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"Liam I'm ready..." Niall breathed out. But Liam didn't budge and kept sucking on Nialls neck. "LIAM MOVE!" The younger one literally yelled out. Liam pulled away quickly.

"You're sure angel?" He asked.

"Yes, now!" Niall huffed out with an eye roll, but added an, in Liam's opinion, adorable "please".

Then he could suddenly feel Liam move, he started thrusting deep inside his boyfriend.

Nialls hands which were holding on to Liam, fell from the older ones neck down to the bed. He clenched onto the bedsheets while Liam was making him loose his mind.
"Oh god I waited so long for this moment." Liam moaned out, going a bit faster then before.

While Liam was thrusting deep and good, he pulled Nialls face close to his, feeling the other ones heavy breath. Niall looked up, smiling shyly at him.

As Niall connected their lips, Liam kissed back instantly and pushed his tongue into his boyfriends mouth. Niall then let him suckle on his tongue. It still was weird for him to be that close to someone. Like don't get me wrong- it felt absolutely amazing. But Liams tongue was pushed in his mouth and his dick was feeling hot inside of him, making him feel extremely full.

"Mhhh, fuck- D- ahhh ..." Niall moaned loudly. Liam seemed satisfied with the sounds the younger one made, because he started hitting the same spot repeatedly, making Niall drag his fingernails down his back. He also heard the letter "D" leave Nialls mouth softly and god- he hoped that would turn into the word he craved to hear.

"I'm- I think- oh god..."

"Ya need to come baby?" Liam murmured huskily, whereupon Niall nodded eagerly.

"Y-yeah I think so... god that feels so fucking g-goood! Daddyyyy...- Oh fuck!" He moaned, squeezing Liams skin hardly.

There was it. A big smirk appeared on the older ones lips. It seems like someone has a little daddy kink, mhm? They were perfect for each other.

"Hold it, love. Just a bit longer." Liam panted, hitting Nialls prostate repeatedly, like before.

"I don't think I can h-hold it any longer." Niall almost cried. He never felt such intense pleasure, it's driving him insane.

"Just a second baby-" The father replied, burying himself ball deep while taking ahold of Nialls member in his hand. He started to jerk him off, making the younger one sob from the feeling of holding his climax in.

"D- Daddy..." He moaned out loudly, but stopped rapidly with his eyes wide open.
"Do y-you like it when I call you that?" He stuttered nervously.

Liam looked up at his boyfriend, with the most loving smile on his face. God Niall looked beautiful right now.

"Please never stop calling me that, alright? It's such a turn on, and now c'mon Princess, come for me."

And with that Niall came hard, shooting hot stripes of cum all over Liam's hand and body. Just a few seconds later Liam buried his head in the crook of Nialls neck and came inside the condom with a loud groan. The older one was now fully laying on top of Niall.

"I'm sorry love. Let me- just-catch my- breath." Liam mumbled between pants, sounding exhausted.

Niall giggled.
"Take your time Li." Niall breathed out.
He really loved being this close to Liam.

Liam still had his, now definitely softer, dick buried deep inside the younger one, but neither of them seemed bordered by that. It felt good.

"I love you- so fucking much." Liam murmured pressing his lips against Nialls.
Niall lips started moving as well, but he stopped and replied a short "I love you too." before he kept going.

"I hope you enjoyed your first time love?"

Niall smiled shyly once again. "It was perfect, thank you so much, I can't believe this actually happened..." He breathed out.

"Don't thank me, I should be the one who says thanks, you gave me something so special tonight, and I will never forget it darling." Liam said, smiling back and placing kisses all over Nialls face.
"What do you think about a quick shower, and then we can try to make dinner?" He added, still placing kisses on his lovers face.

The younger one nodded quickly. "Sounds amazing, I'm really sticky and sweaty." He said, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Me too love, don't be shy now." Liam laughed. He slowly pulled his dick out of Niall, which made the blue eyed one shiver because of the unpleasant emptiness he felt so unexpectedly.

Liam chuckled. "Let's go love. Get all clean and fresh." He said getting up but pulling Niall right up with him.

The younger giggled bc he got pulled up so quickly. He always was amazed because of how strong Liam was. I mean have you seen that man's arms?

For the rest of their night they were as close as never before, they barely stopped touching each other. Liam always had his arms rapped around Nialls waist, or they placed kisses on each other's lips, or cheeks or Liam especially loved to kiss his boyfriends nose. Nothing big happened in the shower, they just enjoyed the time they could be close together, and they were obviously touching each other wherever and whenever they could. Niall's body was covered in hickeys and also Liam had a few over his neck and chest. They looked like two horny teenagers in love. But well - they weren't even that far away from being just that.

"Where did you learn to cook that well my love?" Liam mumbled as they stood in the kitchen, making their late night dinner.

"I'm just doing what the packaging says, and put in what feels right, I'm not even that good." The younger replied without turning around.

"Well I think you're fantastic princess." The father exclaimed, setting his head down on top of his boyfriends one, so that his chin was softly touching Nialls hair.

"T-thank you Li, I think the pasta should be done in a few minutes, i hope you're hungry because it's a lot." Niall mumbled looking down at the food.

"Oh I'm hungry, believe me." Liam said huskily with a small smirk on his lips.

"Liam we literally just had-"

"I know- I know. It just felt amazing, you know love? It has been a while since I've done something like that till I met you. And god, now that we are here, and alone, I just think we should use all the time we have." The last words left Liams mouth like a whisper.

"Well, I wouldn't- wouldn't say no to that ... but not today. Maybe tomorrow, I can still feel a bit of pain..." The younger one replied, his face looked painted red.

"That's fine with me love, this is your weekend, we do everything when you want. I just can't get the idea of you riding me out of my head... remember our conversation from before?"

Niall could remember their conversation clearly. He remembered what he said. And well, being on top of Liam still didn't sounds too bad. But he was just way too exhausted for that now.

"Yeah...I do... and I still would like to try
i-it. But not tonight, I'm tired."

A huge smile appeared on Liams face. "Of course darling."


hello, I hope y'all liked this chapter.
the smut (or love making,
whatever ya wanna call it)
is over for now hehe

remember to take care of yourself, wash your hands, wear a mask and think positive 💛 love ya

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