seventy eight

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He's unzipping my jeans and steering me toward the bed. Before I can even blink, I'm on my back, my shirt is off just like his. "Oh fuck- how could I ever live without this?" I murmured, not caring about a single thing. I was way too hard to be embarrassed. And I could tell Liam was too. He kissed down my neck and mumbled sweet words for only my ears to hear, which I adored. God I love this man. He's always caring and romantic, always putting his own needs to the back.

I felt Liam softly pulling at my boxer shorts, so I quickly lifted up my hips so he could pull them off in one quick motion. If I would have known that we will have the night for ourselves I probably would have put on a pair of panties, but doesn't matter now.

I was spreading my legs wide open, so he would have more space, which he used right away. Leaning down he pressed his lips on mine, sucking at my tongue, causing me to let out a moan.

My dick was was pressed up against him. And as he was still kissing me, I felt one of his fingers slowly sliding inside me.

"Jesus- Li!" I murmured, closing my eyes.
"God I want you so bad... please." Those words left my mouth before I could stop them. I was basically begging him, pushing my hips against his. Embarrassed? Not even a little.

He added two more fingers and started to work them in and out. As I started to move my hips again, he moaned out and removed his fingers slowly. I looked up at him, briefly confused as to why he removed his fingers. "Can you uhm- put them back?" I asked quietly, all of a sudden, feeling my cheeks heat up. Maybe he didn't want to anymore? Damn, why am I getting so concerned again? I don't want to feel this way.

Liam chuckled. "Sorry love, but I want to come inside you." He whispered breathless, which made me shiver, nodding quickly. As he grabbed a condom, putting it on right away, I tried to relax my body as much as possible, to make it easier for him.

"You're ready darling?"

"Yeah, just get in me already. This isn't our first time." I mumbled, pulling him down on me. I noticed his small smile.
Idiot. But a cute one.

"Aright then." He said, applying a bit more lube on his dick, before pushing a few centimeters in easily.

"URGH- fuck." I exclaimed, grabbing the bedsheets tightly. "Keep going." I knew the pain would be over soon. He just had to get in me completely, and that's quick.

"Ya sure Ni?" He hesitated.

"Yes- Liam please, hurry!"

The older one pushed it in completely, without a second thought. "Oh fuck that's tight and you're so warm love." Liam whispered against my ear, driving me completely crazy. He stayed in place, gave me a few seconds to get used to it, before he slowly started to move.

"Oh yesss- mhhpf." I moaned. How could I ever live without him? Without this?
"Can you go faster?"

"Yes babe, faster I can do." He murmured, pressing a kiss on my neck. He picked up the pace and I started to move along with him. I don't know what I was thinking before, but I know I wouldn't last much longer doing it this fast. As soon as he found that one spot it will be over but god I couldn't wait. I felt my whole body starting to tense up. "God right there Daddy!"

Liam smirked. "Found your sweet spot, huh baby?"

"Oh shut up." I exclaimed eyes closed.

"Alright Ni." I got as reply, he was clearly hiding a laugh.

"Not in a rude way. Shut up in a gentle way, you know? Shut up Darling." I replied with a giggle. Liam only moved at a slow pace so I could talk for a minute.

"You're cute."

"That's a nice compliment to get while you're still inside of me." I laughed. Those conversations during and after sex are one of my favorite parts. It just helps me to feel much more comfortable. "I love you."

"Love you too, but uhm could you go a bit faster again?" I asked, and Liam nodded with a chuckle.

They stayed in bed for good 30 minutes till they decided to shower all the sweat off and go downstairs later. While Niall was laying on the couch, scrolling through his phone, Liam was walking around between living room and kitchen, ordering two pizzas. The father just stayed shirtless after they got out of the shower, only wearing some loose fitting, beige sweatpants. Niall loved his view. He even actually took a picture of him, leaning against the wooden doorframe, sticking his tongue out.

"That's gonna be my new background." Niall said happily and Liam laughed.
"How do I look? Let me see." He put his phone on the table, and sat down beside his boyfriend.

"Uh that's not even that bad! I look good."

"Of course you do." Niall whispered, leaning his had against Liams shoulder. He smelled amazing. Just so fresh and- just like Liam. Niall was obsessed.

"Did ya order the pizzas? I'm starving."

"Yes, but they'll take about 40 minutes."

The younger one sighed frustrated. "Okay- what about a small pre-dinner snack? Like...- chocolate?" He asked lifting up both eyebrows.

"Babe no."

"Daddy please." Niall tried again, making pouty lips. Liam rolled his eyes. "Okay, but stop calling be daddy outside of the bedroom, I'm really not in the mood to sit here with a hard dick."

Niall jumped up with a laugh. "Alright babe! Now let's see what we have! I think we had some caramel chocolate? Oh god I hope so." He quickly went into the kitchen looking through their little candy corner. They had a basket filled with all kind of sweets. But mostly, red and green gummy bears, those were Aidens favorite.

"Did you find something?" Liam yelled from the living room. Niall screamed a short "Yes!" back. With a chocolate bar in his right hand and a small water bottle in his left one, he made his way back to Liam. "Come to me love." The father exclaimed, reaching out to his boyfriend.

Niall laughed, before he let himself fall down besides Liam, or more like on top.


"Oh c'mon I'm not that heavy! When I ride you, you never say anything!" He mumbled and now Liam had a smirk on his face. He pulled Niall completely on top of him, hiding his face in the younger ones neck, pressing sweet kisses on Nialls neck.

"Liam!" Niall laughed.


finished this (not even planned to be smut) chapter, a few minutes ago. but couldn't ya leave without a update, huh? happy easter 🧸

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