seventy two

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"You sure you won't need all your bedding? What if-"

"No mom. You know Liam has a full furnished house? And he has more than enough bedding. It's the last thing I need to take with me." Niall interrupted his mother with a chuckle.

The plan was that Liam and Niall will load everything in the car while Nialls parents watch Aiden, turns out Maura just couldn't sit and watch and had to help. So while Bobby was coloring with Aiden, and Liam was carry boxes filled with Nialls stuff to the car, Maura and Niall were arguing about what to take with him and what not. It's not like the other stuff will be all thrown out, it just will stay here.

"Okay but what's with all of your cds and vinyls?" She asked next, holding up the red Lewis Capaldi Vinyl. Niall smiled.

"Of course I'll take them with me. Especially this one. It's my go-to cry album." He laughed, taking the Vinyl out of his mother's hands, right as Liam came back upstairs, breathing heavily from running to the car and back.

"We don't have much more space if wanna take Aiden back home with us." Was what he said after he calmed down a bit.

Maura chuckled. "Well I have no problem with him staying here."

"Thought so." Niall replied, with a smile. "But we only have one box left. The rest are just books I don't really need. So we should be fine."

"Can't wait to load that stuff from the car into the house, it will be so much fun." Liam said sarcastically but Niall just laughed, giving him a hug, cuddling against his body.

"Well you can see it as your workout for today." He mumbled.

"Oh trust me, I do."

"Well let's bring the rest downstairs, and then we can maybe have a tea? Or coffee, whatever you would like. I just wanna spend a bit more time with my grandson." Maura exclaimed, going downstairs, leaving the two alone.

"I'm so excited for all of your stuff being at our house... can't wait to wake up next to you." Liam whispered, to keep the quiet atmosphere. The younger one giggled.

"Me too. There are quite a few things we can do then..." He murmured, hiding a blush.

Liam lifted up an eyebrow in surprise. A smirk slowly appearing on his face.
"What kind of things are you talking about?" He asked in a whisper.

"Uhm- I- doesn't matter. You'll find out soon enough." Niall replied quickly, pulling away. "Let's go have a tea now."

"Dada lwook! It's a wrabit!"

"Oh that's a nice rabbit you colored there. It looks amazing." Liam said, looking at the yellow and green rabbit in Aidens new coloring book.

"He's so creative." Niall mumbled happily, while looking at the boy who searched for a new picture to color.

"Yeah he is. I wonder what he will be when he's older." Liam said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Don't you want him to get into your business?" Bobby asked interested.

Niall looked up, wanting to know the answer as well. Liam shook his head.

"No. I mean- obviously it would be amazing but I will never pressure him into this. It's a lot and it's hard. And if you're not made for the job you will not be happy. And who knows. I definitely wanna have more kids in the future so maybe one of them would want to step into my footsteps." He explained and while Niall smiled with a loving expression on his face, all Maura heard was the more kids part.

"About how many kids are you talking about? I can't wait to have more grandchildren! But Niall you would have to be really careful and you couldn't go to school at the same time-"

Nialls eyes went wide as he heard that.
"Oh god stop." Niall breathed out, interrupting his mother right away.
"We told you already that we won't have more kids any time soon."

"I know- I know, sorry my dear.
I'm just excited." She confessed, and Niall nodded, looking back at Aiden, who decided to color the monkey next.

"But you will let me know if you're-"

"GOD MOM. I'm not pregnant. We're using protection. Don't get your hopes up. When I ever will be pregnant, you're gonna be the first one to know, I promise."

"Excuse me?" Liam asked, as he heard his boyfriends words. "What's with the father of the baby?" He added questioning.

"You mean to the baby that's not even existing?" Niall asked and Liam pouted.

When the three arrived back home, after a long goodbye from Nialls parents, Aiden got laid down for quiet time. Which he could either use to nap or just play nicely by himself. With that, Liam and Niall had enough time to bring all of the things inside. "It's so weird, now I'm finally moved out of my childhood home."

"Yeah kinda. I moved out a bit earlier than you, but I also had a kid." Liam chuckled. "I'm so happy that you're here with us now, I hope you know that you will never move out again." He said.

The younger one nodded. "Me too. And that's just the start, who knows what the future will bring." He smiled.

"I know for sure, that the future can only get better and better with you by my side."

"Oh you're a sap."

"Yes but you're the one that made me like this." Liam defended himself. "I would say we unpack your clothing first, and after that we will find a place for your books and cds. I think the bookshelf downstairs in the living room would be a good place. We can put your school stuff in the office for now. Maybe I can create a little workspace for you. But don't worry we will make it work, the house is big enough." The father chuckled.

Niall smiled. "I'm sure we will."

"Sooo... where did you put your panties?" Liam asked opening the suitcase, but Niall slapped him on his arm as response.

"Auuu, that hurts. Excuse me?"

Niall rolled his eyes. "Well my underwear is somewhere in there, but I don't only own panties! I barely own any. I just bought some for you..." He mumbled embarrassed.

Liam smirked. "Oh really? Well I have to buy you some more then."

"Liam! Stop already." Niall mumbled, cheeks turning red. But the older one only laughed.


i wrote this chapter while sitting outside in the sun hehe (because we finally had a warm sunny day again) hope ya liked it!

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