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The appointment went really good.
Mrs. Davis was extremely kind and explained everything in a way that it was easier to understand. She even explained some things twice, because Liam definitely wasn't joking when he said that he will ask any questions that came to his mind.

They got the first few pictures of their little pumpkin and Liam was holding on to them for dear life. "Li you're driving give me the ultrasound pi-"

"No. I'm perfectly incapable of holding them and driving don't worry your pretty head. I just- god I can't even explain it. I've never got to see Aiden growing up in a tummy and I never got to see much or keep any of the pictures... it's just something special to me." The father explained, eyes not leaving the road once.

Niall gasped. "Oh Li, you're too cute. My heart can't take this. Keep holding the pictures." He replied with a cute pouty face, eyes watering a tiny bit. Damn those emotions. Liam just laughed.

"Dada i see pictures awgain?" Aiden asked from the backseat.

"You can help me put them on the fridge at home alright peanut?" Liam said giving him a short look through the mirror.

Aiden nodded with a smile. He has been all giggly since the appointment. Seeing the tiny tiny baby on the screen today was amazing. He was definitely excited about becoming a big brother. They just hoped it will stay like this. At the moment they were talking a lot about were pumpkin will sleep. For the first few months he's gonna sleep in Liams and Nialls bedroom. But then they really wanted pumpkin and Aiden to share a room. It also was their only real option. They only had two bedrooms.

"When we move back in a few years, pumpkin is getting the most beautiful room ever." Niall said and Liam agreed with a chuckle.

The younger one really wanted to organize and decorate everything in sight, so the fact that there wasn't a nursery to furnish wasn't ideal. Liam wanted to think that his boyfriend was nesting, but he knew he shouldn't address his thoughts out load. Niall would call him crazy.

Liam thought it was adorable.
"But for now we need to look for a crib, I think I would prefer a wooden one, in general I wanna have more natural colors. Obviously we don't know what we are having yet but still- I want a lot of brown and beige." Niall exclaimed.

"You will get whatever you want love."

Back home Aiden consisted on putting up the pictures on the fridge. "So so cute." Niall mumbled happily.

"Oh what I wanted to ask you- what did Harry say to becoming an uncle?" Liam asked, letting Aiden down to start making a cup of coffee.

Nialls eyes widen and he let out a gasp.

Liam turned around confused.
"You haven't told him yet? How's that possible?" He laughed.

But Niall didn't it think it was funny at all. "Oh no. No no no. I forgot to tell him! Oh god I'm a horrible friend! He probably thinks he's not important to me anymore."

"That's stupid. You just had a lot of stuff to deal with, he will understand."

"No he won't! God how couldn't I tell him about my pregnancy- a fucking baby!"


The father let out a heavy breath.
"No peanut. Ducking. The baby is ducking right now. Wanna go and get your books?" He asked, making big eyes which got Aiden excited. "Oh yes! Bwook I can read to baby!" He let out happily.

Liam sighed, while Niall stood there with pouty lips. "Baby- your friend won't be mad or upset, about you telling him a little bit later. We haven't even figured everything out yet. You tell him when you feel ready." He said quietly, taking Niall into his arms. The younger ones head was laying softly on his shoulder.

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