes background noises are better than complete silence. Niall wrote about three thousand more words till his motivation completely left him. He smartly left the laptop turned on because he knew Liam and Aiden should arrive in London soon, which meant they could video chat for a bit before Aiden had to go to bed. God he hoped the boy wasn't too tired now, he really wanted to talk to his boys. He felt the need to hear their voices before he went to bed himself. God they haven't even been gone 5 hours and he already missed them to death. Great.


4/5 exams are dooone! i also start working again tomorrow which i'm super excited for :) missed it

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