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I held my phone with a few centimeters away from my ear. My body filled with surprise and anxiety.
It was silent. Nobody said anything.

That is not my mom.

Definitely not.


"Hello? This is Mr Horan right?" The deep voice asked again. And I could still hear everything the person said loud and clear, even with the fact that my phone wasn't right next to my ear. Damn this voice... I heard it before! This couldn't be happing right now. Did I really just embarrass myself again? Awesome.

"I'm gonna end the call if nobody answers, alright?" The man spoke up once again, but I heard a little laugh at the end.

The laugh that I remember just as clearly as the voice. And slowly an face starts building itself up in my head and I could see those full, pink lips, the cute nose and those beautiful big puppy eyes again.
Mr. Payne.

Liam Payne.

Oh fuck it. I need to be dreaming. Right, this is just a dream, a wis- that would never happen to me in real life. Many people sound similar on the phone, it's probably not even him.

"But I would be really honored, if someone would say something, because I really need a babysitter for my son." He finished talking.

Deep breaths Niall.
"Uhm Hi?" I replied quietly and I could almost feel how my cheeks were slowly turning red.

"Mr Horan?"

"Yeah that's me, I-I'm sorry. I just didn't  expect a call from you. Not at all to be honest." You can clearly hear how nervous and completely overwhelmed I am with this whole situation.

"Oh don't worry everything is fine. I think I haven't really introduced my self yet. My name is Liam Payne, Boss of the company PaynesGroup and also in desperate need of a good Babysitter." He explained.

"Oh uhm, yeah I know who you are.I remembered your voice."
That was not weird at all. Not weird at all.

"How's that?" Liam replied in confusion.

"Oh god- sorry! I didn't want to come off like a stalker or something, you just talked about your job before in one of my classes..."

"Oh! Well that's a bit odd, because I can't really remember you or I don't know if I even saw you, I'm sorry." He laughed.

"You went to a lot of classes and you saw many students, so why should you remember me?" I replied, and couldn't do anything about the sad undertone in my voice. Damn it Horan. Get your shit together, this is not about your none existing love life, it's about a job and u future!

„Oh trust me. I remember a few faces, some because of questions or really...weird comments and others because I thought the person looked interesting or ...cute."

„Oh, then I bet you will not remember me at all. I'm a way too shy to ask any questions and I'm not interesting and especially not cute." I exclaimed with a little smile on my lips.

„Doesn't matter, we will see about that later, so would it be okay for you, if we could meet up on Friday? I want to get to know the person who wants to babysit my boy, before I let them to him." He suggested.

He wants to meet up! With me. Oh my fucking god. I will just embarrass myself even more. This can't end good. But I need the job, I need to make a good impression!

"Your son is three, if I remember it right?" I asked fast before he could say anything else.

"Yes you remember it correctly, he is three. So is Friday- let's say 5 pm, okay with you? We could meet up at that Café, which opened recently. I would also bring Aiden along with me, so I can see how he reacts and how you two are together." He exclaimed.

"Mhh yeah sounds good, so I'll see you Friday. Thank you so much Mr Payne."

"Oh please call me Liam! And no problem see ya Friday." Liam replied before he ended the call.

I am dead. So dead. So fucking dead.
What did just happen. Have I really talked to Mr Payne. Mr hot as fuck Payne? Oh wait- he said I could call him Liam. God I'm allowed to call him Liam.

I need to relax. Calm down. Stop screaming and stop having a mental breakdown. If everything ends good,he will be my boss, nothing more. My boss. And he will never think that I'm cute. God I shouldn't have any hope about that.

So let's just hope that I'll get this job. That's the only thing I should think about right now... he will also pay well, so I don't have to worry about my future, university wise.

"IS EVERYTHING OKAY UP THERE?" I heard the voice of my mom screaming from downstairs. So she's home now, that's good.

"EVERYTHING IS OKAY, I'M SORRY MA!" I screamed back just as loud. God I feel like one of those basic teenager girls, who got asked out to prom from their crush.
The only difference is: I'm not a girl who got asked out to prom. It's more like a job interview I got asked out to. From a man, who is 6 years older and has a son. A successful, beautiful, hot man.
I think I should call Harry back. I really need someone who is just like me. An emotional mess, who definitely needs some other company than my bed and my headphones.

"You mean the hottie in the suit?! Oh my god Niall that is a sign! I bet you two will fall in lo-"

"No don't say it! Don't even think about those words Harold. You know me, I'm awkward and ...a-and just -" I started exclaiming but couldn't think of any more words that would describe what I want to say.

"Aren't we all a bit awkward?" Harry replied.

"Yeah but you're awkward together with Louis. Your damn Boyfriend and I'm just alone, with some problematic family issues."

"Oh c'mon don't exaggerate, yeah the situation you are currently in is not the best but it isn't your fault. And just think about your- no our future. When we finally finish school, get jobs and start thinking about creating our own little families. Isn't that thought insane! Everything will be different. And our kids can play together!"

Now I needed to laugh. "Oh Hazza." I mumbled. "What would I do without ya."

"You would probably end up as the first kid Louis and I will adopt."

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