fifty six

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"DADDY DADDY! Lwook mommy back!" Aiden exclaimed happily as he was running to his father who was still standing in the door frame. Niall had to hold back a laugh, as he watched the boy walk over all the mattresses where the other kids still were sleeping on.

"I see that peanut but remember, we have to be quiet, all of the kids are still asleep. Let's get you dressed." Liam replied in a soft tone.

"Mommy dress me!" Aiden insisted grinning, making Liam roll his eyes. But let's be honest, he was just glad his boy is happy again.

"Alright, whatever you want baby." The father replied, before he grabbed Nialls hand, and said goodbye to Vanessa.

"Told ya he would be happy to see you."  He mumbled deeply into Nialls ear as they were following their little boy.

Liams voice gave Niall goosebumps all over his body.

"Just as happy as me princess." The older one added sneakily.

"Liam James Payne, stop it right now!" Niall said embarrassed.

"Mommy is a princess?" Aiden giggled.
Before Niall could even open his mouth, Liam spoke up.

"Yeah the prettiest one on this whole planet, but do you know what peanut?" He asked looking down at his son who stopped walking, starring at his father expectant.

"You're the most handsome little prince on this planet." He finished saying, and Aidens eyes got wide.

"Rweally?" He asked excited. As Liam nodded, Aiden clapped his hands full of  happiness. "How cool!" He exclaimed. Niall giggled quietly.

The little boy was quickly changed in his regular clothes so they could leave, to go out for the promised ice cream.

"I WANT TYE BLUE ONE! AND THE PINK ONE TOO? Pwlease Daddy!" Aiden pleaded loudly as he saw all the colorful ice cream flavors.

"I would like the mint and the cherry one Daddy." Niall whispered in Liams ear right after Aiden. The older one was slowly turning around, giving him a dead glare.

"Alright princess." He replied, loudly but whispered a "Don't you dare to make me hard in public." shortly after that.

Niall laughed loudly. He loved how he just can be himself around Liam. The father himself just took the chocolate brownie flavor, after he ordered for his little family.

"Can we eat in the dardar?"

"It's called a car Aiden." Liam corrected him. "And I'm sorry but you know you're not allowed to eat things like ice cream in Daddy's car."

"Oh alright Daddy." Aiden moaned out in annoyance. "Bwut we can go on walk?" He asked making big eyes.

"Yeah that's a good idea peanut." Liam replied, walking to the left so the little Boy was in the middle and Niall was all the way on the right, away from the street.


"Yeah love?"

"What's the plan for the rest of the day? I mean- I can't sleep over at your place because I have school tomorrow and I still don't know what's with my dad..." Niall asked unsure.

Liam gave him a thoughtful look.
"Mhh I'm not sure... but you come definitely back home to Aiden and me for now. I can bring you home after dinner?"

Niall nodded without much thinking.
"Yeah that's good. I just have to call my mom later..." he mumbled thinking, checking the time on his phone.

Liam sighed he just wished everything would be a bit easier. He know it will be in the future but right now it's just hard, with Niall being still in school, Nialls dad still being against us and Niall himself wanting to move away for his dream job.
It will take a lot of time and patience to figure out how everything could work out, but Liam was sure they will do it. They had to.

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