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"My Boy! Did you have fun today?" Liam asked his son as he held him tight in his arms.

In his extremely strong and
muscular arms. Niall thought.
Aiden told him earlier, that his Daddy has many tattoos on his arms, and that he wants to have just as many as him.
But the point is, Liam had tattoos! Like- a lot. And Niall wants to see them all.

„Fun Daddy! We made C-wokies. And Ni Ni made soup. Dadda hungry?" Aiden asked, looking up to his Father.

„You made food for me as well? That's so nice of you little one. Of course I'm hungry, work was pretty exhausting today."

„Okay we h-hawe food for u. Yummy food." Aiden said excited. „Ni Ni, where soupie?" He asked.

Niall just watched the two boys quietly and listened till Aiden asked him.

„I-uhm it's in the fridge, I can go and heat it up real quick, yeah? Niall mumbled, cheeks slowly turning red. Why is he so nervous? He was totally fine the whole time, and just because of the fact that Liam is here now, he freaks out again. Oh gosh I'm acting like a teenage girl. Niall thought.

Before Liam could reply, Niall was gone.
„Huh, Niall is pretty fast, isn't he?" The older brunette asked his son, who just looked back with a confused face.

A few minutes later, Liam and Aiden still waited for Niall to come back.
"Okay Peanut, you're gonna finish reading this book, while I'm gonna search for Ni Ni, is that alright?" Liam asked, as he slowly started worrying about the babysitter.

The little boy agreed and took his book opening the page, he and Niall had stopped reading.

Liam found Niall in front of the microwave where the younger man waited for the soup to get warm. "Niall?"

Slightly surprised Niall turned around in one quick motion. "Uhh-...the soup is almost hot enough." He mumbled quietly.

"That's amazing, I'm really hungry now, it smells amazing in here."

"I hope it tastes as good as it smells." Niall replied with a shy smile.

"Ah I'm sure it will. If Aiden loved it, I'll probably love it as well." Liam explained with a soft laugh at the end.
"Oh and Niall?"


"Don't be so shy, you're doing wonderful so far." Liam said and looked the blue eyed one deep in the eyes. Which made Niall pretty uncomfortable. I mean deep eye contact with Liam? Oh gosh.

"U-uhm thank you Mr. Payn- oh  I mean Liam." He muttered nervous.

"No Problem. I'm happy that I found you for my son. I mean to babysit him-not know be the other dad. Not that you wouldn't be good for that but- oh god I made everything even more awkward, didn't I?" Liam mumbled, with a nervous laugh at the end.

Now he was the one with a dark red blush on his face. Liam doesn't want it to look like that he only employed Niall to use him for his personal preference. Because he definitely hasn't.

"Oh uhm no it's fine, don't worry. It's a really big compliment for me." Niall said quietly. "But I'm sure I wouldn't be the best option for Aiden's father or mother, I mean- look at me." Niall laughed and tried to make the situation they were in less odd. But it seemed that he even made it worse.

"What do you mean with "look at me"? Are you kidding me, Niall you're doing amazing with Aiden, I'm sure with kids in general. And I don't wanna sound too weird, but y-you are pretty cute and lovely as well."

After Liam had finished, Niall was literally a mess trying to keep his emotions together. Did Liam Payne really just said that he's cute? CUTE?

"U-uhm I, you - you think I'm cute?" Niall stuttered.

"I'm sorry, if-"

Liam stopped speaking when he heard the "bing" of the microwave.

"DADDY? NI NI?" Aiden screamed seconds later. And with that the conversation between the two men completely died.

"I'm...gonna look what he needs, the soup should be really hot, so be careful." Niall mumbled before he left the kitchen to go back to Aiden.
He left a confused Liam.

"Shit Shit Shit..." The older one mumbled to himself. Did he scare Niall away now?

"Ni Ni? Where Dada?" The tiny boy asked when he saw Niall walking up to him.

"Your Daddy is eating his soup now. Have you finished reading this book? Are you ready for bed?"

"Bed? Nooo! Aiden no tired." He confessed.

"But it's past your bedtime now little one. Let's go brush your teeth." Niall said, and held out his hand for Aiden to grab and get up from the couch.

"Daddy coming too?" He asked.

"Yeah he's gonna say good night as well. Now c'mon."

"And Ni Ni stay here t-wtonight? Play tomorrow!" He let out excited.

"No I can't sleep here, little bear. But I'm gonna be here later tomorrow to play with you." Niall explained while putting toothpaste on Aidens blue Dragon toothbrush.

"Mhh owkay!"

Aiden did a good job brushing his teeth, he always showed Niall how he cleaned every single tooth.
"Lwook! All clean! Time is up." Aiden pointed at his little "teeth-clock" which he got from his first dentist visit. The clock had a 3 minute timer, so Aiden new exactly how long he was supposed to brush his teeth.

"You're done? Let's go to bed then, little bear. I'm sure your daddy will say good night as well in a few minutes."
Aiden nodded and went to his room, still holding Nialls hand.

"Can I get a Night Night Kiss?" The little boy mumbled questioning.

"A good night kiss? U-uhm of course."

Right when Niall presses his Lips on Aidens forehead, Liam got in the room.

"Good Night little bear, sweet dreams. I'll see you tomorrow." Niall whispered, but Liam could still hear it.

He started smiling. Niall is an awesome babysitter. The perfect one for Aiden. And maybe even the perfect match for Liam himself, but that's a different topic.

Today is just Nialls first work day at the Payne household, there is still enough time to get to know Niall, and for the younger man to warm a little bit up and don't be as shy anymore.

But Liam was excited about the future. He hopes everything will go well.

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