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Christmas time went by much quicker than expected. They went to two family dinners and one lunch. First to the Horan's, then to the Payne's and last but not least to the Styles household. Harry was very excited to be spending Christmas with his best friend again, even if it was only for a few hours. But now it was already December 29th, and their were on the highway driving back to their apartment. They had an unexpected stop not too long ago and that only because a specific someone wanted a Chicken Burger from McDonald's. But since Aiden got a Happy Meal as well, it all went fine.

When they finally arrived, Aiden was still napping in the backseat, not bothered that the car stopped all of a sudden. "Next year we will have two car seats back there." Liam mumbled, a smile appearing on his lips. "Peanut and Pumpkin back there." Niall whispered, his eyes focused on the sleeping toddler. "Less than four months babe, almost three. God that's crazy."

"I just hope he doesn't decide to come on the first of April, that wouldn't exactly be a funny April fool's trick." Niall giggled.

"Oh god I totally forget that this could be a possibility... but honestly? That would be kinda funny." Liam replied getting out to carry their stuff upstairs.

"Of course you think that's funny." Niall said with an eye roll before getting out as well. His belly was growing nicely. He wanted to say it was because of his baby growing, but it probably was because of all the food he ate during the past few days. He already felt huge for this month, and he honestly couldn't imagine how his stomach could grow any more. "Could you take those two bags? They shouldn't be too heavy. I'm gonna take the other three and Aiden." The older one suggests and Niall just nodded, grabbing the bags and a bit of the trash that got produced during the drive.

"I'm almost positive he's gonna wake up on the way upstairs." Liam sighed, taking his son out of the car seat carefully. The little boy grumbled unhappy as the cold air hit his body. "Psssht, everything's fine." Liam whispered, pressing him against his chest. "This snow is pissing me off." He sighed which made Niall laugh.

"It's still December babe. We got at least three more winter months ahead of us." He said, closing his car door. It was really freezing outside, snow falling down slowly on the already white ground. They couldn't wait to just get inside and lay down. Especially Niall. He had to rest much more these days. Pumpkin was still keeping him up at night, doesn't matter what he ate or drank, the baby just wouldn't stop moving. But the fact that his next doctors appointment wasn't far away, was already something to look forward to. He really hoped his doctor could give him some advice. Mrs. Davis already said some useful things so she probably also knew what would help with this. And they get to see pumpkin again, which was obviously always exciting.

"I hope he won't wake up again. Poor thing was completely confused when he woke up from his nap." Liam chuckled.
"Let's see if he's gonna sleep much longer, I think he already was asleep for a good hour in the car." He added, sitting down besides Niall on the couch. "Well I could definitely use some sleep." The younger one mumbled, letting his head fall down onto Liams shoulder.

The father smiled down at him. His fiancé. The mommy of his children. And most importantly, the love he never thought he would find. Who thought getting a babysitter would change his whole life? He wouldn't change this for anything or anyone.

"What are you thinking about big guy?" Niall mumbled questioning, his eyes still closed.

"Big guy?" Liam asked, lifting up an eyebrow in amusement.

"They always use that in shows or movies... and you're a big guy, just thought it fits." The younger one replied, still not bothering to open his eyes.

"I'm a big guy, mhh?" Liam murmured, moving them, so Niall laid down completely on the couch. "Li!" He panted out of surprise. The older one just pressed a few soft kisses over his lovers neck.

"Sneaky bastard. I asked you a question."

"If I'll answer you, are we gonna have sex?" He asked, not pulling away from Niall. The younger one rolled his eyes. "You know exactly that we will have sex either way. Just tell me why you were so lost in thought." He replied.

"So why not do right here right now?"

"I thought I was the horny person in this relationship?" Niall laughed.

The older one kept placing kisses, slowly moving up to Nialls lips before stopping to speak up. "Well you have a horny phase during your pregnancy and I'm... I'm always horny."  He let out an chuckle. "And I honestly just thought about how lucky I am to be here. The fact that I met you, that we moved in together, that we are expecting a baby- and we are getting fucking married! And it all happened so fast, I just love you so fucking much."

Niall almost cooed listening to Liam.
"Well I didn't expect that- god you're such a hopeless romantic, I love you too." Niall giggled, now being the one pressing his lips against Liams.

"I'm not a hopeless romantic!"

"Stop arguing, you definitely are."

"But only for you, no one else will ever get to see my softie side." Liam hummed with a smirk. Niall was chewing on his lip, trying to stop a smile from sneaking onto his face. "My big softie." He whispered, deepening the kiss. Liams grip tightened around Nialls waist, his tongue pushing into Nialls mouth without any complaints from the younger one. "Fuck Li-Liam-"

"Yeah sweetheart?" The father breathed out. His hand was moving up, grabbing Nialls face gently. „What do you want?"

„I- I want you to fuck me. Right here."

„Can do, will-" Liam started but a loud cry stopped him. They stayed quiet for a few seconds, listening till a almost louder sounding cry was heard. That was Niall's cue to get up, quickly pushing Liam off him to run to their sons bedroom.

The older one let his head fell back down, a sigh leaving his mouth. „Oh c'mon on!"
After a good minute of just breathing and calming down he got up as well, going to look for his two boys. When he went into the bedroom Niall was sitting down on Aidens bed, holding the boy in his arms, one hand softly stroking his back.

„Is everything alright here?" He asked quietly, kneeling down in front of them.

Aiden was still sniffling, his face buried in his mommas chest. „A bad dream. Must have been a pretty terrifying one." Niall whispered and the older one nodded understanding. Aiden didn't had those kind of dreams often, but when he does it always is hard to calm him down again. „Wanna sleep with daddy and mommy today?" The younger one asked and Aiden quickly nodded, still not letting go. Niall smiled. „Okay let's go lay down."

„Babe does that mean-„

„I think you already know the answer to that Mr. Payne. But if you're extra nice to me then maybe tomorrow." Niall winked.


i literally only find time to write on sundays, which is why i finish every chapter last minute- but better late than never. weird filler chapter but i hope you liked it :)

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