forty eight

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Taking off their clothes took a few minutes, but it couldn't be more perfect in Nialls opinion. Liam gave him all the time he needed, and he was just so fucking thankful for that. After both men got naked, Niall stood there, kinda ashamed, just looking at the floor. Covering up his privat area.

That was till Liam took one of Nialls hands in his to guide him to the bathtub, which was filled with bubbles. Both stepped into it and Liam took place behind Niall, so his boyfriend was sitting in between his legs. After Niall got used to the situation he even leaned into Liams chest, and sighed relaxed. The older one rapped his arms around him, and laid his chin on Nialls shoulder.

" you enjoy this?" Liam mumbled questioning, softly stroking through Nialls hair.

"Yeah, this is so relaxing, we should do this every day." Niall whispered, eyes closed, looking like he could fall asleep any second.

"Wouldn't say no to that." Liam replied huskily.

Niall giggled.
"Ya horny Mr Payne?"

"A little bit Mr Horan, but won't be much longer...right?" He replied, his hands wandering over Nialls body and slowly going under the water.

Nialls mouth left a quiet moan as he felt Liams hands around his still soft cock.
"What a-are you do-doing Li?"

"Starting our night a bit early? Is that alright with you love?
I'm kinda in the mood right now..." The father murmured, which made Niall reply a cheeky "I can feel that.".

"Well but I can feel that I'm not alone, so what do you say,
wanna take this to the bedroom?" Liam asked quietly with an deep voice.

Niall moves his head around so he was looking at Liam. He was a bit nervous. But at the same time he was really excited. He loved to be close to Liam, it just felt incredible every time they touched each other or just simply kissed.

"Yeah okay. I'm ready." Niall finally replied, which made the biggest smile grew on his boyfriends face. That made Niall even more sure that he was ready.

"Alright, alright- I'm gonna set some things up, and you can enjoy the bath a few more minutes, and then I'll call you when everything is finished, okay? Liam exclaimed quickly, his voice filmed of excitement.

Niall nodded. "Okay Li."

With that Liam slowly got out of the still pretty warm water and dried himself off with the dark grey towel. Niall couldn't take his eyes of him, god he looked so hot.

Liam pulled up a pair of dark bluish almost grey looking sweatpants and left the room with a soft "I love you." , which Niall replied immediately.

As soon as the door closed behind him Niall got up as well. He dried himself off and put some nice smelling body lotion on. Then he tried to open the door quietly, slowly stepping outside and looking around in the bedroom. Liam wasn't in there, Niall presumed he probably went downstairs to get something.

But still- he could come back any second, so Niall had to be fast.
He went to his packed clothes and searched for one special thing he added before they left earlier today.

"Ah there they are!" He whispered happily, pulling the light blue, lace panties out. He quickly went back in the bathroom, when he heard Liam coming back.

He closed the door quietly again and as soon as he was sure that Liam didn't came back, he put on the panties, he waited to wear for a while now. They felt soft on his skin, and looking in the big mirror he thought he looked really pretty. Hopefully Liam would think so too. "Okay I can do this, I can do this." He whispered to himself. Niall still put on a pair of sweatpants, because he obviously didn't want to give away the surprise.

He also brushed his teeth really quickly, just to get a fresh breath, ya know? He wanted to be perfect for Liam.

A few seconds of Niall staring at himself in the mirror got interrupted by a loud and clear: "NI?"

The younger one took a deep breath, before he replied just as loud with a "I'm coming!".

When he stepped out of the bathroom, he could already see that the door to the bedroom was slightly opened. He opened it without much thinking and looked the around. The first thing that catches his eyes was the bed, well it took over most of the room, so obviously it was the first thing in his few. The bed looked unmade and had a few rose petals sprinkled over it. Niall could also notice the condom package and lube laying on the mattress.

Even though it was dark in the room, bigger and smaller candles were placed everywhere, lighten up the room in a soft light. It just looked a lot more romantic. "Oh Li, this looks amazing..." Niall whispered, almost speechless because of what the man has done for him.

Nobody had ever shown so much affection and love for only him. It's incredible.

"You like it my love?" He whispered and came closer to his boyfriend to take him into his strong arms. Niall could feel Liams hot skin against his own, because they were both shirtless.

"It's so beautiful, thank you so much for this." The younger boy replied quietly, lifting his head up, looking at Liam, who smiled at him.

"Only the best for my princess. But the good part is just about to begin." He murmured huskily.

Nialls cheeks got red quickly.
"I'm ready. I know you'll take good care of me. I'll trust you." He said.

Liam gave him a smile before he pressed his lips against Nialls, who returned the kiss immediately. With a soft grip on Nialls hip the older one whispered "jump" against Nialls lips and his boyfriend did as ordered. He jumped and wrapped his legs around Liams waist. The father carried him to the bed and laid him down carefully, their lips connected again but after a while they both realized they needed air so they let go, hard breaths were filling the room. Their foreheads still resting against each other's.

"I l-love you." Niall stuttered softly. Totally overwhelmed with this whole situation.

"Love you more darling." The older one murmured deeply, before he went down to Nialls neck, placing soft kisses before sucking at one spot harder. He absolutely adored marking Niall as his.


heyy my lovers, everything's still going alright? i started my internship and well- it's okay but not really something i like to do lol

i hope you enjoyed this chapter(i haven't read over it again oopsie), I'm still unsure how to write the next one haha 🧸🤎

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