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"Still no baby?" Harry laughed, his voice loud and clear over the phone.

Niall just sighed. "My due date was 2 days ago! I am so sick of this, I'm just rolling around our apartment. I can't move anymore, I'm basically completely useless. Everything is swollen or hurts. And my hope that pumpkin will be here early is long gone." He exclaimed, moving uncomfortably around. The couch was almost more comfortable than the bed at this point. Niall spent most of his time at home these days. His first semester was done and he was currently taking a break from everything. This whole pregnancy felt like it lasted forever but at the same Niall knew he will miss it to death. Not feeling those little but painful kicks? How could he live without them? Or without this constant need to pee.

Okay maybe he could live without that.

He also definitely won't miss not being able to breath normally. All his organs were pushed up or to the side to make space for pumpkin, and it sucked.

"Darling why the hell are you awake at 6:30 in the morning?" Liam grumbled, making Niall turn around surprised. He said good bye to Harry, promising him he would update him with any baby news as quick as he can. 

"I got up to pee. But as soon as I moved up from bed I had this shooting pain in my back again, it was impossible to fall back asleep." Niall replied sighing. "Just talked to Harry. He's sure the baby will come today, and I obviously I asked why he would think that. And he just replied with the date of today. Can you believe today is the first of April?"

The older one let out a chuckle. "I can't even believe that I'm awake yet. But yeah. Still think it would be quite funny if he decides to come today."

"You're alone on that. I want him to come within the next two days, but not today. He decided to skip his due date, now he can wait at least another day." The younger one exclaimed, looking down at his stomach. "I also wish we would have dropped Aiden off at your parents today or tomorrow, and not two days ago. I miss him to death." He cried out. Not literally cried, but he did feel like crying.

"Oh babe, I know it's hard right now, but pumpkin is gonna be here in less than a week! Isn't that crazy? He could be here tomorrow around this time, or you could go into Labour right now." Liam said, his hands moving up to Nialls tummy, touching it softly. "I wanna meet this little guy." He whispered looking down at his hands. Niall smiled for a second before a small frown started to appear on his lips.

"Me too. I'm just so scared of the whole Labour and operation part, what if something goes wrong?" His words were barely audible. Liam let out a low sigh.

"I love you so much darling. You're incredible strong and brave, and believe me when I tell you that you can do it. If there is someone who can go through all of that and welcome another life into this world then it's you. Fears are normal, especially in situations like this. But we are so close... everything will be fine."

"We have an angel baby looking over him as well." The father added quietly, which brought his fiancé's smile back.

"I wish I could hold them both in my arms." Niall mumbled. "But I'm excited for pumpkin to be here. I hope he has your lips and nose-" he added before the older one interrupted him.

"But he gotta have your eyes! If not then we will just have to try again till we get a baby with your beautiful eyes".  Liam let out a laugh as he saw Niall looking at him with a shocked expression.

The younger one began to shake his head, disagreeing. "Trust me- I won't go through this any time soon again." He said, stepping back to sit down. Standing was exhausting. "Do you feel any different so far? Is their any new pain?" Liam asked, kneeling down in front of him.

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